14 Aug You will submit your plan pertaining to statements of policy. You will recommend protocols and mitigating factors to the organization. Justify how the disaster response protocol
You will submit your plan pertaining to statements of policy. You will recommend protocols and mitigating factors to the organization. Justify how the disaster response protocols will mitigate the threats to and vulnerabilities of the organization. You will focus on disaster and incident response protocols as well as access control. Assess your proposed method for maintaining the success of the plan going forward. Justify how your method will ensure the ongoing effectiveness of the information assurance plan.
Note: If you establish protocols and mitigating factors, you can then justify expectations associated with the established protocols.ongoing effectiveness of the information assurance plan.
One of the most important aspects of information assurance is ensuring that proper policies and procedures are established within an organization. Without proper policies and procedures, there would be no order. By implementing appropriate statements of policy and developing effective procedures, IT administrators ensure that incidents can be appropriately responded to, and that individuals within the organization understand their roles within the information assurance plan. Individuals in an organization would not be able to adequately understand their roles without the establishment of these statements of policy.
In Module Seven, you will submit your plan pertaining to statements of policy. You will establish protocols and mitigating factors to the organization. Justify how the disaster response protocols will mitigate the threats to and vulnerabilities of the organization. You will focus on disaster and incident response protocols as well as access control. Assess your proposed method for maintaining the success of the plan going forward. Justify how your method will ensure the ongoing effectiveness of the information assurance plan.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
- Statements of Policy
- Develop appropriate incident response protocols to respond to the various threats and vulnerabilities identified within the organization.
- Justify how the incident response protocols will mitigate the threats to and vulnerabilities of the organization. Support your justification with information assurance research and best practices.
- Develop appropriate disaster response protocols to respond to the various threats and vulnerabilities identified within the organization.
- Justify how the disaster response protocols will mitigate the threats to and vulnerabilities of the organization. Support your justification with information assurance research and best practices.
- Develop appropriate access control protocols that provide an appropriate amount of protection while allowing users to continue to operate without denial of service.
- Justify your access control protocols. Support your justification with information assurance research and best practices.
- Recommend a method for maintaining the information assurance plan once it has been established.
- Justify how your maintenance plan will ensure the ongoing effectiveness of the information assurance plan. Support your justification with information assurance research and best practices.
What to Submit
Your paper must be submitted as a three- to four-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least three sources cited in APA format.
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IT 549 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
The �nal project for this course is the creation of a functional information assurance plan.
The effective management of information and protection of pertinent data is essential for leveraging the required knowledge to serve customers and stakeholders on a continuous basis.
Employing information assurance best practices will ensure a �rm is able to eliminate hierarchical structures, become more �at, and have greater customer touch points by leveraging the
correct information at the right time. Successful �rms will maintain an established information assurance plan and posture that are reviewed on a weekly basis.
This assessment will consist of the creation of a functional information assurance plan. You will �nd, and review, a real-world business scenario (e.g. Sony Breach, Target Breach, Home Depot
Breach) in order to apply information assurance research and incorporate industry best practices to your recommendations for speci�c strategic and tactical steps. These skills are crucial for
you to become a desired asset to organizations seeking industry professionals in the information assurance �eld.
The project is divided into four milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality �nal submissions. These milestones will be
submitted in Modules Two, Four, Five, and Seven. The �nal product will be submitted in Module Nine.
In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:
Assess con�dentiality, integrity, and availability of information in a given situation for their relation to an information assurance plan
Propose appropriate protocols for incident and disaster responses and managing security functions that adhere to best practices for information assurance
Analyze threat environments using information assurance research and industry best practices to inform network governance
Recommend strategies based on information assurance best practices for maintaining an information assurance plan
Evaluate the appropriateness of information assurance decisions about security, access controls, and legal issues
Assess applicable threats and vulnerabilities related to information assurance to determine potential impact on an organization and mitigate associated risks
Your information assurance plan should answer the following prompt: Review the scenario and create an information assurance plan for the organization presented in the scenario.
Speci�cally, the following critical elements must be addressed in your plan:
I. Information Assurance Plan Introduction
a. Provide a brief overview of the goals and objectives of your information assurance plan, including the importance of ensuring the con�dentiality, integrity, and availability of
information. What are the bene�ts of creating and maintaining an information assurance plan around those key concepts?
b. Assess the con�dentiality, integrity, and availability of information within the organization.
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c. Evaluate the current protocols and policies the organization has in place. What de�ciencies exist within the organization’s current information assurance policies? What are the
potential barriers to implementation of a new information assurance plan?
II. Information Security Roles and Responsibilities
a. Analyze the role of the key leaders within the organization speci�c to how their responsibilities are connected to the security of the organization’s information. What is the
relationship between these roles?
b. Evaluate key ethical and legal considerations related to information assurance that must be taken into account by the key leaders within the organization. What are the rami�cations
of key leaders not properly accounting for ethical and legal considerations?
c. What are the key components of information assurance as they relate to individual roles and responsibilities within the information assurance plan? For example, examine the
current policies as they relate to con�dentiality, integrity, and availability of information.
III. Risk Assessment
a. Analyze the environment in which the organization operates, including the current protocols and policies in place related to information assurance.
b. Evaluate the threat environment of the organization.
c. Based on your analysis and evaluation, what are the best approaches for implementing information assurance principles? Where do you see the most areas for improvement to
current protocols and policies?
d. Assess the threats and vulnerabilities of the organization by creating a risk matrix to outline the threats and vulnerabilities found and determine possible methods to mitigate the
identi�ed dangers.
IV. Statements of Policy
a. Develop appropriate incident response protocols to respond to the various threats and vulnerabilities identi�ed within the organization.
b. Justify how the incident response protocols will mitigate the threats to and vulnerabilities of the organization. Support your justi�cation with information assurance research and
best practices.
c. Develop appropriate disaster response protocols to respond to the various threats and vulnerabilities identi�ed within the organization.
d. Justify how the disaster response protocols will mitigate the threats to and vulnerabilities of the organization. Support your justi�cation with information assurance research and
best practices.
e. Develop appropriate access control protocols that provide an appropriate amount of protection while allowing users to continue to operate without denial of service.
f. Justify your access control protocols. Support your justi�cation with information assurance research and best practices.
g. Recommend a method for maintaining the information assurance plan once it has been established.
h. Justify how your maintenance plan will ensure the ongoing effectiveness of the information assurance plan. Support your justi�cation with information assurance research and best
V. Conclusion
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a. Summarize the need for an information assurance plan for the selected organization, including the legal and ethical responsibilities of the organization to implement and maintain an
appropriate information assurance plan.
b. Defend the key elements of your information assurance plan, including which members of the organization would be responsible for each element.
Milestone One: Information Assurance Plan Introduction
In Module Two, you will submit your introduction to the information assurance plan. This section of the plan will provide the overview of the current state of the organization. Provide a brief
overview of the goals and objectives of your information assurance plan, including the importance of ensuring the con�dentiality, integrity, and availability of information. What are the bene�ts
of creating and maintaining an information assurance plan around those key concepts? Are there current protocols and policies the organization has in place? Additionally, what de�ciencies
exist within the organization’s current information assurance policies? What are the potential barriers to implementation of a new information assurance plan? This milestone is graded with the
Milestone One Rubric.
Milestone Two: Information Security Roles and Responsibilities
In Module Four, you will submit your roles and responsibilities portion of the �nal project. Who are the key leaders of the organization speci�c to how their responsibilities are connected to the
security of the organization’s information? You must also identify key ethical considerations. What are the rami�cations of key leaders not properly accounting for ethical and legal
considerations? What are the key components of information assurance as they relate to individual roles and responsibilities within the information assurance plan? For example, examine the
current policies as they relate to con�dentiality, integrity, and availability of information. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.
Milestone Three: Risk Assessment
In Module Five, you will submit the risk assessment portion of the information assurance plan. You will provide the organization with an assessment of the threat environment and the risks
within, as well as methods designed to mitigate these risks. Based on your analysis and evaluation, what are the best approaches for implementing information assurance principles? Where do
you see the most areas for improvement to current protocols and policies? This milestone is graded with the Milestone Three Rubric.
Milestone Four: Statements of Policy
In Module Seven, you will submit your plan pertaining to statements of policy. You will establish protocols and mitigating factors to the organization. Justify how the disaster response protocols
will mitigate the threats to and vulnerabilities of the organization. You will focus on disaster and incident response protocols as well as access control. Assess your proposed method for
maintaining the success of the plan going forward. Justify how your method will ensure the ongoing effectiveness of the information assurance plan. This milestone is graded with the Milestone
Four Rubric.
Final Submission: Information Assurance Plan
In Module Nine, you will submit your information assurance plan. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the �nal product. It should re�ect the
incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be graded with the Final Product Rubric.
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What to Submit
Your information assurance plan should adhere to the following formatting requirements: 10–12 pages, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman font and one-inch margins. Use
discipline-appropriate citations.
Final Project Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Pro�cient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Overview of Goals and
Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and
quality of overview establishes
expertise in the discipline
Provides a brief but
comprehensive overview of the
goals and objectives of the
information assurance plan,
including the importance of
ensuring the con�dentiality,
integrity, and availability of
information and the bene�ts of
creating and maintaining an
information assurance plan
Provides a brief overview of the
goals and objectives of the
information assurance plan but
does not include the
importance of ensuring the
con�dentiality, integrity, and
availability of information or
the bene�ts of creating and
maintaining an information
assurance plan
Does not provide a brief
overview of the goals and
objectives of the information
assurance plan
Con�dentiality, Integrity, and
Availability of Information
Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and
demonstrates a nuanced
understanding of key
information assurance
Accurately assesses the
con�dentiality, integrity, and
availability of information
within the organization
Assesses the con�dentiality,
integrity, and availability of
information within the
organization but some
elements of the assessment may
be illogical or inaccurate
Does not assess the
con�dentiality, integrity, and
availability of information
within the organization
Current Protocols and
Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and
demonstrates deep insight into
complex de�ciencies and
barriers to implementation of a
new information assurance
Logically evaluates the current
protocols and policies in place,
including de�ciencies that
currently exist and potential
barriers to implementation of a
new information assurance
Evaluates the current protocols
and policies in place but does
not address the de�ciencies
that currently exist or potential
barriers to implementation of a
new information assurance
plan, or evaluation is illogical
Does not evaluate the current
protocols and policies in place
Responsibilities of Key
Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and
demonstrates a nuanced
understanding of the
relationship between these
roles and information security
Analyzes the role of the key
leaders within the organization
speci�c to how their
responsibilities are connected
to the security of the
organization’s information
Analyzes the role of the key
leaders within the organization
but misses key roles or aspects
of responsibilities speci�c to
the security of the
organization’s information
Does not analyze the role of the
key leaders within the
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Criteria Exemplary (100%) Pro�cient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Key Ethical and Legal
Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and
provides complex or insightful
re�ection of the rami�cations
of key leaders not properly
accounting for ethical and legal
Accurately evaluates key ethical
and legal considerations related
to information assurance that
must be taken into account by
the key leaders within the
organization, including the
rami�cations of key leaders not
properly accounting for ethical
and legal considerations
Evaluates ethical and legal
considerations related to
information assurance that
must be taken into account by
the key leaders within the
organization but does not
include the rami�cations of key
leaders not properly
accounting for ethical and legal
considerations, or evaluation is
Does not evaluate ethical and
legal considerations related to
information assurance that
must be taken into account by
the key leaders within the
Key Components of
Information Assurance
Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and
demonstrates a nuanced
understanding of how each key
component identi�ed impacts
each individual’s role and
Comprehensively addresses
components of information
assurance as they relate to
individual roles and
responsibilities within the
information assurance plan
Addresses components of
information assurance as they
relate to individual roles and
responsibilities within the
information assurance plan but
does not address
con�dentiality, integrity, and/or
availability of information
Does not address any
components of information
assurance as they relate to
individual roles and
responsibilities within the
information assurance plan
Analysis of Environment Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and
demonstrates unique or
insightful re�ection of current
protocols and policies
Logically analyzes the
environment in which the
organization operates,
including the current protocols
and policies in place related to
information assurance
Analyzes the environment in
which the organization
operates but does not include
the current protocols and
policies in place related to
information assurance
Does not analyze the
environment in which the
organization operates
Threat Environment Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and
demonstrates deep insight into
hidden or complex threats or
Accurately analyzes the threat
environment of the
Evaluates the threat
environment of the
organization but misses crucial
threats or vulnerabilities, or the
evaluation is inaccurate
Does not evaluate the threat
environment of the
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Criteria Exemplary (100%) Pro�cient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Best Approaches Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and
demonstrates unique or
insightful re�ection regarding
areas for improvement
Comprehensively discusses
best approaches for
implementing information
assurance principles, including
areas of improvement to
current protocols and policies
Discusses best approaches for
implementing information
assurance principles, but does
not fully develop ideas related
to areas of improvement to
current protocols and policies
Does not discuss best
approaches for implementing
information assurance
Risk Matrix Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and
demonstrates deep insight into
hidden or complex threats or
vulnerabilities and possible
methods to mitigate the
identi�ed dangers
Creates a risk matrix to
comprehensively and
accurately assess the threats to
and vulnerabilities of the
organization, including
possible methods to mitigate
the identi�ed dangers
Creates a risk matrix to assess
the threats to and
vulnerabilities of the
organization but does not
include possible methods to
mitigate the identi�ed dangers,
or assessment is incomplete or
Does not create a risk matrix to
assess the threats to and
vulnerabilities of the
Incident Response Protocols Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and
provides secondary incident
response protocols in the event
that primary protocols fail
Develops appropriate incident
response protocols to respond
to the various threats and
vulnerabilities identi�ed
Develops incident response
protocols to respond to the
various threats and
vulnerabilities identi�ed, but
they are not all appropriate or
do not respond to all the threats
and vulnerabilities
Does not develop incident
response protocols
Justi�cation of Incident
Response Protocols
Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and
provides unique or insightful
re�ection into the dangers of
not providing for adequate
incident response protocols
Logically justi�es how the
incident response protocols
will mitigate the threats to and
vulnerabilities of the
organization with support from
information assurance
research and best practices
Justi�es how the incident
response protocols will mitigate
the threats to and
vulnerabilities of the
organization with minimal
support from information
assurance research and best
practices, or justi�cation is
Does not justify how the
incident response protocols
will mitigate the threats and
vulnerabilities to the
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Criteria Exemplary (100%) Pro�cient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Disaster Response Protocols Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and
demonstrates deep insight into
responding to hidden or
complex threats or
Develops appropriate disaster
response protocols to respond
to the various threats and
vulnerabilities identi�ed
Develops disaster response
protocols to respond to the
various threats and
vulnerabilities identi�ed, but
they are not all appropriate or
do not respond to all the threats
and vulnerabilities
Does not develop disaster
response protocols
Justi�cation of Disaster
Response Protocols
Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and
provides unique or insightful
re�ection into the dangers of
not providing for adequate
disaster response protocols
Logically justi�es how the
disaster response protocols will
mitigate the threats to and
vulnerabilities of the
organization with support from
information assurance
research and best practices
Justi�es how the disaster
response protocols will mitigate
the threats to and
vulnerabilities of the
organization with minimal
support from information
assurance research and best
practices, or justi�cation is
Does not justify how the
disaster response protocols will
mitigate the threats to and
vulnerabilities of the
Access Control Protocols Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and
demonstrates unique or
insightful re�ection into
appropriate protocols
Develops appropriate access
control protocols that provide
an appropriate amount of
protection while allowing users
to continue to operate without
denial of service
Develops access control
protocols, but they do not
provide an appropriate amount
of protection while allowing
users to continue to operate
without denial of service
Does not develop access
control protocols
Justi�cation of Access
Control Protocols
Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and
provides unique or insightful
re�ection into the dangers of
not providing for adequate
access control protocols
Logically justi�es the access
control protocols with support
from information assurance
research and best practices
Justi�es the access control
protocols with minimal support
from information assurance </
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