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As you are learning from the course materials, research proposals and studies are rooted in problem-solving.


Assignment Content

  1. Competency
    Synthesize a variety of relevant findings in a particular field of study.

    Student Success Criteria
    View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link

 A – 4 – Mastery

Literature review includes at least ten scholarly sources from the last five years that are relevant to the research question. Clear and thorough analysis of the content of the articles reviewed, with basic comparisons of findings in different articles. Exceptional evidence of integrating the literature into an organized discussion.

0B – 3 – Proficiency

Literature review includes at least ten scholarly sources from the last five years that are relevant to the research question. Thoughtful analysis of the content of the articles reviewed, with comprehensive comparisons of findings in different articles. Strong evidence of integrating the literature into an organized discussion.

0C – 2 – Competence

Literature review includes at least ten scholarly sources from the last five years that are relevant to the research question. Brief analysis of the content of the articles reviewed, with basic comparisons of findings in different articles. Some evidence of integrating the literature into an organized discussion.

0F – 1 – No Pass

Literature review has fewer than ten scholarly sources; some or all of the sources were published more than five years ago; some or all of the sources have little relevance to the research question. Insufficient analysis of the content of the articles reviewed, with inadequate comparisons of findings in different articles. No evidence of integrating the literature into an organized discussion.

Go to the Attachment for instructions


2Questions separate paper for the answer , It relates to this assignments

1)  which big questions about this competency remain for you?

2)  How do you think this competency may connect to others in this course?  

Assignment Content

1. Competency Synthesize a variety of relevant findings in a particular field of study. Student Success Criteria View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.

2. Scenario As you are learning from the course materials, research proposals and studies are rooted in problem-solving. Their purpose is to answer a question and/or solve a problem. Another critical step in the process is reviewing previous studies to determine if answers to or solutions for the issue in question already exist. This is known as a literature review, which is an exploration and analysis of the most recent or—in some cases—seminal studies on a particular topic or problem. Using the instructions below, conduct a literature review for an identified research question. Remember that you are examining existing studies about the selected topic, not the topic itself.

3. Instructions Conduct a literature review to help identify how the proposed research study will contribute to the current knowledge about the topic.

· Include at least ten (10) scholarly sources from the last five years that are relevant to the research question.

· In the literature review,  analyze the content of the articles reviewed,  compare findings in different articles, and  integrate the literature into an organized discussion.

· Explain how your proposed study would fill a gap in the literature.

· NOTE – Be sure the documents are in APA format (including title page, font, headings) and contain proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure.

· Resources

· Literature Review Guide  

· Writing the Literature Review

· How can I meet with a Rasmussen University Librarian? Or make a Research Appointment?

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