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Respond to the following students post. Do you agree or disagree with your peer’s choice and why? What kind of legacy do you think your peer’s selected work leaves behind? Wh

Respond to the following students post.

Do you agree or disagree with your peer's choice and why?

What kind of legacy do you think your peer's selected work leaves behind?

What elements of culture or what groups of people does this cultural work influence the most or reflect?

Sara post

 I am choosing the new disney/pixar movie Elemental for my time capsule piece. It is a charming movie about a fire elemental girl who meets and eventually befriends a water elemental guy. The setting of the movie is in Element City, a place where people of all four elements can live together. The impact of this movie today is teaching kids about immigration and finding a way to live peacefully among those who are different. It made me think of New York and it's melting pot of different people that immigrated to the USA for a better life. The values in this work are that of immigration and the friendships that can come from learning about others. Having two people from different backgrounds coming together and creating something new. An example of this is when Ember(fire) and Wade(water) decided to try to touch and when they did they created steam. That is similar to when chefs of different cuisines decided to mix their food and create a new food from that fusion. 

I can hope that in 500 years when they open the time capsule that they would recognize the value in this cultural work. It depends on where our world is in 500 years. The movie could be a reminder of what society needs to work on or it could be a reminder of how far they have come socially.

Michael Post

Hi everyone, for a time capsule cultural work I choose the Harry Potter book series. These books have sparked a world-wide phenomenon of imagination and interest. The books were also made into movies, which grew the popularity and fascination with the characters and stories of Harry Potter.

Personally, I am not much a fan of the books (or movies), which I recognize I am in a minority group. Perhaps its the witchcraft and glorifying of evil that I don't like, which is a personal preference, however I cannot help but recognize the cultural impact the imagination author J.K Rowling has penned in the books. These books have changed our culture in some ways by incorporating the fantasies into real life. Children play tournament games of "Quidditch", dress up like Harry Potter characters for Halloween, and have even adopted some new phrases such as "petronus" and "wingardium leviosa". There are even Harry Potter attractions at Universal Studios theme parks around the world.

Perhaps in 500 years the literature would be preserved like that of a great poets such as Edgar Allen Poe. People of the future may appreciate the writing and stories, however I imagine the fascination and desire to implement the fantasies into the culture will not exist then. I think maybe because the stories will not be new and fresh like they were today. I suspect that because of this, they probably would not have the same impact in 500 years from now.

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