Chat with us, powered by LiveChat It is important for children to have the freedom to make mistakes. As children learn, it is a teacher's responsibility to guide them through their mistakes, so they are able to respon | Wridemy

It is important for children to have the freedom to make mistakes. As children learn, it is a teacher’s responsibility to guide them through their mistakes, so they are able to respon

It is important for children to have the freedom to make mistakes. As children learn, it is a teacher’s responsibility to guide them through their mistakes, so they are able to respond and develop their social and emotional skills appropriately.

For this assignment, review the case scenarios below to develop plans to guide the children through their mistakes, allowing them to use the mistakes as learning opportunities.

Instructions attached.

Case Scenario 1: Joey

Joey is a four-year-old child whose family recently relocated to a new town. Joey joined his new Pre-K classroom four months into the school year, after the community of the classroom was established and friendships formed. Joey is a rule-follower and seems to be adjusting well, but he usually plays alone and is shy. One day, Joey is painting at the art center and after finishing his own painting, he begins painting on another child’s work. The other child is visibly upset that her work has been painted on. She and her friend tell Joey that he is not nice and they do not want him there because he painted on her work. When confronted by the other children, he says that there was no more paper, begins crying, and runs to the corner. He has now isolated himself and refuses to speak to anyone.

Case Scenario 2: Olivia

Olivia is a kindergarten student entering school for the first time. She is an only child and has had little exposure to other children. While playing a game, Olivia takes all of the cards from another child. The other child tells Olivia, “That isn’t fair! You need to share!” as he grabs some of the cards back. Olivia gets very close to the other child’s face and yells, “I am the princess! Give me those now!” She then grabs the cards and hits him before walking away.


For each of the scenarios above, write 150-250 word discussion outline and a 150-250 word follow up letter including the following:

Part 1: Discussion outline

Explain the situation you observed in your classroom.

Describe what actions you took immediately following the occurrence, and the child’s reaction.

How you will collaborate with the student to use mistakes as learning opportunities to develop healthy socioemotional skills and create a respectful, supportive, and inclusive learning environment.

Suggestions for how parents/guardians can support appropriate behavior at home through respectful, reciprocal relationships.

Part 2: Follow-up letter

Brief summary of the student’s classroom behavior.

Summary of corrective steps you took and will take to help the student to develop appropriate behavior.

At-home strategies to encourage student to develop healthy socioemotional skills.

How you will follow-up with the family about the child’s future behavior and progress

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