Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Mind-Mapping - Building out your restaurant concept A mind map is a diagram used to visually organize information. A mind map is hierarchical and shows relationships among pieces o | Wridemy

Mind-Mapping – Building out your restaurant concept A mind map is a diagram used to visually organize information. A mind map is hierarchical and shows relationships among pieces o

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This week you're going to kick-start your creativity. This assignment has 3 parts, so make sure to read the full instructions and you're including all 3 parts to score maximum points. 

The objective: You are going to come up with a unique restaurant concept and name the restaurant.

Part 1: Mind-Mapping – Building out your restaurant concept

A mind map is a diagram used to visually organize information. A mind map is hierarchical and shows relationships among pieces of the whole.

A mind map is quite a straightforward tool, where you take a central concept, and then draw out subconcepts. So, for example, you would write “restaurant concept” in the middle of the page, then draw lines out from there and create sub-nodes with various headings like style, price range, theme, location, menu, etc., and then you would further branch out to provide more detail. They can be more structured, as Example 1 below. Or, they can be more image-based as Example 2 below. In each of these examples, however, all the information makes sense and is actually very well-organized. Each “stem” contains a main thought and sub-points.

Each main thought would be your heading, and each sub-thought would be your sub-heading or “node.” You can use a computer or create freehand. If you create the mind map by hand, make sure that it is legible. 

Part 2: Word Association

Now that you have a solid concept thanks to your mind map, it's time to come up with a cool name. Look through all the elements of your mind map and the connections. Now start making associations with words that come to mind. Word Association is a common word game involving an exchange of words that are associated together. 

For this assignment, you will do a word association session for 5 minutes. Set a timer for 5 minutes and start with one word. Write everything down that comes to mind. If you cannot find a word to start off with, refer to your mind map and pick something that stands out to you or you can just go to a for their word of the day and start with a random word, see where it takes you.

Do not worry about spelling at this point. It’s also not necessarily about speed, but it’s also not about thinking out what the next word will be. Find a good rhythm and write down as many words and phrases that come to mind. Do not use a computer for this exercise.

The ultimate goal is that all these words will inspire the ultimate name for your new, awesome restaurant.

Part 3: Restaurant Name and Concept

Provide your final restaurant name and a two-sentence description of your restaurant. In essence…Is there a theme? What's the vibe? What does it serve? What's special about it?

Submit your mind map, your word association, and your restaurant name with a two-sentence description of the concept to this dropbox by the due date.

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