Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Explore how the type of correctional facility or architectural design of a facility can impact various populations of prisoners. Prompt First, identify three correctional facility types | Wridemy

Explore how the type of correctional facility or architectural design of a facility can impact various populations of prisoners. Prompt First, identify three correctional facility types


In this assignment, you will explore how the type of correctional facility or architectural design of a facility can impact various populations of prisoners.


First, identify three correctional facility types or architectural designs in current use that you would like to explore a bit more. Enter one in each open text box in the “Type of Facility/Architectural Design” column of the provided Module Four Assignment Template. Then, identify an inmate population to enter into each open text box in the “Inmate Population” column. You may use the same type of facility/architectural design or inmate population more than once, but you must use a different type or population on which to explore the impact. Select the pairs that interest you the most. You may enter them in any order you wish. For example, you may wish to explore the effects of maximum security facilities on transgendered inmate populations.

Finally, in 100 to 150 words for each impact, explore how each facility type or design impacts the inmate population you selected in that row. You may want to consider the following:

  • What is the physical impact on these inmates?
  • What is the psychological impact on these inmates?
  • How does this facility type or design affect the relationship between inmate and officer?

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  • Identify correctional facility types or architectural designs in current use.
  • Identify an inmate population.
  • Explore the impact of facility types or designs on inmate populations.

What to Submit

This assignment must be completed using the provided Module Four Assignment Template Word Document. Any references should be cited in APA style. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on citations.


CJ 210 Module Four Assignment Template Facility Impact on Inmates

Complete the table below by replacing the bracketed text with your responses. In each row, select a facility type and a population, and under “Impact,” in 100 to 150 words, explore the impact of the facility type on the inmate population you selected in that row. Be sure to cite any references in APA style.

Type of Facility/ Architectural Design

Inmate Population


Example: Telephone Pole Design

Example: Elderly


Telephone pole design institutions have several wings that are connected by a central corridor. These designs can have a physical impact on elderly inmates. Older inmates may struggle getting around the long corridors typically present in these designs. Gaining access to medicine and services can be problematic. These institutions can also have a psychological impact on elderly inmates. Older inmates may feel the stress of being placed with younger inmates. They may feel more vulnerable to being attacked. There could be a sense of social isolation. And, further stress could be felt due to the inability of staff being able to gain control of a corridor in the event of a riot (Siegel & Bartollas, 2018). Further, this design could affect inmate/officer relationships. This type of style creates a distant relationship between officers and inmates. As a result, officers may not realize the unique needs of the elderly inmates and may have the same expectations of them as they do of the younger inmates.

Siegel, L., & Bartollas, C. (2018). Corrections today (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

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