Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Students must Create a Cancer Registry Accession Worksheet using the example provided.  Students will prepare an accession register using the list of patients and attached worksheet by | Wridemy

Students must Create a Cancer Registry Accession Worksheet using the example provided.  Students will prepare an accession register using the list of patients and attached worksheet by

NSTRUCTIONS:  Students must Create a Cancer Registry Accession Worksheet using the example provided.  Students will prepare an accession register using the list of patients and attached worksheet by assigning numbers in the correct order.  Save your responses in a Word document, attach file and upload to the dropbox

Accession Number Definition: A nine-digit number is used to identify the year in which the patient was first seen at the reporting facility for the diagnosis and/or treatment of cancer. The first four numbers specify the year, and the last five numbers are the numeric order in which the patient was entered into the registry database.  


Patient Jones was first seen in April  9, 2014, she was entered into the registry database under the number 07139.  Patient Perez was first seen April 13, 2016, he was entered  into the registry database under the  number 07164.  Following the accession number definition, the accession numbers would be 201407139 for patient Jones and 201607164 for patient Perez.  Next place them in the correct order using the straight numerical filing system.

1.   201407139 

2.  201607164 

Prepare an accession register using the list of patients described below by assigning numbers in the correct order. Create a Cancer Registry Accession Worksheet using the model below: Patients: Brown, B., localized colon cancer, diagnosed 2/12/10 Jones, T., localized prostate cancer and in situ bladder cancer, diagnosed 1/15/10 Smith, J., breast cancer with regional spread, diagnosed 6/25/10 Blue, A., localized lung cancer, diagnosed 4/10/10 Black, S., lung cancer, stage unknown, diagnosed 1/12/10 Red, T., in situ breast cancer, diagnosed 5/1/10 Green, J., stomach cancer with distant metastases, diagnosed 9/1/10 Yellow, C., localized liver cancer, diagnosed 9/2/10 Orange, D., localized prostate cancer, diagnosed 8/25/10 Pink, P., localized breast cancer, diagnosed 8/15/10 Purple, W., colon cancer with regional metastases, diagnosed 7/4/10 White, B., localized brain cancer, diagnosed 3/30/10 Lavender, L., history of breast cancer (11/02/05); new localized colon cancer, diagnosed 6/12/10 Blue, A., prostate cancer with bone metastases, diagnosed 10/10/10 Jones, T., leukemia, diagnosed 10/30/10 White, M., lung cancer with brain metastases, diagnosed 11/13/10 Blue, A., localized bladder cancer, diagnosed 10/11/10 Green, B., pancreas cancer, stage unknown, diagnosed 12/30/10 Gray, C., colon cancer with regional spread, diagnosed 12/3/10 Tan, B., in situ cervical cancer, diagnosed 11/28/10 Doe, J., lung cancer with brain metastases, diagnosed 5/26/10 Smith, G., localized prostate cancer, diagnosed 12/15/10 Doe, J., lymphoma, diagnosed 5/24/10 Grey, S., cancer, primary unknown, diagnosed 4/3/10  

Worksheet Cancer Registry 2010 Accession List

Accession Number

Patient Name

Primary Site

Date of Diagnosis

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