Chat with us, powered by LiveChat How lessons learned from Ebola epidemic can be applied in the Covid19 pandemic.  The prompt to the research paper is above. Attached below are the instructions of how the research pape | Wridemy

How lessons learned from Ebola epidemic can be applied in the Covid19 pandemic.  The prompt to the research paper is above. Attached below are the instructions of how the research pape

  How lessons learned from Ebola epidemic can be applied in the Covid19 pandemic.

 The prompt to the research paper is above. Attached below are the instructions of how the research paper is to be written. Also attached below is an outline of how the research paper will be written. If you can fill out the outline as you right the paper will be greatly appreciated. Again, instructions are in the attached files below. Please follow the instructions as they are presented to you! Thank you!

Research Essay Outline Template: Follow Exactly

· Introductory Paragraph

1. Hook (Attention-Grabber)

2. Background information/Overview Summary of Topic

3. Thesis Statement (Must be either the first or last sentence in your paper)—thesis must be written as ONE complete sentence that contains:

1. i) Assertive Claim

2. ii) Supporting Reasons for the Claim

· Support Paragraph-Develop Your Argument         

1. Topic Sentence (linked to one of the supporting reasons in thesis)

1. i) **Evidence 1a

2. ii) Evidence 1b

· iii) Evidence 1c

1. Topic Sentence (linked to one of the supporting reasons in thesis)

1. i) Evidence 2a

2. ii) Evidence 2b

· iii) Evidence 2c

1. Topic Sentence (linked to one of the supporting reasons in thesis)

1. i) Evidence 3a

2. ii) Evidence 3b

· iii) Evidence 3c

1. d) . .

· Conclusion Paragraph

1. Restate the importance of your issue

2. Paint a picture of the world depicting what would happen if your argument is (or is not) implemented

5) Works Cited Page (6 scholarly references. Should be a mixture of internet sources, research papers and books)

**Evidence can be your analyses of lines or passages in your literary work, intext citing authoritative scholarly articles and your own commentaries on the cited sources. Be certain to include your citations to your research sources. 





SRESEARCH ESSAY|4-5 PAGES (Excluding cover page and Reference page, Single space, 12 font size)| 6 JOURNAL ARTICLE CITATIONS

1. This essay rewards you for your diligence and hard work this semester. You can use a wide latitude of choice and focus in fulfilling this writing assignment. Read the following writing prompts carefully and write a persuasive research essay that addresses the following:

· Use the outline you submitted earlier to prepare your paper. Use what you have learned in this course to discuss your selected topic (which should have been approved by me).

· Using your own analytical commentaries and buttressing your analyses by intext citing at least six (6) scholarly journal articles—argue your topic (you can be pro or against the topic of discussion). DO NOT use all your references from internet. Include journal articles and books as your references.

· Use the Library’s Electronic Databases for your scholarly journal articles as research sources.

· Google Scholar is also a helpful resource.

· Include a Works Cited as the last page of your essay.

· Be certain your essay conforms to the standards for essay formatting and documentation that you can find in the Sample Student Essay or at Purdue OWL online.

· Do not put more than one line space between each paragraph.

· You should only use 1-inch margins on the top, bottom and both sides of the page.

 Your discussion will be graded on the quality and depth of your original response to the question and referencing the reading and websites in this topic section.

  Do not copy/paste content – only cite references.

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