01 Sep Module 3 DQ Topic: Patient Centered Care; Toxic Leadership LENGTH- 600 WORDSPlease ensure to include INTEXT-CITATION for all references.Please, also add this article to the ones you wil
There are 2 assignments questions attached, module 3 and module 4 PowerPoints. Please submit each individually. Please follow instructions and use the attached information and resources. Detail Assignment Instructions Attached.
Module 3 DQ
Topic: Patient Centered Care; Toxic Leadership
LENGTH- 600 WORDSPlease ensure to include INTEXT-CITATION for all references.Please, also add this article to the ones you will use in this assignment: Impact of Toxic Leadership on Employee Performance. ATTACHED1. There are four patient-centered leadership behaviors listed on page 335, table 12.1. Provide examples from your organization and describe how these behaviors can be used to support patient-centered or relationship-centered care. In addition, if applicable, tell us your COVID/patient story as it related to patient/family-centered care.2. What behaviors can you identify in your organization that might create stagnation and/or chaos or diminish relationships, connections, and information sharing? These are toxic behaviors. What are the consequences to the team, the organization, and the system? How can the leader reverse these consequences? Post your article about toxic leadership here and incorporate it into the discussion as well.3. Post your progress with your weekly self-care goal. Have you completed the self-care activity every week? What are the benefits to you of completing the weekly self-care activity? What are the barriers associated with completing your goal? What modifications can you make to increase your participation in the self-care activity between now and the end of the term? I have started walking 1 mile a day every evening I HAVE STARTED WALKING 1-2 MILE ADAY FOR 5 DAYS EVERY EVENING MISSED ONE DAY BECAUSE I WAS OVERWHLEMD WITH WORK AND SCHOOLOther Lecture MaterialsBelow is an outline of the 6 items for which you will be responsible throughout the module.1. Textbook readings- Weberg and Davidson Chapter 12, 13 (MO 1, 2, 3, 4) 2. Review the audio PowerPoint presentation on Toxic Leadership: ATTACHED3.. Read the article: 4 steps to repairing a toxic culture.pdf– ATTACHEDSherman, R. (2019). 4 steps to repairing a toxic culture. American Nurse Today, 14(3), p. 5-7 (MO 3.4) 4. Review the literature on the topic of toxic leadership. Be prepared to post one article from your review in the DB. Impact of Toxic Leadership on Employee Performance. ATTACHED5.. Read the article: Patient Centered Care During COVID.pdf– ATTACHEDAhmann.E.(2020), Resources and support to maintain the 'essence' of patient- and family-centered care during COVID-19. Pediatric Nursing.46(3): 154-155. (MO 1,2)Extra resources:Yscouts.(n.d.). 10 Toxic Leadership Characteristics. https://yscouts.com/10-toxic-leadership-characteristics/ICMI. (2018).Toxic Leadership Behaviors that Frustrate Employees. International Customer Management Institute https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAQDUK3ttnw
Module 4
PLEASE NOTE: This assignment is based on the Textbook readings- Dare to Lead by Brene Brown. Brown, B. (2018). Dare to lead. Vermilion. I need the response to these questions to be based absolutely on this book. Please use 3 additional resources to support the response.
DNP-803- Leadership in Organizations and Systems
Module 3 DQ
Topic: Patient Centered Care; Toxic Leadership
Please ensure to include INTEXT-CITATION for all references.
Please, also add this article to the ones you will use in this assignment: Impact of Toxic Leadership on Employee Performance. ATTACHED
1. There are four patient-centered leadership behaviors listed on page 335, table 12.1. Provide examples from your organization and describe how these behaviors can be used to support patient-centered or relationship-centered care. In addition, if applicable, tell us your COVID/patient story as it related to patient/family-centered care.
2. What behaviors can you identify in your organization that might create stagnation and/or chaos or diminish relationships, connections, and information sharing? These are toxic behaviors. What are the consequences to the team, the organization, and the system? How can the leader reverse these consequences? Post your article about toxic leadership here and incorporate it into the discussion as well.
3. Post your progress with your weekly self-care goal. Have you completed the self-care activity every week? What are the benefits to you of completing the weekly self-care activity? What are the barriers associated with completing your goal? What modifications can you make to increase your participation in the self-care activity between now and the end of the term?
Below is an outline of the 6 items for which you will be responsible throughout the module.
1. Textbook readings- Weberg and Davidson Chapter 12, 13 (MO 1, 2, 3, 4)
2. Review the audio PowerPoint presentation on Toxic Leadership: ATTACHED
3.. Read the article:
4 steps to repairing a toxic culture.pdf – ATTACHED
Sherman, R. (2019). 4 steps to repairing a toxic culture. American Nurse Today , 14(3), p. 5-7 (MO 3.4)
4. Review the literature on the topic of toxic leadership. Be prepared to post one article from your review in the DB. Impact of Toxic Leadership on Employee Performance. ATTACHED
5.. Read the article: Patient Centered Care During COVID.pdf – ATTACHED
Ahmann.E .(2020), Resources and support to maintain the 'essence' of patient- and family-centered care during COVID-19. Pediatric Nursing.46(3): 154-155. (MO 1,2)
Extra resources:
Yscouts.(n.d.). 10 Toxic Leadership Characteristics.
ICMI. (2018).Toxic Leadership Behaviors that Frustrate Employees. International Customer Management Institute https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAQDUK3ttnw
Module 4
PLEASE NOTE: This assignment is based on the Textbook readings- Dare to Lead by Brene Brown. Brown, B. (2018). Dare to lead. Vermilion. I need the response to these questions to be based absolutely on this book. Please use 3 additional resources to support the response.
Below is an outline of the items for which you will be responsible throughout the module.
1. Textbook readings Chap. 9 ( MO 1,2,3,4,5)
Module objectives
2. Read and submit voice-over or video PowerPoint about book selection assigned this week. (BOOK is DARE TO LEAD BY BROWN to cover MODULES 1,2,3,4,5) See Rubric.
Read the book is DARE TO LEAD BY BROWN and present the main points of the book in a voiceover or video PowerPoint presentation. You can use the audio feature in PowerPoint or use the Kaltura Media to record an audio version of the PowerPoint presentation. Be creative in your presentation as well as in your discussion questions. Refer to the grading rubric for the book presentation for specific information.
Student pairs will create and present a formal 15 -20 slide PowerPoint presentation with audio based upon the chosen leadership/organization book. The presentation should be no longer than 20 minutes. Include the following in the presentation:
1) Introduce the topic of the book – 4 SLIDES
2) Summarize main points of the book- 4 SLIDES
3) How can the information or “parable” be applied to health care organizations? – 4 SLIDES
4) What leadership concepts are evident and how can the concepts be applied to the health care setting?- 4 SLIDES
5) Include other important information specific to your book. - 2 SLIDES
Formulate 1-or 2 thought proving questions for the class and post on the discussion board.
Weekly Discussion Board Grading Criteria
Student Points |
Demonstrates thorough preparation, synthesis and informed opinion; addresses topic thoroughly; comments/ asks questions that contribute to group learning. Brings appropriate outside materials into the discussion; always listens to and supports the work of others. Meets the deadlines for posting responses as outlined by course requirements. Includes citations in the body of the post as well as references at the end of the post using APA format. 5- 4.5 |
Demonstrates some preparation and generally addresses topic; comments/asks questions; brings outside materials to class but may lack appropriateness; usually listens to and supports the work of others. May be inconsistent in responses or delayed in response to others. APA formatting errors in citations and references. 4.4 -2.5 |
Demonstrates inadequate preparation, marginal or off-topic posts, lacks synthesis, and reaffirms existing information, minimal / no contribution to group learning. Posts only within the last 24 hours of the week; rarely supports the efforts, ideas, and work of others. Late or no response to others. Posting lacks citations and references.
2.4- 0 |
Sound synthesis of material and data analysis from assigned readings and activities; Draws appropriate conclusions; facilitates/stimulates interaction and discussion with peers and instructor. Presents new ideas to the group. 5- 4.5 |
Faulty or incomplete synthesis and conclusions of data analysis, offers superficial opinion; Responses are limited and may not reflect assigned weekly reading or activities. Interactions and ideas are limited. 4.4 -2.5 |
Unsatisfactory synthesis of data analysis and conclusions; content not relevant; absence of informed opinion; absence of new ideas; responses are weak and disjointed. 2.4- 0 |
/10 |
154 PEDIATRIC NURSING/May-June 2020/Vol. 46/No. 3
COVID-19 and its devastating impact is now sweep- ing across the United States, as well as the world. Major metropolitan areas are literally ‘under siege.’ Hospitals and other parts of the health care system
are overwhelmed – without sufficient protective equipment for staff or even enough ventilators for patients. In the absence, often, of national guidelines, health care leaders are making decisions for their organizations and systems, and already-beleaguered frontline staff are working under new conditions. Children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN) and those with cancer may be at increased risk for complications from COVID-19 and are facing disruptions in care. To ensure the safety of patients and staff, some children’s hospitals have restricted the pres- ence of family members.
In the midst of the pandemic, committed staff are won- dering how to ‘stay true’ to the principles of patient- and family-centered care (PFCC) when the health care system is so overburdened. They are looking for answers and want ways to quickly access and understand emerging best prac- tices. They do not have the time to reach out to colleagues for ideas or to cull through information.
Drawing on its almost 30 years of advocating for part- nerships among patients, their families, and health care professionals, the Institute for Patient- and Family-
Centered Care (IPFCC) has become a resource and clearing- house for information about how to maintain the ‘essence’ of PFCC during the COVID-19 crisis, including the follow- ing: 1. Suggestions for language (on websites, signage) that
communicate the urgency of patient and staff safety, while still respecting the role of families in health care.
2. Alternative ways, especially through use of technology, to connect patients and families when physical presence is not possible.
3. Strategies for incorporating valuable input of patient and family advisors and partners during the pandemic. On the “PFCC Best Practices” of the IPFCC website, the
IPFCC has added material about COVID-19, including Frequently Asked Questions, a resource list, ‘Spotlights’ of creative strategies used by hospitals and other settings, and
Deborah Dokken, MPA, is a Family Leader and staff member of the Institute for Patient- and Family-Centered Care, Bethesda, MD. She is Co-Editor of Pediatric Nursing’s “Family Matters” Series.
Elizabeth Ahmann, ScD, RN, PCC, NBCHWC, is a Faculty Member, the Health and Wellness Coaching Program, Maryland University of Integrative Health, Laurel, MD, and a coach in private practice. She is Co-Editor of Pediatric Nursing’s “Family Matters” Series.
Note from the “Family Matters” Section Editors: In this difficult time of COVID-19, we want to provide some quick resources for nurses who are trying to balance urgent issues of safety with the need to partner with the families of their pediatric patients.
Resources and Support to Maintain the ‘Essence’ of Patient- and Family-Centered
Care during COVID-19 Deborah Dokken and Elizabeth Ahmann
Elizabeth Ahmann, ScD, RN, PCC, and Deborah Dokken, MPA
Family Matters
The Family Matters series focuses on issues, information, and strategies relevant to working with families of pediatric patients. To suggest topics, obtain author guidelines, or to submit queries or manuscripts, contact Co-Editors Elizabeth Ahmann, ScD, RN, PCC; or Deborah Dokken, MPA, Pediatric Nursing; East Holly Avenue/Box 56; Pitman, NJ 08071–0056; (856) 256–2300 or FAX (856) 589-7463.
Dokken, D., & Ahmann, E. (2020). Resources and support to maintain the ‘essence’ of patient- and family-cen- tered care during COVID-19. Pediatric Nursing, 46(3), 154-155.
The Institute for Patient- and Family-Centered Care (IPFCC) has become a resource and clearinghouse for how to maintain the ‘essence’ of patient- and family-cen- tered care during the COVID pandemic. Suggestions for language, maintaining connection, working with patient and family advisors, and other useful strategies and best practices can be accessed on the IPFCC website (https://www.ipfcc.org/bestpractices/covid-19/index.html). Additionally, the Institute's online learning community PFCCConnect now includes a COVID-19 community (reg- ister at https://pfcc.connect.ipfcc.org/home).
Key Words: Patient- and family-centered care, COVID- 19, pediatrics, partnerships.
PEDIATRIC NURSING/May-June 2020/Vol. 46/No. 3 155
free access to two recently presented webinars. Although not all materials are specifically focused on pediatrics, many of them are. They will be updated on a regular basis. The materials can be accessed at the following webpage: https://www.ipfcc.org/bestpractices/covid-19/index.html
IPFCC's free online learning community, PFCC.Connect, has over 2,000 patient/family advisors and PFCC and Patient Family Engagement staff. It has been expanded to include a special community for COVID-19. In addition to discussions generated by community members, periodic, facilitated “Informal Conversations” about COVID-19 pro- vide a forum to share up-to-date ideas about PFCC during the pandemic. Slides from the conversations, as well as the participant chat record, are archived for later access. To register for free membership in PFCC.Connect, visit: https://pfcc.connect.ipfcc.org/home
We hope these two key resources support your own and your institution’s efforts to maintain the ‘essence’ of PFCC during the COVID-19 crisis. Funded by a grant from the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health, Palo Alto, California, IPFCC is offering a series of free webinars and online conversations for chil- dren's hospitals and other pediatric settings focused on PFCC during COVID-19. These special events will occur monthly from June through October 2020. Check IPFCC's website for more information: www.ipfcc.org
Copyright of Pediatric Nursing is the property of Jannetti Publications, Inc. and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use.
Impact of Toxic Leadership on Employee Performance Christian Wiradendi Wolor 1 , Ardiansyah Ardiansyah 2 , Rofi Rofaida 3 , Ahmad Nurkhin 4 , Mahmoud Ali Rababah 5
1 Universitas Negeri Jakarta, 2 Politeknik Tempo, 3 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, 4 Universitas Negeri Semarang, 5 Al-Balqa Applied University
Keywords: Toxic Leadership, Job Satisfaction, Work Commitment, Employee Performance, JEL C92 L83 O15
Health Psychology Research Vol. 10, Issue 4, 2022
This research intends to shed additional light on the effects of toxic leadership on employee satisfaction, motivation, and performance. Such a study on toxic leadership is required since, to date, no research in Indonesia have sought to quantify the consequences of toxic leadership on organizational leaders. Using surveys and structural equation modeling, a quantitative strategy was adopted (SEM). The research sample amounted to 400 taken from 8 locations in Indonesia. Using Google Forms, questionnaires were distributed to 400 employees and analyzed using the Lisrel 8.5 program. The results show that toxic leadership has an effect on job satisfaction (p > 0.00), toxic leadership has an effect on work motivation (p > 0.00), toxic leadership has no effect on employee performance (p < 0.00), job satisfaction has an effect on work motivation (p > 0.00), job satisfaction has effect on employee performance (p > 0.00) work motivation has no effect on employee performance (p < 0.00). The consequences of the study findings for organizations range from the process of screening and selection of leaders to creating stress management and self-resilience training to help employees deal with their emotions in healthy ways and strengthen their defenses.
To accomplish corporate objectives, individuals typically collaborate with one another. When there are more than two people working in the same space, there needs to be some kind of management system in place in order to get the job done. During this phase of the process, the manager or leader directs and controls the personnel in order to ac- complish the desired goals of the company. Because lead- ership plays such a crucial role in determining whether a business will be successful or not, it is imperative that lead- ers possess the skills necessary to guide and inspire their people. However, some leadership approaches have a detri- mental impact on employees and the work environment.1
In point of fact, over the course of the past few years, there has been a rise in the prevalence of toxic leadership styles in businesses.2
Toxic leadership phenomena will lead to moral crises such as the recent one, employee abuse at Amazon, mis- handling and monetization of personal user data by Face- book and unrepentant discrimination at Uber.3 This is in conjunction with the findings of a recent poll conducted by Life Meets Work Consulting, which revealed that as many as 56% of employees presently work for a toxic CEO whose be- havior fosters an unhealthy work environment. In point of fact, around one third of all leaders are capable of exhibit- ing this unhealthy form of leadership.2 Therefore, a number of employees have been put in situations where they have been exposed to leaders and managers whose behavior dis- plays a toxic style.
Toxic leaders may be highly competent and effective in their work, but they contribute to creating an unhealthy en- vironment among their subordinates and peers, with the consequences of their actions reaching more than just a few individuals. This was one of the early findings from re- search conducted on the topic.2 Toxic leadership can oc- cur for a number of reasons, one of which is when the leader’s own personal agenda is prioritized above the or- ganization’s long-term success.4 Reduced productivity as a result of increased absenteeism and illness; decreased em- ployee performance as a result of a lack of commitment and dissatisfaction in their work. In addition, organizations lack the experience and ability to counteract the effects of toxic leadership. The impact on organizations has to pay for the hidden costs incurred by the dysfunctional behavior of toxic leaders. These costs include: reduced productivity; decreased employee performance; and decreased employee performance. work, legal fees, and other expenses.5
The phenomenon of toxic leadership is becoming more and more widespread in the management literature, and it has intrigued a great deal of scholars in recent years.6 Re- cent studies have looked into the negative aspects of lead- ership and the effects that toxic leadership has on the men- tal health of employees and the success of businesses.7 A lack of effective leadership is not the only definition of toxic leadership; rather, it appears that toxic leadership is a leadership style in its own right.2 For the purposes of this investigation, we made use of toxic leadership constructs. Toxic leadership is a major component of shadowy lead- ership, and it is similar to a poison in that it can spread covertly and unnoticed. Toxic leadership not only taints
Wolor CW, Ardiansyah A, Rofaida R, Nurkhin A, Rababah MA. Impact of Toxic Leadership on Employee Performance. Health Psychology Research. 2022;10(4).
individuals, but it also has an effect on groups, and ulti- mately, the entire organization.8
According to the research that has been conducted, toxic leadership is one of the potential antecedents of increased turnover intention, employee dissatisfaction, lack of com- mitment, and psychological stresses such as anxiety, burnout, depression, disengagement, low self-esteem, emotional exhaustion, and employee silence. According to academics, leaders’ displays of toxic behavior have a sig- nificant and profoundly negative impact on the organiza- tional learning and performance of their organizations.9 It is equally interesting to note that toxic leaders never regard their behavior as being negative, and they always believe that their behavior is socially acceptable. This is an inter- esting fact since it explains why toxic leaders continue to engage in such activity.8,10
The purpose of this study is to provide a deeper under- standing of the influence that toxic leadership has on the levels of happiness, motivation, and performance experi- enced by employees. A more in-depth examination of toxic leadership from an academic standpoint involves limited empirical investigation of the relationship between toxic leadership and work-related outcomes.2 This is essential as an essential input for the resolution of general and individ- ual issues pertaining to learning and performance. An re- search of this kind into toxic leadership is required since, to this day, no studies in Indonesia have sought to assess the impacts of toxic leadership on organizational leaders. This makes it imperative that such an inquiry take place. When designing appropriate interventions to facilitate
effective leadership and developing relevant policies to re- duce the emergence of toxic behavior in organizations, it can be helpful to have knowledge of the various factors that cause toxic leadership behavior in managers. For example, knowing the various factors that cause toxic leadership be- havior in managers can help. Because of this, the investiga- tion of this characteristic will assist businesses in evaluat- ing toxic leadership in the sector, and it will also contribute to the scant body of research that is presently accessible on the subject.
A damaging form of leadership that may have a detrimental effect on both organizations and individuals is referred to as toxic leadership. However, the phrase is not defined in any specific manner in the relevant literature, and there is as of yet no general agreement on how to answer the topic of whether leadership actions are seen as unsuitable, damaging, and toxic to companies.10 A leadership style that is toxic to its followers and, as a result, to the organiza- tion they work for is called toxic leadership.11 Toxic lead- ership can be defined as a pattern of behaviors that are not only harmful but also encourage leaders to pursue their own personal objectives and benefits at the expense of the interests of their team members and the organization as a whole. The damaging behavior of leaders in the workplace
has the potential to trickle down to lower-level personnel in the organization.9
Scholars have defined to
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