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Week 9 Assignment – ePortfolio – Business Consulting Plan Part 3: Implementation

12770Your Business Portfolio

Throughout your journey in the program, you have completed many deliverables that could be added to a professional business portfolio to share with future employers. It is recommended that you add one core assignment to the business portfolio in each course within the program. These assignments will demonstrate your strategic thinking in each area, and they will also reflect your own growth and development.

This will be your business portfolio assignment for this course.

Throughout this course, you have created assignments for a business consulting pitch deck. In your Week 3 assignment you shared important data and insights about your company. In Week 6 you analyzed the data and provided a targeted recommendation for the challenge or opportunity faced by the company. In this assignment, you will continue in your role as a hired consultant and compile an implementation plan that addresses communication, collaboration, motivation, and return on investment. This is your final (cumulative) pitch deck presentation.

The goal of this assignment is to convince leadership at the company to accept your recommendation and implement the strategies in your proposal.

Important: In this assignment you will combine the three assignments (PPT decks) together into a single, final pitch deck that could be presented to your company leadership. Be sure you have made the necessary changes to your previous assignments based on instructor feedback. You will also update your Sources slide to include all resources used throughout the project.

The assignment must be completed in the provided PowerPoint template.

Download and save the Week 9_Assignment_Template [PPTX] Download Week 9_Assignment_Template [PPTX].
Follow the guidelines provided in the Strayer Library: SWS Guidelines for Slideshow Presentations.
Review the rubric carefully before you begin working on the assignment.
Review and incorporate the instructor feedback from your week 3 and week 6 assignments. Those slides will be incorporated into this deck and submitted as part of this assignment for the full presentation.
Using the template, complete seven additional slides that will be the final part of a pitch deck for the company that hired you as a business consultant. Each slide should include 1-2 paragraphs of speaker notes that will be utilized to explain the content to the company leadership.
Important note: This final presentation will be 20 slides in total: five content slides from assignment #1 [exclude the title and sources slides], six slides from assignment #2 [exclude the title and sources slides], and nine slides from this assignment [including a title slide and cumulative sources slide].

Slide 1: Title slide. Add the name of the company as a subtitle and your name and the date.
Slide 2: Describe the potential impact of not acting on the selected challenge or opportunity. Use data to support your conclusion. (Detailed explanation should be placed in the speaker notes.)
Slide 3: Evaluate the potential return on investment (ROI) for acting on this challenge or opportunity. Use data to support your explanation. (Detailed explanation should be placed in the speaker notes.)
Slide 4: Implementation strategy that advises the company’s leadership on how to create a sense of urgency and shared mission around implementing the business consulting plan. (Detailed explanation should be placed in the speaker notes.)
Slides 5-8 will come from your Week 7 communication plan. (Note: Be sure you have addressed and incorporated instructor feedback.)
Slide 5: State the overall objective of the communication plan and the key stakeholders who are directly or indirectly impacted by the recommended strategy. Indicate if the stakeholder will be leading or following the change(s). (Detailed explanation should be placed in the speaker notes.)
Slide 6: Determine the appropriate stakeholder communication channels to provide information and actively listen to concerns or recommendations. Explain how this is inclusive and motivating to the organizational culture. (Detailed explanation should be placed in the speaker notes.)
Slide 7: Provide a timeline for the implementation including important milestones and deadlines. (Detailed explanation should be placed in the speaker notes.)
Slide 8: Summarize the next steps in the recommendation and specify the key individuals or departments responsible for executing and overseeing the implementation plan. This promotes accountability and clarity in the process. (Detailed explanation should be placed in the speaker notes.)
Slide 9: Sources slide. Use three or more quality sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source slide at least one time within your assignment. (Note: The final sources slide should be cumulative to include all sources used in the three assignments.)
For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library.
Combine all of your slides from week 3, week 6, and this week’s assignment together into one singular presentation file. This is your full pitch deck that you would present to the company leadership. (Note: See the guide in the resources section for help on how to reuse and combine slides together in a PowerPoint presentation.)
Produce writing that is clear and well organized and applies appropriate Strayer Writing Standards (SWS) style. Writing contains accurate grammar, mechanics, and spelling.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Looking ahead to next week, Week 9 and Assignment 3, here are our insights.
Note: When you submit your PPT in Canvas, you will not be able to see the Speakers’ Notes – that is normal with Canvas – as long as they were there when you submitted, we will see them when we download it for grading!
First – you MUST READ YOUR FEEDBACK from Assignment 1 (Week 3), Assignment 2 (Week 6), and the Discussions. The reason is that there hints and Specific feedback needed for the next assignments. EVEN IF YOU RECEIVED AN “A”, this feedback provided will be specific for things you need to be aware of for the next assignment.
Be sure to read the assignment instructions for detail needed for each slide. Be sure to compare your work to the Rubric. Note that in the template provided in Canvas, Slide 2 is instructional and should be deleted – once you insert your Week 3 and Week 6 assignments into the template, your Week 9 PPT should end up in the order shown below. So yes, you are to use what you already wrote in Weeks 3 and 6 into this assignment – be sure to review your gradebook comments first to see if there is any room for improvement.
The order of slides for the week 9 assignment is as follows:
Note that slides 1-8 are new and specific to Week 9
Title Page
Potential impact of waiting. Slide 2 in the week 9 PPT template is instructional and should be deleted, making potential impact of waiting slide 2. This is linked to the Challenge (Threats) or Opportunity from Assignment 2. What impact (financial or other) impact is there if they do not act on your (remember you are a consultant) recommendation?
Potential ROI. What is the Return on Investment for implementing your strategy? (financial returns/profits/etc/sustainability
Implementation Strategy – This is actually linked to the Week 6 Discussion.
Communication Plan – objective and key stakeholder data

Communication Plan – stakeholder channels

Communication Plan – timeline

Next steps – Provide a timeline for the implementation including important milestones and deadlines. Summarize the next steps in the recommendation. Specify the key individuals or departments responsible for executing and overseeing the plan.

Slides 9-13 come from the week 3 assignment:

Company Background


Financial Data


Two challenges (threats) or opportunities for the company

Slides 14-19 come from the week 6 assignment:

One challenge or opportunity you will address as a consultant

Competitor Solutions

Competitor Solutions


Recommendation approach

Recommendation focus

Slide 20 includes any and all sources/references used. Be sure to cite your courses per SWS in your Speakers’ Notes.

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