Chat with us, powered by LiveChat What is the best way to prepare to write a professional email to your supervisor that you are quitting a job? include communication vocabulary 150 or more words?Chapter3Bus.Communicat | Wridemy

What is the best way to prepare to write a professional email to your supervisor that you are quitting a job? include communication vocabulary 150 or more words?Chapter3Bus.Communicat

What is the best way to prepare to write a professional email to your supervisor that you are quitting a job?

include communication vocabulary

150 or more words 

Ch. 3, Slide 1

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Ch. 3, Slide 2

Learning Outcome 1

Understand the powerful effects of globalization and the major trends fueling it.

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Ch. 3, Slide 3

Markets Go Global

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Mergers, acquisitions, and buyouts stir growth beyond national boundaries.

American companies in global markets must adapt to other cultures.

Increasingly even many home-grown businesses are controlled by global enterprises.

Ch. 3, Slide 4

Trends Fueling Globalization

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Stagnating or declining domestic markets

Favorable trade agreements and removal of trade barriers

Growing middle classes in emerging economies

Advancements in transportation and logistics

Information and communication technology breakthroughs

Ch. 3, Slide 5

Domestic Workforce Is

Increasingly Diverse

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Immigration makes intercultural communication increasingly necessary.

Business communicators must learn to adapt to an intercultural workforce and multinational companies.

Characteristics of Culture

Ch. 3, Slide 7

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Culture is learned.

Cultures are inherently logical.

Culture is the basis of self-identity and community.

Culture combines the visible and invisible.

Culture is dynamic.

Ch. 3, Slide 8

Dimensions of Culture

High and low context

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Individualism and collectivism

Time orientation

Power distance



Ch. 3, Slide 9

High and Low Context

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Low-context cultures

High-context cultures

Tend to be logical, linear and action oriented

Favor explicit messages that they consider to be objective, professional,

and efficient

Tend to be relational, collectivist, intuitive, and contemplative

Leave much unsaid and transmit communication cues by posture, voice inflection, gestures, and facial expression

Ch. 3, Slide 10

Individualism and Collectivism

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Low-context cultures

High-context cultures

Tend to prefer initiative, self-assertion, and personal achievement

Believe in individual action and personal responsibility

Desire a large degree of freedom in their

personal lives

Tend to prefer group values, duties, and decisions

Emphasize membership in organizations, groups, and teams

Encourage acceptance of group values, duties, and decisions

Ch. 3, Slide 11

Time Orientation

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Time is precious to North Americans.

Time correlates with productivity, efficiency, and money.

Time is seen as unlimited and never-ending in some cultures.

South Americans have a more relaxed concept of time.

Ch. 3, Slide 12

Power Distance

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Hofstede’s Power Distance Index compares societies based on how far the less powerful members of organizations and institutions accept an unequal distribution of power.

Ch. 3, Slide 13

Power Distance

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High power distance countries

Low power distance countries

Subordinates expect formal hierarchies and embrace relatively authoritarian, paternalistic power relationships.

Subordinates consider themselves as equals of their supervisors.

Relationships between individuals of varying power tend to be more democratic, egalitarian, and informal.

Ch. 3, Slide 14

Communication Style

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Low-context cultures

High-context cultures

Emphasize words, directness, and openness; people tend to be informal, impatient, and literal.

Rely on nonverbal cues and the total picture to communicate; meanings are embedded at many sociocultural levels.

Ch. 3, Slide 15

Characteristics of High-Context and

Low-Context Cultures

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Latin American





North American




High Context

Low Context

High-Context Cultures





Low-Context Cultures





Ch. 3, Slide 16

Proverbs Reflect Culture

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He who holds the gold makes the rules.

Waste not, want not.

U.S. Proverbs

The early bird gets the worm.

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.

Ch. 3, Slide 17

Proverbs Reflect Culture

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A man who waits for a roast duck to fly into his mouth must wait a very, very long time.

Chinese Proverbs

A man who says it cannot be done should not interrupt a man doing it.

Ch. 3, Slide 18

Proverbs Reflect Culture

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Other Proverbs

No one is either rich or poor who has not helped himself to be so.


Words do not make flour.


Wealth that comes in at the door unjustly goes out at the windows.


Ch. 3, Slide 19

Learning Outcome 3

Discuss strategies for enhancing intercultural effectiveness, reflect on nonverbal intercultural communication, assess how social media affect intercultural communication, and apply techniques for successful oral and written interactions across cultures.

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Ch. 3, Slide 20

Strategies for Improving Your Intercultural Effectiveness

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Building cultural self-awareness

Curbing ethnocentrism

Understanding generalizations and stereotyping

Being open-minded

Saving face

Ch. 3, Slide 21

How We Form Judgments

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Oversimplified behavioral pattern applied uncritically to groups


Ch. 3, Slide 22

How We Form Judgments

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Rigid attitude based on erroneous beliefs

or preconceptions


Ch. 3, Slide 23

How We Form Judgments

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Mental representation based on characteristics that are flexible and open to new definitions


Ch. 3, Slide 24

How We Form Judgments

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Question 1:

Why is it important to make generalizations in describing cultural prototypes?

Ch. 3, Slide 25

How We Form Judgments

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Question 2:

Are all generalizations invalid?

Ch. 3, Slide 26

Successful Nonverbal

Intercultural Communication

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Deciphering nonverbal messages is even more difficult when cultures differ.

Although nonverbal behavior is problematic between cultures, it conveys meaning.

Gestures can create very different reactions in different cultures; be careful in using and interpreting them.

Ch. 3, Slide 27

Techniques for Achieving

Intercultural Competence

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Descriptiveness: Giving descriptive feedback instead of judgmental feedback

Nonjudgmentalism: Being tolerant, which helps prevent defensive reactions

Supportiveness: Encouraging others with head nods, eye contact, and facial expressions

Ch. 3, Slide 28

How Technology and Social Media Affect Intercultural Communication

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Social media may potentially bridge cultural differences as well as reinforce them.

Global businesses adopt technology to a varying degree, revealing each culture’s values and norms.

The online environment may deepen feelings of isolation.

In real life as online, we gravitate toward people who seem like us.

Ch. 3, Slide 29

Social Networking: Erasing or Deepening Cultural Differences?

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Regional and cultural differences persist.

Media designers adapt to cultural preferences.

However, aside from language, regional differences on Facebook and Twitter seem minor.

Ch. 3, Slide 30

Improving Conversations in

Intercultural Environments

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Learn foreign phrases.

Use simple English.

Speak slowly and enunciate clearly.

Observe eye messages.

Encourage accurate feedback.

Ch. 3, Slide 31

Enhancing Intercultural Oral Communication

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Accept blame.

Listen without interrupting.

Smile when appropriate.

Follow up in writing.

Ch. 3, Slide 32

Improving Intercultural

Written Communication

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Adjust your writing style and tone.

Avoid humor to prevent


Use short sentences and short paragraphs.

Observe title and rank.

Ch. 3, Slide 33

Improving Intercultural

Written Communication

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Avoid ambiguous expressions.

Strive for clarity.

Use correct grammar.

Cite numbers carefully.

Ch. 3, Slide 46

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