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MHC6306 Human Resource Management in Healthcare Organizations

12745Week 3 Discussion
Supporting Lectures:
Review the following lectures:
• Multilingual, Bicultural Challenges: A Slippery Slope
• Barriers to Care
Assigned Readings:
• Georgetown University Health Policy Institute. (2004). Cultural competence in health care: Is it important for people with chronic conditions? Retrieved from
• Jacobs, E., Shepard, D., Suaya, J., & Stone, E. (n.d.). Overcoming language barriers in health care: Costs and benefits of interpreter services. Retrieved from
• Quinton, S. (2017, February 13). Health care adjusts to a more diverse America.Retrieved from
Discussion Questions:
Before beginning work on this discussion forum, please review the link “Doing Discussion Questions Right” and any specific instructions for this topic.
Before the end of the week, begin commenting on at least two of your classmates’ responses. You can ask technical questions or respond generally to the overall experience. Be objective, clear, and concise. Always use constructive language, even in criticism, to work toward the goal of positive progress.
• Discuss how a language difference can decrease the likelihood of optimal healthcare outcomes and impact healthcare cost. In your response, include the increased cost resulting from language barriers and the potential risks and concerns associated with using noncertified methods of translation.
• In addition, include one additional point that you have identified in the readings. As a hypothetical member of the healthcare organization’s workforce, you can suggest a policy to address the point.
To support your work, use your course and readings provided and also use the University Online Library if you elect to perform additional research to support your position. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.
Your initial posting should be addressed in 200–350 words. Submit your document to this Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Be sure to cite your sources using APA format.

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