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Business Communication (Team Action Plan)

Question Description
Business Communication (Team Action Plan)

This assignment allows your group to acknowledge your roles in successful teamwork and commit to a team action plan.

Teamwork is vital to any organization’s success, and successful teamwork is only as good as the motivation and dedication of each team member. Two goals drive this assignment:

Acknowledge team members’ roles in successful teamwork
Commit to writing a contract of sorts that will govern your group’s engagement for the remainder of the term
Now that your team for the remainder of the semester has been formed, it is time to continue with the formation stage and discuss the team’s dimensions.

For this assignment, your group will compose a team action plan in memo format to solidify your team’s process and goals.

Why Make a Team Action Plan?

It is an essential part of the formation stage for group collaboration (Locker et. al., 2019).
Early definition of team roles and responsibilities allows work to be completed quicker and with greater efficiency.
Should conflict occur within the group, the established ground rules will help in finding a resolution.
Questions to Help Create a Team Action Plan

Use these questions to help compose a memo to your instructor that clearly establishes and explains your group’s ground rules for collaborative work.

Will you have a team leader? If so, who? Why is that person qualified to be the team leader? What are that person’s responsibilities? How will you proceed if the team leader is unable to meet those responsibilities? Alternatively, will you have multiple team leaders (information, interpersonal, procedural)? If so, who?
Consider some of the following tasks that will be completed as part of the final project:
Performing primary research (observations, surveys)
Performing secondary research (library, online sources, books)
Producing two professional written products (proposal and formal report)
Giving a presentation that will require a visual component
What will be each team member’s role/specialty? What is each team member’s qualification for that role?
How will you resolve disagreements that may arise while working on the project? How will your team make decisions: By majority? By consensus? Refer to page 187 for ideas.
When and where will you hold meetings? Can you hold meetings if all team members are not present? How will you inform team members of what occurred at meetings if they were not present?
Set your team’s absence policies. Define what “absence” means for your team. Are all absences equal? How should a team member who’s going to be absent let the team know? How far in advance does your team need to know about an absence? How many absences from one team member are too many? What are the consequences of too many absences?
What are your official policies regarding group members who:
Don’t meet in the collaborative writing tool ( as scheduled?
Miss deadlines, don’t do their work at all or in a timely manner, or who
Consistently turn in incomplete or poor-quality work
Will you report problem members to your instructor? If so, at what point? What role do you want your instructor to have in dealing with problem members?
Primary Audience: Your English 302 Instructor

Supporting Materials: Chapter 8 “Working and Writing in Teams”

Example Team Action PlanPreview the document

Remember to draft your Team Action Plan in the Google.doc in your team’s Google folder.

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