Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Last week, you completed a business report for the owner/GM of House, Hearth and Home in which you evaluated the leadership approach you felt was more effective for the companys situati | Wridemy

Last week, you completed a business report for the owner/GM of House, Hearth and Home in which you evaluated the leadership approach you felt was more effective for the companys situati

 Last week, you completed a business report for the owner/GM of House, Hearth and Home in which you evaluated the leadership approach you felt was more effective for the company’s situation, including the rationale for your selection.

For this week’s Assignment, you will complete your evaluation of House, Hearth and Home by providing to the company owner/GM your recommendations on how he should address the situation. These recommendations are to be presented in the form of a business memo. Be sure to provide specific examples from the case and relevant citations from the Learning Resources, the library, and/or other credible, appropriate academic sources to substantiate and validate your position.


Submit Part 2 of your evaluation of leadership for House, Hearth and Home by addressing the following in the form of a 1.5- to 3-page business memo (excluding references):

  • Based on your evaluation of the situation and considering your assessment of which leadership approach is more effective for this company’s situation, make at least three recommendations for changes that Mr. Coglin should implement to address his concerns.
  • As part of your recommendations, include any risks Coglin should consider that would be associated with a) making each of the recommended changes and b) not making any changes.

Refer to the Week 3 Assignment Rubric for specific grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use this grading rubric to assess your work.

Week 2 Assignment:

An Evaluation of Leadership for House, Hearth, and Home – Part 1

Prepared by: Yaina Delgado

Date: July 16th, 2023

Walden University

WMBA 6000: Dynamic Leadership

Leadership Approaches and Styles

Managers are different from leaders considering that they use various approaches when managing or leading an organization (Gardner et al., 2021). They also possess varying skills that differentiate them in helping the organizations realize their set goals and objectives. Managers control their subordinates in realizing set objectives while leaders dwell in motivating their followers to helping the organization succeed (Benmira & Agboola, 2021). Great leaders could not be good managers while good managers could not be great leaders but some god managers could also be great leaders (Gardner et al., 2021). Many people assume that managers entail focusing on the position and authority while leaders focus in who they are and how they inspire followers. The paper focuses on a case study of management styles in an organization as seen in two managers, Boyd and Simpson. It evaluates their leadership styles and the most effective one for the company, House, Hertha, and Home.

Evaluation of Leadership Theories/Frameworks and Styles

Leadership theories exhibit the leadership styles that many managers or leaders use in executing their duties (Benmira & Agboola, 2021). Leadership theories base on leadership modes and styles. The two managers use different leadership theories and styles based on how they execute their duties and relate with employees. Boyd and Simpson exhibit variations when handling issues at work hence they use different leadership styles. I presume that Boyd was applying the behavioral trait leadership trait theory based on his approach to solving problems within the challenges. He aimed at giving new perspectives and enhancing strong precautions against overlooking various issues to avoid future mistakes. In contrast, Simpson uses the trait theory which focuses on the mental, social, and physical characteristics of leaders.

The differences in leadership styles for the two individuals is evident based on how they handle issues at the workplace. For instance, Boyd confronts and tackles issues directly while Simpsons aims at enhancing peaceful relations at the expense of correctional conflicts. Boyd involves the concerned employees to correct their behaviors to avoid future errors and conflicts. In contrast, Simpson involves a different employee to handle the matter to avoid enhancing more conflicts. Boyd is a go-getter who confronts employees to achieve the desired objectives even if conflicts arise. On the other hand, Simpsons avoided conflicts at all costs unless when Coglin pushed him.

During conflicts, Boyd listened to the employees at fault to understand their reasons for messing and they could realize a reason for compromise. In contrast, Simpson let the issues to remain at bay to avoid enhancing poor relationships as he sent other employees silently to make corrections or deal with the issues. Boyd focused on realizing the set goals and objectives and creating responsible employees hence establishing a good relationship with them. The behavioral trait theory perceives Boyd as a leader while the trait theory sees Simpsons as a manager as he sees confronting employees as the major reason for conflicts.

Assessment of Effective Leadership Approach for House, Hearth and Home

Boyd’s leadership is effective for the organization as he fulfills the position of an effective leader. Boyd has demonstrated that he can work well within a group and help solve any arising issues that could enhance a poor relationship among the group members. For instance, when Coglin witnessed that staff members were violating policies, Simpson would avoid confronting them as he feared conflicts until when he persuaded him to confront such employees. In contrast, Boyd confronted all employees who did not follow instructions and would work with them to create a comprising situation. Boyd wanted to hear out the employee and would help enhance a situation that would balance the organization’s and employees’ needs if there was a strong reason.

Simpson was prone to dismissing employees’ grievances and would even select a different employee to handle issues at the organization as he feared conflicts. Boyd explained to the employees that all actions have consequences and that they should obey the set rules. Boyd was also good at enhancing good relationships with colleagues and subordinates which made him an effective leader. He ascertained the motivations that would see employees working well and having good relationships at the workplace. Boyd always supported the workers that wanted help as he was their leader and would want his employees to remain comfortable. He used the weekend to teach some employees how to run or manage the yard hence improving their performance. Some underachievers however did not like the new idea as they wanted the manager to leave them alone as they liked working by themselves.

Boyd’s approach is effective as it enhances good relationship with employees but also could enhance fear among some employees who fear direct confrontation. His approach ensures that employees remain responsible and they solve conflicts on time. Simpson’s approach was ineffective as it avoided resolving issues on time or enhancing good relationships among workers. It could also enhance an irresponsible workforce but would create good relationships between the manager and employees (Benmira & Agboola, 2021).


Gardner, W. L., Karam, E. P., Alvesson, M., & Einola, K. (2021). Authentic leadership theory: The case for and against.  The Leadership Quarterly32(6), 101495.

Benmira, S., & Agboola, M. (2021). Evolution of leadership theory.  BMJ Leader, leader-2020.

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Week 3 Assignment:

An Evaluation of Leadership for House, Hearth and Home – Part 2

Prepared by: Replace this text with your name.

Date: Replace this text with the submission date.

Walden University

WMBA 6000: Dynamic Leadership


Replace this text with introductory information. Add or remove headings as necessary.

Recommended Changes and Risk Assessment

Add or remove headings as necessary, or adjust the suggested heading title if you prefer. Replace this text with your response to the following: Based on your evaluation of the situation and considering your assessment of which leadership approach is more effective for this company’s situation, make at least three recommendations for changes that Mr. Coglin should implement to address his concerns.

Replace this text with your response to the following: As part of your recommendations, include any risks Coglin should consider that would be associated with a) making the recommended changes and b) not making any changes.


[Please delete this note before submitting your Assignment. For more information about formatting your reference list, please visit the following site: .]

Include appropriately formatted references to support your Assignment. Refer to the Assignment guidelines for further information on the requirements.

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