Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Use my outline from touchstone 1.2 and annotated bibliography from 2.2 write a Argument research English assignment. below has the rubric and guideline follow exactly like what they ask | Wridemy

Use my outline from touchstone 1.2 and annotated bibliography from 2.2 write a Argument research English assignment. below has the rubric and guideline follow exactly like what they ask

Use my outline from touchstone 1.2 and annotated bibliography from 2.2 write a Argument research English assignment. below has the rubric and guideline follow exactly like what they asked. also use all the quotations from my bibliography and write citations like (Last name of the author, page 3, paragraph 9).  I have also attached the student example who got a 90% so you can watch how they format the assignment.  Please use and explain why you use each quote and locate them like what I show you above. I will dispute you use chatgpt or fake quotes. 

Nathan Daleo

Sophia Learning

English Composition II

02 February 2023

Remote Work: Virtually Impossible or New Reality?

Many companies across the globe have pushed for an increase in productivity by

implementing a work-from-home strategy, especially given the protective measures put in place

during the beginning phase of the Covid-19 pandemic. According to McKinsey & Company’s

American Opportunity Survey from the spring of 2022, 58 percent of Americans had the

opportunity to work at least one day a week remotely, while 35 percent reported they could work

remotely five days a week (para. 3). This survey also identified that when given the opportunity

to work remotely, 87 percent accept (para. 4). This highlights the interest in remote work for

Americans, but many believe that working remotely is not without detriment. According to Intuit

(2022), opponents of the remote work strategy argue that there is an increased likelihood of

overworking and social isolation can have negative impacts as interactions with managers and

coworkers are limited to video conferencing (“Social Isolation,” para. 24; “Overworking,” para.

25). The preference for remote work varies by employee; some prefer the freedom to work from

home, while others prefer to work on location. Employers with the capacity for remote work

should offer the option to work from home because of the increased productivity, work-life

balance, job satisfaction, and organizational benefits that remote work provides.

The first reason that many employers should offer the option to work from home is that it

has been shown to increase the productivity of some employees. A study by Worhrmann &

Ebner (2021) on the effects of telework showed that employees working remotely had more

Commented [EJ1]: Hello, Nathan! I’m eager to see how your rough draft turned out!

Commented [EJ2]: Your heading is formatted perfectly, and your have a clear title!

Commented [EJ3]: Nice hook!

Deleted: McKinsey & Company, 2022

Commented [EJ5]: Good! Since you already let the reader know the source and the year, you simply need the missing page (or paragraph) numbers in the in-text citation.

Deleted: O

Commented [EJ6]: Great, and it’s helpful to introduce sources before we cite from them to signal the beginning of a paraphrase. The in-text citation signals the end.

Deleted: Intuit, 2022).

Commented [EJ8]: You’ve clearly outlined both sides of the debate.

Commented [EJ9]: Your thesis is a single sentence that expresses both an arguable stance and clear, valid supporting reasons. Nice work!

Deleted: Having

Commented [EJ10]: Your topic sentence matches the flow of the supporting points nicely, and I wonder if it could also provide a transition and re-assert the thesis’s stance as well.

control over their working time, which resulted in greater working autonomy (p. __/ para. __).

They also found that working from home limited the number of disturbances and interruptions

typically seen in an office environment (p. 364). This would suggest that working from home

benefits the organization as productivity increases. The Forbes article, 5 Proven Benefits of

Remote Work for Companies, found that “teleworkers are an average of 35-40% more productive

than their office counterparts, and have measured an output increase of at least 4.4%” (Farrer,

2020, para. 5). With higher productivity and performance, these employees are more engaged,

showing 41% lower absenteeism (para. 5). When employees have more control over their

working hours and locations, their productivity increases, which supports the argument for

employers to offer remote work if they have the capacity to do so.

While the increase in productivity from remote work benefits the organization, job

satisfaction and work-life balance improvements are benefits that directly impact employees.

Forbes reported that a FlexJobs survey of employees working from home revealed that 73% felt

as though working from home improved their work-life balance (Pelta, 2022, as cited in Spiggle,

2020). Working from home allows mothers with newborn children to return to work sooner

while also tending to their children. According to Shepherd-Banigan et al. (2015), mothers who

had just given birth reported lower levels of depression when they were allowed to work from

home (p. 109). Having schedule autonomy while working from home has also been shown to

positively affect job satisfaction (Golden & Veiga, 2005, as cited in Wohrmann & Ebner, 2021,

p. 355). It is reasonable to assume that increased job satisfaction reduces employee turnover

intention. Golden (2006a, as cited in Allen, Golden, & Shockley, 2015) noted that

“telecommuting is positively associated with organizational commitment and negatively

associated with intent to leave the organization” (p. 45). Knowing that job satisfaction improves

Deleted: Wohrmann and Ebner, 2021

Commented [EJ11]: Keep going with this source integration technique for paraphrasing and direct quotations.

Commented [EJ12]: Great clincher sentence! It reflects the topic sentence very well.

Commented [EJ13]: Great, and continue to revise the topic sentences in similar fashion to the first one!

Deleted: , p. 109

Deleted: , p. 45

Deleted: .

Commented [EJ14]: Great quotation integration!

with the availability of remote work, companies with the capacity to offer remote work should

consider offering this option to their employees.

The organizational benefits of offering remote work for employees are not limited to

increased productivity and engagement. Farrer (2021) also noted that organizations could expect

to see an increase in employee performance. According to their data, workers with stronger

autonomy through location independence produced results with 40% fewer quality defects. This

suggests that working remotely allows employees to focus more on their tasks. This could be

directly related to the decrease in interruptions and disturbances that are associated with working

on location. Employers that offer a remote option could also see higher levels of retention. 54%

of the employees surveyed expressed that they would change jobs for one that offered (para. 5).

Farrer noted that this results in an average turnover reduction of over 12% if a remote work

agreement is offered. Profitability is another potential organizational benefit of offering remote

work. As evidence, Farrer offers that remote-work “organizations save an average of $11,000 per

year per part-time telecommuter, or 21% higher profitability” (para. 5). With increases in

productivity, performance, engagement, retention, and profitability, it is difficult to understand

why more companies with the capacity to offer remote work do not.

Contrasting the advantages of remote work, opponents claim that this employment model

is not without its challenges. Mint’s blog post, “Pros and Cons of Working From Home: Is It

Better for You and Your Wallet,” highlighted a lack of social interaction as one of the challenges

of remote work (Mint, 2022, para. 23), which is supported by Wohrman & Ebner (2021, p.359),

who found that although employees who telecommute do not experience as many disturbances

and interruptions, the quality of relationships with coworkers was lower. Mint also claimed that

there is the possibility of overworking (para. 24), which is also supported by Wohrmann &

Commented [EJ15]: Excellent, and how might you ensure the essay segues into all quotations?

Deleted: O

Formatted: Font: Not Italic


Commented [EJ16]: I think with some of the previous and subsequent about citation styles, you’ll be able to catch and fix all the errors in your revision.

Ebner’s findings that telework is related to increased boundaryless working hours (p. 359).

Another common counterargument is that results on job satisfaction are inconsistent. Golden

(2006b) noted that when analyzing the consequences of remote work, results with job

satisfaction have been consistent (p. 327). These counterarguments might seem concerning to

some organizations, but they should not deter organizations from considering the remote option

for employees that express interest. This is because there are workarounds for employers that are

concerned with the possible negative outcomes of remote work. One option would be to offer a

hybrid schedule that allows employees to work from home for part of the week. This could

mitigate the social isolation that full-time remote work can create for some employees, allowing

them to build meaningful relationships with their coworkers. The hybrid model could also help

with the potential for overworking, as employees’ working hours can be more strictly enforced in

the office. Another option would be to provide high-performing employees the option to work

fully remotely so long as their performance is consistent. This would allow those employees who

benefit from remote work to continue performing for those benefits. Businesses could also

monitor the effectiveness of either of these models to determine what works best for that

organization. Monitoring the effectiveness of remote work would allow organizations to gain

insight into what conditions work best for which employees, specifically regarding job


Interest in working remotely has increased and continues to do so. The potential benefits

of offering remote work greatly outweigh the possible disadvantages, especially since the

benefits expand to both employees and the organization. Employees are able to enjoy greater

autonomy with working hours and establish a greater work-life balance, while organizations

benefit from greater productivity, performance, profitability, and employee retention. With less

Deleted: , p. 327

Commented [EJ17]: I would suggest combining these paragraphs and adding a transition to show the logical sequence of ideas here.

Deleted: ¶  T

Commented [EJ18]: Great counterarguments and rebuttals!

disturbances and interruptions in remote work, employees are more likely to perform better than

their office counterparts, which is one of the reasons why employers with the capacity for remote

work should offer the option to work from home.

Commented [EJ19]: Nice conclusion! I think it’s interesting, though, that nowhere in this essay do you discuss the climate impacts of remote work. Since the essay is now a short one paragraph (and shy of the six-page requirement), wouldn’t it make sense to develop another body paragraph about how it’s better for the environment to work from home? This would help corporations offset carbon footprints, wouldn’t it? That sounds like another perk to me. Of course, if you add that paragraph, you’ll need to add it as a supporting reason to your thesis, too!


Allen, T. D., Golden, T. D., & Shockley, K. M. (2015). How effective is telecommuting?

assessing the status of our scientific findings. Psychological Science in the Public

Interest, 16(2), 40–68.

Farrer, L. (2022, October 12). 5 proven benefits of remote work for companies. Forbes. Retrieved

January 4, 2023, from


Golden, T. D. (2006). Avoiding depletion in virtual work: Telework and the intervening impact

of work exhaustion on commitment and turnover intentions. Journal of Vocational

Behavior, 69(1), 176–187.

Golden, T. D. (2006). The role of relationships in understanding telecommuter

satisfaction. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 27(3), 319–340.

Mint. (2022, June 30). Pros and cons of working from home: Is it better for you and your

wallet? MintLife Blog. Retrieved January 4, 2023, from

Pros and Cons of Working From Home: Is It Better for You and Your Wallet?

Pelta, R. (2022, November 28). Survey: Productivity, work-life balance improves during

pandemic: FlexJobs. FlexJobs Job Search Tips and Blog. Retrieved January 4, 2023,



Shepherd-Banigan, M., Bell, J. F., Basu, A., Booth-LaForce, C., & Harris, J. R. (2015).

Workplace stress and working from home influence depressive symptoms among

employed women with young children. International Journal of Behavioral

Medicine, 23(1), 102–111.

Spiggle, T. (2020, October 15). Coronavirus silver lining: A better work-life balance? Forbes.

Retrieved January 4, 2023, from


Wöhrmann, A. M., & Ebner, C. (2021). Understanding the bright side and the dark side of

Telework: An empirical analysis of working conditions and Psychosomatic Health

Complaints. New Technology, Work and Employment, 36(3), 348–370.

Commented [EJ20]: The sources are formatted correctly and in alphabetical order!

Reflection Questions

01. Provide one example of a place where you have used rhetorical appeals or source

material to support your argument. How does this enhance your essay? (2-3


In my rebuttal paragraph, I used the logos appeal to argue why the counterarguments

should not deter companies with the capacity for remote work from offering it as an

option to employees. I used the example of a hybrid model to logically rebut the claim

that social isolation would set in for employees working remotely full-time. I also

proposed monitoring the effectiveness of the two remote working options so that

employers can measure job satisfaction.

02. Touchstone 4 is a revision of this draft. What kind of feedback would be helpful for

you as you revise? Are there parts of your draft that you’re uncertain of? (3-4


The most helpful feedback would be related to my in-text citations and my rebuttal. I’m

not sure that citations are formatted correctly, as some of the information came from

sources cited within other sources. My rebuttal covers the solution to the

counterarguments presented in the previous paragraph, but I’m not sure if this should be

included in the counterargument paragraph or stand alone as its own paragraph. Either

way, I am open to any and all feedback you can provide.

Commented [EJ21]: Thank you for these reflections! I hope you found my feedback useful, especially about the counterarguments.

Touchstone 3.2 Rubric and Feedback

Rubric Category Your Grade

Argument Development and Support (40 points) – 40%

Proficient (85%) – The argument is well-developed with relevant details to support it, including the use of rhetorical appeals and source material.

Research (30 points) – 30%

Advanced (100%) – Cites all outside sources appropriately; incorporates credible sources smoothly and effectively through direct quotation, paraphrase, or summary.

Organization (15 points) – 15%

Acceptable (75%) – Includes nearly all of the required components of an argumentative research paper; however, one component is missing. Work on adding stronger topic sentences and a fifth body paragraph that addresses environmental impact.

Style (5 points) – 5% Advanced (100%) – Demonstrates thoughtful and effective word choices, avoids redundancy and imprecise language, and uses a wide variety of sentence structures.

Conventions (5 points) – 5%

Proficient (85%) – There are occasional minor errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, formatting, and usage.

Reflection (5 points) – 5%

Advanced (100%) – Demonstrates thoughtful reflection; consistently includes insights, observations, and/or examples in all responses, following or exceeding response length guidelines.

SCORE: 90/100


This is an excellent start! I think if you review my feedback carefully, you'll find some ways to make some big-picture revision and sentence-level edits to your essay. Best of luck, and I look forward to reading it! – James


Cathy Xue Chen Comment by Aimon A: Hi, Cathy! It's Aimon, and I'll be grading your bibliography today!

English Composition II

Sophia Learning

22 July 2023

Annotated Bibliography

Neitzel, R.L.  et al. (2013) ‘A mixed-methods evaluation of health and safety hazards at a scrap metal recycling facility’,  Safety Science, 51(1), pp. 432–440. doi:10.1016/j.ssci.2012.08.012.  Comment by Aimon A: Great formatting on this journal!

· In the article "A mixed-methods evaluation of health and safety hazards at a scrap metal recycling facility," the authors discuss the potential safety concerns of working at a scrap metal recycling facility. They highlight that workers may face various hazards, such as "ergonomic hazards, noise, dusts and fumes, and powerful machinery" (page 432, paragraph 5). However, the article doesn't just point out the problems; it also offers solutions to make the workplace safer. According to the authors, "Better characterization of exposures in the scrap metal recycling industry is needed to identify and rank hazards, implement exposure controls and risk management interventions, can ultimately reduce occupational injuries, illnesses, and fatalities" (page 433, paragraph 2). This article is essential for my counterargument, as it acknowledges the safety concerns related to recycling. It provides valuable information for my rebuttal by suggesting ways to address and improve these concerns. By presenting both sides of the recycling issue, this article strengthens my argument and supports my counter and rebuttal paragraphs. Comment by Aimon A: Great job using this accurate citation to support your writing here!

(Peer-Reviewed Article)

Echeverría, D., Roth, J., Mostafa, M., & Gass, P. (2020). Waste Recycling and Reuse. In Circular Economy Proxy Measures: Indicators on job effects for a closed-loop economy (pp. 7–8). International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). Comment by Aimon A: This is a great source, but be sure to list your sources alphabetically!

· The article Waste Recycling and Reuse, written by D. Echeverría, J. Roth, M. Mostafa, and P. Gass highlights the employment implications of recycling and waste management. In the article, they mentioned how “10,000 tons of waste products and materials, one job can be created if incinerated, six jobs if landfilled, 36 jobs if recycled, and up to 296 if refurbished and reused” (page 7 paragraph 5). Giving audience a clear view of how recycling can create job opportunities. They also presented their idea with employment data analysis sector in Europe specifically. "An OECD report prepared for the G7 environment ministers discusses employment implications of green growth on the European waste collection, treatment, and recycling sector. In 2017 it was estimated that the sector employed around 3.5 million people. More than half of the jobs are found in the recycling industry of the EU, around 1.8 million jobs (OECD, 2017). However, employment is projected to continue to grow." (page 7, paragraph 6).This concrete data from an OECD report, indicating that the recycling sector in Europe is a significant source of employment. It strengthens my argument that recycling can significantly benefit the economy by creating new job opportunities. The mention of 1.8 million jobs specifically in the recycling industry demonstrates the substantial workforce that recycling already supports. Additionally, the projection of continued employment growth in the recycling sector further reinforces the potential for even more job creation in this area. This supports the idea that recycling is a viable and sustainable strategy for generating employment opportunities, contributing positively to the overall economy. Another concrete data D. Echeverría, J. Roth, M. Mostafa, and P. Gass. Presented in their article is " by achieving a 70 per cent recycling target, 322,000 direct, 160, 900 indirect and 80,400 induced new jobs could be created. " (page7 paragraph 6). This quote presents a clear estimate of the potential job creation that can result from achieving a specific recycling target. It highlights the substantial number of direct, indirect, and induced jobs that can be created in the recycling and waste management sector, providing a strong economic case for pursuing higher recycling targets. These quotes provide evidence that recycling can indeed promote the economy by creating new job opportunities. It demonstrates how targeted recycling efforts, especially for specific waste streams as mentioned in this article, can lead to job growth. The data and estimates from reports further reinforce the positive economic impact of recycling on employment, making it a viable strategy for sustainable economic development. This article backs up my argument on recycle can help the economy by generating more job opportunities. This will be used in the recycle benefit our economy paragraphs. Comment by Aimon A: Another excellent quote! Comment by Aimon A: Strong fact to include! Comment by Aimon A: Nice job mentioning how this source is useful to your writing!

(Peer-Reviewed Article)

Ferdous, W., Manalo, A., Siddique, R., Mendis, P., Zhuge, Y., Wong, H. S., Lokuge, W., Aravinthan, T., Schubel, P. (2021). Recycling of landfill wastes (tyres, plastics and glass) in construction – A review on global waste generation, performance, application and future opportunities. Resources, Conservation, and Recycling, 174, 105745. B Comment by Aimon A: Be sure to italicize the title of the journals!

· In the peer review article “Recycling of landfill wastes in construction”, written by Wahid Ferdous and his colleagues, presented dangers landfill brings to the air and how recycle can alleviate these problems. The authors of this article are credible sources for my argument on recycling reducing landfill waste because they consist of a team of reputable researchers and professors from various prestigious institutions, specializing in waste management, civil engineering, and materials science, making them well-qualified to discuss the topic. Wahid mentioned how “The world's solid waste is responsible for 5% global carbon emissions and their burning further increases this number. An improved waste management system could reduce global CO2 emissions by up to 15%” ( page 1 paragraph 2). This implies recycling can reduce a substantial amount of waste is being deposited in landfills, giving rise to considerable environmental challenges, as well as adverse effects on human health. This backs up my argument on recycle can decrease landfill, and I will incorporate this source in my reducing landfill waste paragraph.

(Peer-Reviewed Article)

Green, J. A. (2007). Aluminum recycling and processing for energy conservation and sustainability. ASM International.  Comment by Aimon A: Good work using a variety of sources!

· The scholar narrative titled "Aluminum Recycling and Processing – for Energy Conservation and Sustainability" by ASM international is a credible source for my paper because ASM is a reputable publisher composed of material scientists and engineer experts among the industry. They are well known for producing valuable reference materials and technical resources for professionals and researchers. This article I choose specifically focuses on aluminum recycling and processing for energy conservation, which is perfect to backs up my argument that recycling saves energy consumption. In the article, they provided a specific example of how using recycled materials, such as "1 kg of aluminum in a car body, replacing 2 kg of steel in a conventional car body, saves, during the lifetime of the car, approximately 20kg of GHG emissions (in CO2 equivalents)".( Page 109, paragraph 2). This demonstrates the environmental benefits of recycling, as it reduces the need for energy-intensive production processes and, consequently, lowers greenhouse gas emissions associated with manufacturing new materials. I plan to use this source in my body paragraph on environmental benefits of recycling by energy conservation. Comment by Aimon A: This will be useful in your essay!

(Published Book)

The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection. (2020, February).  As a matter of fact.  Comment by Aimon A: Remember to list your sources alphabetically!

· The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection published pro recycling facts encourage the public to save environment by recycle. “Each ton of recycled paper can save 17 trees, 380 gallons of oil  , three cubic yards of landfill space, 4000 kilowatts of energy, and 7000 gallons of water. This represents a 64% energy savings, a 58% water savings, and 60 pounds less air pollution! “(paragraph 21). This quote backs up my argument that recycling saves energy and helps the environment by providing specific data on the benefits of recycling paper. I can use this to for my argument on recycle benefit the environment by energy conservations.

(Credible Website)

Vasarhelyi, K. (2021, April 15).  The hidden damage of landfills. Environmental Center.  Comment by Aimon A: Great formatting for this website!

· Website source, The Hidden Damage of Landfills, written by Kayla Vasarhelyi is a pro recycling article that talks about the risks of landfills emissions and how the public can avoid it. Kayla is one of the students in Colorado University Environmental Center. This organization has a strong faculty ability to lead students to research and discuss academic knowledge about environmental protection. Their academic experiments and discussions can bring experimental data and discussion topics on the same topic to my thesis. According to Kayla, “A study in New York found that there is a 12% increased risk of congenital malformations in children born to families that lived within a mile of a hazardous waste landfill site” (paragraph 7). This shows that landfill emissions can pose a danger to human body, which demonstrated the threat of landfills. This website source further backs up my argument on how re

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