Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Please submit the opening and closing paragraphs in color, here as ONE document.  For the Introduction paragraph: Green for first sentence (The grabber). Blue for Transition sentence | Wridemy

Please submit the opening and closing paragraphs in color, here as ONE document.  For the Introduction paragraph: Green for first sentence (The grabber). Blue for Transition sentence

Please submit the opening and closing paragraphs in color, here as ONE document. 

For the Introduction paragraph:

Green for first sentence (The grabber).

Blue for Transition sentences.

Purple for last Thesis Statement.

For the Conclusion paragraph:

Purple for the first Thesis restated sentence.

Blue for transition sentences.

Green for last sentence (Final grabber).

Introduction end with thesis statement and i opening sentence of the introduction we should include 

a surprising, disturbing, little-known, or wonderful fact, in text citation, and statistics, conclusions should be reverse of introduction 


1. The Impact of Social Media on Brand Reputation in Retail Industry

2.Protecting Online Privacy for Individuals

3. Artificial Intelligence Fairness and Bias in Automated Decision-Making Systems

4. Succession Planning and Development of Leadership

5. E-Waste Management in the Tech Industry

6. Air Pollution and its Impact on Heart Disease


Milestone 4 1

Introductory Paragraph

Outline for Introductory Paragraph

• Opening Sentence: Grab the reader’s attention.

• Sentences Between: Each sentence should naturally flow from the

opening sentence into the thesis statement.

• Thesis Statement: One sentence to summarize what is addressed in the

paper with your recommendation: It is your whole paper “squished” into

one sentence!

Color Coding:

Green = Opening sentence meant to grab reader’s attention

Red = Sentences in between that are needed to transition from Green to Purple

Purple = Thesis statement

Opening Sentence

Transition Sentences Between




Milestone 4 2

Student Sample Introductory Paragraph

African American, American Indian, and Alaska Native women are up to three times more likely to die

from adverse pregnancy related outcomes, a disparity that increases with age (Centers for Disease Control

and Prevention, 2019). Researchers found a program which provided support to African American

women through group trainings, entailing of stress reduction techniques, life skills development, and the

building of social support. This enabled mitigation efforts to be focused and geared around the factors that

influence and contributed to adverse pregnancy outcomes among the minority women within the

community, thus reducing and preventing negative pregnancy outcomes in women of color.

In the United States, maternal mortality and adverse health outcomes persist within the minority

community, and as a result, racial disparities in healthcare among pregnant women is a current

preventable public health concern, therefore it is vital to understand the determinants of health that

influences negative pregnancy related outcomes in minority women, similar to one of California’s

intervention programs, the Black Infant Health Program (Nichols and Cohen, 2019).


Milestone 4 3

Opening Sentence

Activity: 1st Sentence of the Opening Paragraph

Purpose: To Grab the Reader’s Attention

This ONE Sentence Must include:

1. a surprising, disturbing, little-known, or wonderful fact

2. a statistic

3. an in-text citation

Examples: Find and Number All Three of These Elements Below

Sample 1

Breast cancer is a disease that affected almost 237,000 women in the United States in

2014 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014).

Sample 2

Studies estimate that approximately 40 million Americans, or about 20 percent of the

population, are attempting to restrict their intake of food high in carbohydrates (Sanders and

Katz, 2004; Hirsch, 2004).

Write your own here, and number the 3 parts!

1st sample adapted from student paper, anonymous;

2nd sample adapted from on-line textbook, retrieved from, p.455


Milestone 4 4

The Thesis Statement

Your thesis statement is the driving force of your paper based on research, and containing

no opinions or generic and broad advice, but it should contain your stance on the topic

(based on research). In other words, you need to justify your stance based on research.

General Formula

Topic + your stance on the topic + why this is your stance supported by

research (citation) = your thesis statement


Certain things can change in the general formula

based on what your professor asks. This is why it

is so important to read directions very carefully.

KG 604: Steps to the Thesis

Since your directions say you must make a recommendation based on research, that recommendation

becomes your stance. Follow the steps below to help form your thesis statement:

1. Restate the Problem with citation

2. Isolate and name the company/organization/program/policy and state why it works, with


Sample Thesis Statements

Research examples to illustrate the points above.

3. Connect #2 to your population or location and write your recommendation

It is recognized that the most effective means of mitigating information security risks within

an organization is training employees who use these devices (Albrechtsen & Hovden, 2010);

therefore, it is necessary to implement mandatory training and cyber prevention courses,

similar to Bank A’s professional training (Lastname, year), to employees of Bank B to protect

them from the losses caused by the increasing number of scams and e-mail scams.


Milestone 4 5

Activity: Practice with Parts of the Thesis Statement

Can you color code any words in the sample below that match the above formula in Red, Green, and


It is important to keep in check the fraudulent behavior of the medical institutions to

reduce wastage of government funds and the money of the citizens (Briccetti, 2021);

therefore, in any circumstance, public health authorities and health experts of Company A

should rigorously verify all information related to claims and procedures before approving

any of those claims to avoid overbilling or fraudulent medical billing through

implementation of Company’s B’s compliance program (Lastname, year), which has

proven to be successful in management of funds (Lastname, year).


Milestone 4 6

Activity: Drafting Your Thesis Statement

Answer the following questions in the orange column below and place a check mark next to each


Steps Description of Steps Draft Your Notes to Build Your Thesis Statement Check

1 ✓ Restate the Problem

with citation:

2 ✓ Isolate and name the


program/policy and state

why it works, with citation:

3 ✓ Connect #2 to your

population or location and

write your


Steps Ensure the Following: Check

4 ✓ My thesis statement is the Last Sentence of the Opening


5 ✓ My recommendation is based ONLY on the Research, with None

of Your generalized or unsupported Opinions

6 ✓ My thesis statement contains in-text citations



What is the name of your favorite kind in the chat bar!


I am sure I made you hungry!!

You’ll see, it was all for a good cause!

Today, you will write the introduction and conclusion for to your research paper!

A research paper typically includes these sections:


Literature review



You have written these parts of your research paper:


Literature review



Today you will write


Literature review




Opening Sentence

Grab the attention of your reader

Make them want to read more!

Sentences in between

Closing Sentence

Thesis Statement*

States your stance/recommendation for your reader (the rest of the paper will literally expand on this one sentence – you’ll see!)

SO… BACK to chocolate!

SO… BACK to chocolate!


A little-known fact…

According to Forbes (2020), Americans consume an average of 11 pounds of chocolate per person per year.

According to Forbes (2020), Americans consume an average of 11 pounds of chocolate per person per year.

Did you know that?!

By the way, there are resources about the

Opening Sentence

on page 60 of your manual!

Flip to it!

Or use your Directions resource in this week’s folder

Can you find all the elements of an opening sentence here?

According to Forbes (2020), Americans consume an average of 11 pounds of chocolate per person per year.

Hint: here are the elements:

a surprising, disturbing, little-known, or wonderful fact

a statistic

an in-text citation


I don’t remember how to DO one!

In-text citations!


I found it, but I don’t quite remember how to DO one!

In-text citations!

Forbes (2020)

In-text citations need

Who wrote it

(or whose idea it is)



Two ways to cite:

(p. 33-38 in manual)

author names are part of the sentence

(narrative format)

author names and date of publication

are not part of the sentence

(parenthetical format)


Who wrote/thought it



One Author

Research by Smith (2004) found… Recent research (Smith, 2004) found…

Two Authors

Research by Wager and Petty (1994) found…

Paraphrased material (Wager & Petty, 1994).

Which way of citing is used here?

According to Forbes (2020), Americans consume an average of 11 pounds of chocolate per person per year.

Now YOU write an opening sentence on YOUR topic.

This will open your research paper!

Expect to spend 20-40 minutes on this one sentence!!! Surprising, but true!!

here are the elements:

a surprising, disturbing, little-known,

or wonderful fact

a statistic

an in-text citation

Pop YOURS in the chat bar

for feedback!

Break time!

What is a thesis statement?

Please read page 2

in your Directions resource

in this week’s folder

The Thesis Statement: Justifying Your Stance Based on Research

The Thesis Statement: Justifying Your Stance Based on Research

The thesis statement

-Is the driving force or “outline” of your paper based on research

The Thesis Statement Justifying Your Stance Based on


The thesis statement

-Is the driving force or “outline” of your paper based on research

-Contains your stance on the topic based on research.

General Formula

topic +

your stance on the topic +

how your stance is supported by research

(citation) =

your thesis statement

General Formula

Look at the sample in your

Directions document

in this week’s folder

Now let’s write yours!

Expect to spend 25 – 45 minutes on this.

This is a hard one,

because it is the “outline” to your paper!!!

Topic +

your stance on the topic +

how your stance is

supported by research

(citation) =

your thesis statement


Pop YOURS in the chat bar

for feedback!

Take a BREATH!!!

Where in the Opening Paragraph does the thesis statement go?

Where in the Opening Paragraph does it go?

It’s the LAST sentence of the Opening Paragraph

(and helps you to organize your paper!)

Now, you have the two “BOOKENDS!”

Your opening sentence

Now, you have the two “BOOKENDS!”

Your opening sentence


Your thesis statement

Green = Opening sentence meant to grab reader’s attention

Red = Sentences in between that are needed to transition from Green to Purple

Purple = Recommendation based on research

Food fraud has been identified in multiple communities, and in some cases there is a rise in this fraudulent behavior with the increase in different needs regarding food types (Northern District of Iowa, 2019). Food fraud refers to the deliberate alteration of food, related ingredients, or packaging, as well as the creation of false or deceptive assertions about a product in order to profit financially (Spink & Moyer, 2011, as cited in Levy, 2020). This fraud can cause damage to consumers’ health, or can affect entire supply chains (Northern District of Iowa, 2019). Food fraud has been found in the research and in (popular press/relevant journals) to be a threat to public health as well as to the economy. Due to food fraud’s threats to segments of business as well as communities, government and food, organizations should install more efficient legislature such as (name of policy with citation) to oversee and regulate the food chains operated by independent providers such as farmers and sole proprietors.

Please write your opening paragraph in color!

Start with your Green opening sentence

Have Blue sentences in the middle

End with your Purple thesis statement

Conclusion Paragraph

Most students overthink this but think of it like a mirror image of your introduction paragraph.


Turn the opening paragraph upside down!

Conclusion Paragraph

Turn the opening paragraph upside down!

Food fraud has been identified in multiple communities, and in some cases there is a rise in this fraudulent behavior with the increase in different needs regarding food types (Northern District of Iowa, 2019). Food fraud refers to elthe diberate alteration of food, related ingredients, or packaging, as well as the creation of false or deceptive assertions about a product in order to profit financially (Spink & Moyer, 2011, as cited in Levy, 2020). This fraud can cause damage to consumers’ health, or can affect entire supply chains (Northern District of Iowa, 2019). Food fraud has been found in the research and in (popular press/relevant journals) to be a threat to public health as well as to the economy. Due to food fraud’s threats to segments of business as well as communities, government and food, organizations should install more efficient legislature such as (name of policy with citation) to oversee and regulate the food chains operated by independent providers such as farmers and sole proprietors.

Conclusion Paragraph

Not actually copying the sentences, but the gist!

Due to food fraud’s threats to segments of business as well as to communities, government and food, organizations should install more efficient legislature such as (name of policy with citation) to oversee and regulate the food chains operated by independent providers such as farmers and sole proprietors. Food fraud has been found in the research and in (popular press/relevant journals) to be a threat to public health as well as to the economy. This fraud, as seen in the research (cite all research studies from the literature review), can cause damage to consumers’ health, or can affect entire supply chains (Northern District of Iowa, 2019). The (fill in recommended action) is necessary, as food fraud has been identified in multiple communities, and in some cases there is a rise in this fraudulent behavior with the increase in different needs regarding food types (Northern District of Iowa, 2019).
































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