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Leading the Pack: Analyzing Brand Success

12749For this discussion, you will find and share a sport brand with your classmates. You will analyze the brand, explaining the factors that have contributed to its success. You will also consider any weaknesses of the brand and/or potential threats that could harm the brand.

First, read the article 7 Characteristics of Branding.

Then, find a sport brand that you consider to be highly successful. Share the brand with your classmates and address the following:

Discuss your brand in terms of each of the seven characteristics outlined in the article.
Identify the characteristics of your brand that you consider to be the strongest and the weakest.
Refer to the article to support your answer
Note: 7 Characteristics of Branding.
Top 7 Characteristics of a Successful Brand
Are you looking for ways to improve your brand and enhance the success of your business? Then read on for our top 7 tips on how to build a successful brand! Gaining an edge in today’s competitive business environment is nothing short of a challenge. There are so many businesses out there vying for the limelight, so for a brand to stand out from the crowd it needs to do everything in its power to continually better itself. Visit as well EWM SA Top Branding services.

In this post we bring you some of the top characteristics of a successful brand, and teach you how to build your own brand accordingly:
1. Competitiveness
For a brand to truly succeed it needs to be as competitive as possible. This includes having an entire team working behind a brand, from the most basic administrative assistants to those in a higher power position. There is no use in sitting back and hoping for the best; a successful brand goes above and beyond consumer expectations to remain on the cutting edge of its industry.

2. Distinctiveness
To have a memorable brand identity you need to be distinctive. Some of the world’s most popular brands, such as Apple, Starbucks and Domino’s Pizza, have successfully achieved this. For instance, Apple is widely known for its minimalist approach to design and technology as well as its innovative products. Starbucks is known for its high-quality goods and services that are consistent across every store worldwide. Giving your customers a specific reason to use your services will without doubt keep them returning to your brand, time and time again.

3. Passion
Though it’s possible to build a brand on a short-term basis without passion, maintaining the success of that brand over the long term is incredibly difficult without passion. Some of the world’s most successful people, such as Steve Jobs, Roger Federer and Oprah Winfrey, did not or have not succeeded without passion.

Passion is the force that drives us even through the most challenging of moments, propelling us to work harder than everyone else to continually deliver greatness. If you possess a genuine passion for your brand, that passion will rub off on your customers who will feel just as enthusiastic and excited about your products or services as you are.

4. Consistency
With all of the above being said, it is still important to be consistent in everything you do as a brand. Consistency is the blood that runs through your brand, differentiating it from the competition and enabling it to remain in the memories of your consumers for longer. It also brings familiarity to your brand, which automatically leads to loyalty. Provided you consistently deliver high-quality goods and services, you can expect your customers to return back to your business in future.

5. Leadership
The world’s greatest brands are supported by influential leaders who continually aspire for greatness. Whether that involves a sports team, a large corporation or a small business, the most successful of these will have an influential leader backing them. When you think of Apple you immediately think of Steve Jobs, who was an extraordinary leader who taught us all many valuable lessons about strength and leadership.

As a business owner, you need to live and breathe your brand in order to inspire both your workforce and your clientele to possess the same enthusiasm and passion for your brand. This in turn will lead everyone associated with your brand to feel deeply affiliated with it as your passion for what you do truly shines through.

6. Exposure
Another important characteristic of a successful brand is exposure. Well-known sports brand, Puma, combines numerous marketing channels to reach out to its target audience, including video, social media and experiential marketing to truly immerse its customers into the brand.

Although you may not have a budget as vast as Puma’s, thanks to the internet it has never been easier to increase exposure of your business. By developing a presence on social media sites such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter and reaching out to customers through multiple channels, you have a better chance than ever to reach consumers and establish your brand on a global scale.

7. Audience knowledge
Last but not least, you cannot achieve any of the above without having a thorough knowledge of your target audience. You can easily do this by performing in-depth research about the demographics of your target audience.

This not only improves the quality of your content but also helps you to communicate with your audience in a way that directly appeals to them, which in turn encourages you to create a strong, human connection between your business and your target audience.

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