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Read EACH Students Response Provide THREE references to support your answer to the student I dont care of you use the same references to respond to all three students but each answ


Read EACH Students Response

Provide THREE references to support your answer to the student

I dont care of you use the same references to respond to all three students but each answer MUST have three PEER REVIEWED references to support your response on if you agree or dont agree with the students answer to this weeks questions


Original Question

To what extent, if at all, should leaders delegate decision making authority? Support your position with both research and specific examples.

Student One- KAREN

Delegation is an essential skill for leaders in the healthcare industry as it directly affects the quality of care and patient satisfaction ‌(Crevacore et al., 2022). By effectively delegating tasks, leaders can ensure that every aspect of patient care is handled efficiently and expertly, resulting in improved outcomes and higher levels of satisfaction among patients ‌(Crevacore et al., 2022). Recent studies on delegation have highlighted that leaders hesitate when delegating tasks to individuals who are not already highly skilled or with whom they have a close bond (Venkataramani et al., 2022). However, embracing the practice of delegation can lead to numerous benefits for both managers and their teams (Venkataramani et al., 2022). For example, nurses diligently perform delegation activities multiple times throughout the day, tirelessly striving for the best health outcomes for their patients while considering the resources at hand ‌(Crevacore et al., 2022). Registered nurses (RNs) rely on a diverse team of supportive staff to assist them in delegating patient care tasks ‌(Crevacore et al., 2022). This collaboration ensures that patients receive comprehensive and efficient care under the guidance and supervision of RNs ‌(Crevacore et al., 2022). Deciding to delegate care is no simple matter ‌(Crevacore et al., 2022). Nurses must possess strong leadership and change management skills to effectively navigate this process ‌(Crevacore et al., 2022). They also need to be assertive within their teams, advocating for the best interests of their patients ‌(Crevacore et al., 2022). Nurses must ensure that nursing activities are carried out efficiently and effectively.

The American Nurses Association (2012, pg. 12) states, “In order for safe delegation to occur, nurses must ensure that they follow the five rights of delegation, namely the right task, right circumstance, right person, right supervision and right direction and communication.”

STUDENT TWO- Having employee engagement in the decision-making process has an impact on employee satisfaction. When leaders encourage the participation of the employees, it allows employees to imitate and model their behaviors after those who lead them (Chan, 2019). Employees encouraged to be in the decision-making process will positively affect job satisfaction, affect productivity. Leaders and how they manage an organization where employees are engaged in decision-making affect productivity and turnover (Tran, 2020). Employee engagement is essential to the long-term sustainability of the organization. Engaging employees in the day-to-day when an external issue arises is not feasible, and changes must be made quickly. Organizations with that sense of community and employee engagement will also have a low turnover rate, affecting the financial bottom line. Leaders who foster this type of culture will see the performance and productivity of the organization increase (Wynen et al., 2019). As a leader, encouraging employees to participate in decision-making, primarily when minor issues can be resolved promptly, only benefits the organization.  Employee satisfaction and low employee turnover are connected, benefiting the organization's leadership. Giving subordinates the authority to make decisions and being engaged in the organization contributes to the success of the organization. As a manager at Jamba Juice, I had one worst-performing store in the district within six months; we went from second to last in the district to the second-performing story. What changed was that I went in asking questions and taking suggestions from my employees. I was not from that county (Orange County but from Los Angeles County), where the cultures could not be more different. Having employee engagement and treating them as partners, not subordinates, I built a culture where everyone felt valued.


Chan, S. C. (2019). Participative leadership and job satisfaction: The mediating role of work engagement and the moderating role of fun experienced at work. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 40(3), 319–333.


The allocation of decision-making authority is a critical aspect of effective leadership. Leaders must be careful to have a balance between retaining control and empowering their team members. While some leaders may be more in favor of a unified decision-making procedure to ensure consistency and alignment, others may choose or support a more open concept or approach. This type of leadership styles tends to invite to innovation and creativity. As the director of operations for my school district, the superintendent allows me the latitude to manage this department and make decisions that are overall in the best decision of our students and the district as a whole. I also play a role in advising when to shut down the district and move towards asynchronous learning. Delegating decision-making authority allows leaders to tap into the resource of their team members’ diverse skills, expertise and experiences. By involving employees in the decision-making process, leaders create a sense of ownership and empowerment, motivating them to perform at their best. This ultimately leads to a more cohesive team and team leaders are more likely to reciprocate loyalty and commitment to their supervisor/leader. Furthermore, it can also lead improved efficiency, improved employee morale, and enhanced overall organizational performance (Dwyer, 2017). However, the most important caveat to delegating decision-making between a leader and their team members is trust…trust with boundaries!

Dwyer, L. P. (2017). Learning How to Delegate: An In-Basket Exercise. Journal of the Academy of Business Education, 18, 404–416.

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