Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Think back to the five SMART goals you created earlier in the term (SEE POWERPOINT ATTACHED).?Write a reflection doc. IN Word Format BASED ON GOALS ATTACHED followin | Wridemy

Think back to the five SMART goals you created earlier in the term (SEE POWERPOINT ATTACHED).?Write a reflection doc. IN Word Format BASED ON GOALS ATTACHED followin


Think back to the five SMART goals you created earlier in the term (SEE POWERPOINT ATTACHED). Write a reflection doc. IN Word Format BASED ON GOALS ATTACHED following APA format and consisting of at least 750 words in length which evaluates each SMART goal that you created. Use the following questions to guide your response:   

  1. What were you expecting from the experience before you started?   
  2. Why were you expecting this?   
  3. Why did you choose this goal?   
  4. Did you learn anything about a different group in society (i.e., different age, profession, ethnic, racial or socio-economic group)? What did you learn?   
  5. What is the most valuable experience you acquired?  
  6. What impact did the experience have on your everyday life?   
  7. What did you learn that was directly related to your course objectives? 

 Submission Instructions: at least 750 words ( 3 complete pages of content), excluding ABSTRACT (MUST HAVE ONE), TITTLE, AND REFERENCES, formatted and cited in current APA style 7 ed  with support from at least 5 academic sources which need to be journal articles or books from 2019 up to now. NO WEBSITES allowed for reference entry. Include doi, page numbers, etc. Plagiarism must be less than 10%.

 Content ReflectionExemplary – 11-15 points
Reflection demonstrates a high degree of critical thinking in applying, analyzing, and evaluating key course concepts and theories from readings, lectures, media, discussions activities, and/or assignments. Insightful and relevant connections made through contextual explanations, inferences, and examples. 

 Personal GrowthExemplary – 16-20 points
Conveys strong evidence of reflection on own work with a personal response to the self-assessment questions posed. Demonstrates significant personal growth and awareness of deeper meaning through inferences made, examples, well developed insights, and substantial depth in perceptions and challenges. Synthesizes current experience into future implications. 

SMART Goals for Psychotherapy Clinical Experience

Yanetsi Alayon

St. Thomas University

NUR 640

Dr. Carmona

July 2nd, 2023


Brief overview: In this presentation, I will discuss the SMART method for setting seven professional goals during the clinical experience this term.

I will explain how each goal is representative of the Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely characteristics.

Welcome everyone to today's presentation on setting SMART goals for my psychotherapy clinical experience. I'll be using the SMART method to set five professional goals that I aim to accomplish during this term. I'll also evaluate each goal to ensure it meets the SMART criteria: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely


SMART Method Overview

Specific: Clearly defined and focused

Measurable: Progress can be tracked

Attainable: Possible to achieve

Realistic: Within reach and relevant

Timely: Has a deadline or time frame

The SMART method provides a structured approach to setting goals. It stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. By following this method, I can ensure that my goals are clear and reachable


Goal 1 – Develop Active Listening Skills

Specific: Enhance the ability to listen and respond empathically to clients

Measurable: Complete an active listening course and receive feedback from supervisors by the end of first week of clinicals

Attainable: Practice active listening in each session with my patients.

Realistic: A fundamental skill for psychotherapists to be able to create a therapeutic milieu and alliance with my patients.

Timely: Achieve within the first week of clinical rotation (Latham, 2020).

my first goal is to develop active listening skills. This involves enhancing my ability to listen by using head gestures acknowledging my patient’s statements and respond empathically to them. Also, leaning towards my patient and explaining in common terms directions of care. I can measure this by completing an active listening course and receiving feedback from supervisors or preceptors by the end of first week. To make it attainable, I will practice active listening in each session. This is a realistic goal, as it is a fundamental skill for psychotherapists. I aim to achieve this goal within the first month.


Goal 2 – Strengthen Therapeutic Alliance with Clients

Specific: Build trust and rapport with clients

Measurable: Assess the quality of the therapeutic alliance using established questionnaires

Attainable: Focus on empathy, genuineness, and unconditional positive regard

Realistic: A crucial aspect of effective therapy

Timely: Improve throughout the clinical experience and by week six of this clinical rotation (Harris & Panozzo, 2019).

my second goal is to strengthen the therapeutic alliance with clients. This involves building trust and rapport. I can measure this using established questionnaires that assess the quality of the therapeutic alliance. To make it attainable, I will focus on empathy, genuineness, and unconditional positive regard. This is a realistic goal, as it Is a crucial aspect of effective therapy. I aim to improve this throughout my clinical experience and by the end of week 6 of the class.


Goal 3 – Expand Knowledge of Evidence-Based Interventions

Specific: Learn and apply at least three evidence-based interventions

Measurable: Complete relevant trainings and obtain certifications

Attainable: Attend workshops and study materials provided by supervisors

Realistic: Expanding my toolbox for therapy

Timely: Achieve by the end of the term (Latham, 2020).

my third goal is to expand my knowledge of evidence-based interventions. This involves learning and applying at least three evidence-based interventions. I can measure this by completing relevant trainings and obtaining certifications. To make it attainable, I will attend workshops and study materials provided by supervisors. This is a realistic goal, as It helps expand my toolbox for therapy. I aim to achieve this by the end of the term.


Goal 4 – Improve Documentation Skills

Specific: Enhance the ability to write thorough and accurate progress notes

Measurable: Receive feedback from supervisors on progress notes and documentation

Attainable: Practice writing progress notes after each session

Realistic: Essential for effective therapy and client progress tracking

Timely: Achieve within the first four weeks of this class (Asmirajanti et al., 2019).

My fourth goal is to improve my documentation skills. This involves enhancing my ability to write thorough and accurate progress notes. I can measure this by receiving feedback from supervisors on my progress notes and documentation. To make it attainable, I will practice writing progress notes after each session. This is a realistic goal, as it is essential for effective therapy and client progress tracking. I aim to achieve this within the first four weeks of clinical rotation.


Goal 5 – Enhance Cultural Competence

Specific: Develop a better understanding of diverse cultures and the impact on therapy

Measurable: Attend cultural competence trainings and workshops. Also, tracking progress by attending diversity training and seeking feedback

Attainable: Read literature on diverse cultural backgrounds and their Impact on therapy. Attend diversity training, conduct research, and engage In self-reflection

Realistic: Important for providing effective therapy to a diverse client population. Cultural competence is a lifelong learning process

Timely: Achieve by the end of this rotation (Quartiroli et al., 2020).

my fifth goal is to enhance my cultural competence. This involves developing a better understanding of diverse cultures and their impact on therapy. I can measure this by attending cultural competence trainings and workshops. To make it attainable, I will also read literature on diverse cultural backgrounds and their impact on therapy. This is a realistic goal, as it is Important for providing effective therapy to a diverse client population. I aim to achieve this by the end of the term.


Goal 6 – Develop Effective Rapport Building Skills

Specific: Build rapport with clients during initial sessions

Measurable: Track feedback from supervisor and clients

Attainable: Learn and practice rapport-building techniques

Realistic: Consistent practice and feedback will Improve skills

Timely: Achieve within the first month of clinical experience (Harris & Panozzo, 2019).

my sixth goal is to develop effective rapport-building skills. This is specific because I aim to build rapport with clients during their initial sessions. I can measure this goal by tracking feedback from my supervisor and clients. This goal is attainable by learning and practicing rapport-building techniques. It's realistic because consistent practice and feedback will Improve my skills over time. I aim to achieve this goal within the first month of my clinical experience.


Goal 7 – Develop Case Conceptualization Skills

Specific: Develop skills to conceptualize cases and create treatment plans

Measurable: Track progress through supervision and feedback from supervisor

Attainable: Attend training and seek guidance from supervisor

Realistic: Consistent practice and feedback will Improve skills

Timely: Achieve within the last month of clinical experience (Sperry & Sperry, 2020).

my next goal is to develop my case conceptualization skills. This is specific because I aim to develop the skills to conceptualize cases and create treatment plans. I can measure this goal by tracking my progress through supervision and feedback from my supervisor. This goal is attainable by attending training and seeking guidance from my supervisor. It's realistic because consistent practice and feedback will improve my skills. I aim to achieve this goal within the last month of my clinical experience.



Recap of the seven SMART goals

Importance of setting SMART goals for professional growth

Encouragement to apply the SMART method in other areas of life

Today, I discussed the process of setting SMART goals for my psychotherapy clinical experience. I identified five professional goals that align with the Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely criteria of the SMART method. It is important to set SMART goals In order to promote professional growth. I encourage you to apply the SMART method in other areas of your life. Thank you for your attention.



Asmirajanti, M., Hamid, A. Y. S., & Hariyati, R. T. S. (2019). Nursing care activities based on documentation. BMC Nursing, 18(1), 1-5.

Harris, B. A., & Panozzo, G. (2019). Therapeutic alliance, relationship building, and communication strategies-for the schizophrenia population: An integrative review. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 33(1), 104-111.

Latham, G. (2020). Organizational collaboration. Routledge.

Quartiroli, A., Vosloo, J., Fisher, L., & Schinke, R. (2020). Culturally competent sport psychology: A survey of sport psychology professionals’ perception of cultural competence. The Sport Psychologist, 34(3), 242-253.

Sperry, L., & Sperry, J. (2020). Case conceptualization: Mastering this competency with ease and confidence. Routledge.



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