Chat with us, powered by LiveChat BY DAY 5 Respond to two or more of your colleagues' posts in one or more of the following ways: Relate your own examples of fixed and/or growth mindset to those your colleague sha | Wridemy

BY DAY 5 Respond to two or more of your colleagues’ posts in one or more of the following ways: Relate your own examples of fixed and/or growth mindset to those your colleague sha



Respond to two or more of your colleagues’ posts in one or more of the following ways:

  • Relate your own examples of fixed and/or growth mindset to those your colleague shared.
  • Provide one or more additional benefits and/or challenges to each type of mindset.
  • Share an additional perspective on why a growth or fixed mindset could be of benefit to an organization.
  • Offer an alternate perspective on your colleague’s analysis by using a specific example from your own experience.
  • Add at least one resource

Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you have learned or any insights you have gained as a result of the comments your colleagues made.

Nicole Ellis

YesterdayNov 21 at 9:23pm

Manage Discussion Entry

Growth mindset vs Fixed Mindset

In my professional career I can attest that I had both a growth mindset and fixed mindset. Being a defined benefit professional for over 20 years, I worked diligently to stay ahead of the trends by educating myself on new policies and procedures that would be most beneficial to the employees I would interact with. “Individuals who believe their talents can be developed (through hard work, good strategies, and input from others) have a growth mindset.” (Dweck,2016)

Albeit having a mindset for learning, my approach had not changed. I was unwilling to engage with my colleagues after hours or even attend offsite training because I didn’t see the benefit. During the pandemic, my mindset was challenged as I had to learn and adapt to a new way of living and communicating with my team and colleagues. This included the full usage of Zoom meetings for daily interaction, updating of software systems to Microsoft teams which allowed for usage of different software programs, creating a new work life balance with my personal and professional life. This experience helped me migrate from a “fixed mindset” believing that “intelligence is fixed, so if you’re not good at something, you might believe you’ll never be good at it.” (Smith, 2020) to now understanding the importance of being able to be open to changes and evolving with time to be more educated in what is now and what can be.

Changing my mindset has been most beneficial in my organization because it allows me not to be siloed to a certain style of learning processing and open to advantages that may have helped my workload to be easier. “Individuals and organizations can gain a lot by deepening their understanding of growth-mindset concepts and how to put them into practice. It gives them a richer sense of who they are, what they stand for, and how they want to move forward. (Dweck, 2016)

Linda Morris

SundayNov 19 at 9pm

Manage Discussion Entry

Examples of Mindset

      People with a growth mindset thrive on challenges and do not see failure as a way to describe themselves. They see mistakes as a learning opportunity and openly accept criticism because they believe it will help them grow. Scholars are gratified when their ideas improve motivation, innovation, or productivity (Dweck, 2016, p. 2). In my field as a software developer, I exhibit a growth mindset. I embrace challenges, view efforts as a path to mastery, and persist in facing setbacks. When learning new programming languages, I reflect on my experiences and figure out ways to grow from the challenges I experience. I am open to embracing feedback as a learning opportunity to continue to learn and grow throughout life. 

      People with a fixed mindset give up and take criticism personally. They believe they are good or bad at something based on their inherent nature. People with a fixed mindset believe their talents, intelligence, and personalities are fixed traits that cannot grow. I display a fixed mindset when it comes to public speaking. I may avoid opportunities, fearing judgment and believing that public speaking is an inherent skill rather than one that can be developed. With a fixed mindset, people believe that traits are given or "fixed," and that talent alone fosters success (Kristjansson, 2016, p. 1). 

Benefits and Challenges of Mindset

      The benefits of a growth mindset include a willingness to take on challenges, increased resilience, and a focus on learning and improvement. In programming, this mindset allows me to tackle complex problems enthusiastically, seeing them as opportunities to enhance my skills. An essential source of learning comes from active exploration because learning from errors can lead to transformative individuals and organizational development (Kristjansson, 2016, p. 1)

      The challenges of a growth mindset make me impatient and sometimes a procrastinator. People often confuse a growth mindset with being flexible or open-minded or having a positive outlook — qualities they believe they have always had (Dweck, 2016, p. 3). Challenges that people with a growth mindset face include judging people too quickly and thinking that others will respond to situations like they do when faced with similar circumstances. With a growth mindset, I feel the need to work harder and be more intelligent to succeed. 

      The benefits of a fixed mindset are having a sense of security in one's abilities, leading to confidence and less self-doubt. In public speaking, a fixed mindset gives me a sense of belonging because I can openly express myself. Though public speaking is something that I work to improve, I do well with it. Promoting a positive attitude to accept and learn from errors should be encouraged to foster new approaches and continuous improvement (Yan et al., 2014, p. 1). People with a fixed mindset stick to what they know rather than try new things. They focus on their strengths because they know that their strengths can make them experts on specific topics and tasks. 

      The challenges of a fixed mindset are accepting feedback, resistance to change, and seeing success in others. In public speaking, a fixed mindset might hinder my progress, as the fear of judgment and the belief in inherent abilities could prevent me from taking necessary risks to improve. People with a fixed mindset can force their teams into fixed mentalities that prevent learning and growth (Kristjansson, 2016, p. 1). A fixed mindset can limit one's potential by avoiding challenges and fearing failure. 

Mindset and the Organization

      In my work as a software developer, I exhibit a growth mindset. When faced with a challenging programming task or adopting a new technology, I enthusiastically approach it. I see difficulties as opportunities to expand my skill set, and I am fearless in investing time and effort to understand and overcome obstacles. A design thinker sees the world as a place that welcomes new ideas rather than a hostile environment that punishes change because they care profoundly about impact (Martin, 2009, p. 5). This mindset has allowed me to evolve in a rapidly changing tech landscape continually. I actively seek opportunities for learning and improvement. This mindset could benefit an organization by fostering innovation, adaptability, and a culture of continuous improvement. Managers with a growth mindset foster a culture of coaching that, in turn, creates opportunities for insight and innovation (Kristjansson, 2016, p. 1). A growth mindset also benefits my organization by promoting a positive approach to change, increases trust between employees, and improves employee morale. 

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