04 Mar Radiological and histological development o
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Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy
on the development and defense of the licentiate thesis
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minutes of the session of the Senate
no. 3/7 of 25.03.2021
on the development and defense of the licentiate thesis at
Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy
of the Republic of Moldova
1. This Regulation establishes the main rules regarding the development, structure, graphic
design and defense of the licentiate thesis at Nicolae Testemitanu State University of
Medicine and Pharmacy (hereinafter "University") and is developed on the basis of the
following provisions:
• Education Code no.152 of July 17, 2014;
• Government Decision No. 482 of 28 June 2017 on the approval of the Nomenclature
of Professional Training and Specialties in Higher Education;
• Regulation on the organization of licentiate (cycle I) and integrated studies, approved
by the MECR Order RM no. 1625 of 12.12.2019;
• The Framework Regulation on the organization of the final exam for higher
education, approved by Order of the Minister of Education No. 1047 of 29.10.2015
• The framework plan for undergraduate (cycle I), master's degree (cycle II) and
integrated higher education, approved by order of the Minister of Education, Culture
and Research no. 120 of February 10, 2020;
• Regulation on the organization of licentiate (cycle I) and integrated (Bachelor and
Master) studies at Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy
of the Republic of Moldova approved by the Senate no. 2/2 of 27.02.2020
• Regulation on the organization of the graduation examination in integrated higher
education at Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the
Republic of Moldova, no. 1/8 of 06.04.2017;
• Regulation on the prevention of academic plagiarism within the IP Nicolae
Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacyof the Republic of Moldova,
no. 2-p§3 of 25.03.2015;
• The Charter of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy
registered at the Ministry of Justice on 29.01.2020.
2. Licentiate thesis is a component stage of the Licentiate Examination in licentiate higher
education (cycle I) and of the Graduation Examination in integrated higher education (cycles
I+ II).
3. The licentiate thesis is an important component in the assessment of the graduate's
knowledge and scientific activity it tests the skills to conceive and conduct independent
research as well as to draw up and present the results of the research according to the
rules of the scientific community.
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4. The development of the licentiate thesis is aimed at:
• development of the graduates’ skills to conduct research and acquire the research
methods in the specialty field;
• systematization and application of the theoretical knowledge in the specialty in the
process of development of practical solutions, specific to the field of professional
training or the realization of the case studies;
• appreciation of the graduate's capacities and the degree of training for individual post-
graduate professional activity.
5. Faculty Dean’s offices, as the case, will ensure the plagiarism verification of the licentiate
6. The theme of the licentiate thesis is proposed by the departments / teaching chairs and
placed in the Didactic Module of the University Information Management System
(further – SIMU).
7. The dean’s offices will approve the themes of the theses proposed by the departments /
chairs for each study program, after which they become accessible to the students in
8. From the list proposed by chairs in SIMU, the students select the theme of the license
thesis, usually, by the end of semester VIII of studies for the programs of integrated
higher studies lasting 6 years, semester VII – for the programs of integrated higher studies
with the duration for 5 years; VI semester – for the higher education programs.
9. In order to coordinate the development of the thesis, the departments / chairs confirm a
thesis advisor. University professors, associate professors, lecturers or university
assistants with a scientific degree of the departments / chairs may be appointed as
scientific advisors.
10. The themes for the licentiate thesis can be edited and modified with the approval of the
scientific advisor of the thesis, being approved by the head of chair.
11. The student can change the theme and / or the scientific advisor only once, after being
informed and with the approval of the initial scientific advisor and the Faculty Dean.
Changing the theme and the scientific advisor is no longer possible starting with the first
semester of the last year of study.
12. A scientific advisor may coordinate a maximum of 5 theses (cumulative in all study
programs) for one academic year. The Dean's Office will coordinate the number of
licentiate theses made within the chair according to the number of students at the faculty
and of the teaching staff at the department / chair.
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13. The licentiate thesis must demonstrate the student's ability to work with literature relevant
to the subject. The thesis should be developed correctly from the point of view of
methodology, data analysis and argumentation, have a logical structure, be written in
scientific language. The aspect must be in accordance with academic standards and
comply with the scientific writing recommendations (structure, wording, bibliography)
provided in Section IV of this Regulation.
14. The license thesis can be carried out in the form of:
• original research work (dicriptive study, analytical study, clinical, pre-clinic
experimental, clinical case study, case series, etc.)
• literature synthesis work.
15. Licentiate theses are developed and written in Romanian or in the language of the
student's studies.
16. The structure of the diploma thesis comprises the following sections:
• Title page;
• Declaration of responsibility, signed by the author;
• Contents;
• List of Abbreviations;
• Introduction;
• The content of the work as follows:
a. Original research work: ✓ Chapter I. The bibliographic analysis of the theme;
✓ Chapter II. Material and methods of research;
✓ Chapter III. Own results and discussions;
✓ General conclusions;
✓ Bibliography
✓ Annexes (if required);
b. specialized literature synthesis work: ✓ Methodology for selecting bibliographic sources (databases, period, keywords;
inclusion and exclusion criteria, etc.);
✓ The main part, consisting of 1-2 chapters
✓ Discussions;
✓ Conclusions;
✓ Bibliography.
✓ Annexes (if required);
16.1. Title page – is done in accordance with Annex 1.
16.2. Declaration of responsibility – is written in accordance with Annex 2 and is placed after the title page.
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16.3. Contents – it is recommended to be placed at the beginning of the work, after the Declaration, where the names of the chapters, the subchapters, the other parts of
the thesis and the corresponding pages are written.
16.4. List of Abbreviations (as the case) – the international abbreviations, unanimously accepted in the field of the theme of the thesis, are used.
16.5. Introduction, where the following are recorded: a. the actuality of the problem;
b. purpose and objectives of the research;
c. the practical importance of the work (as the case).
The volume of the introduction should not exceed 2-3 pages.
16.6. For the original research theses:
✓ Chapter I. „The bibliographic analysis of the theme”. It will carry out a critical
evaluation of the relevant literature for the research theme, will have a concrete
name, reflecting the theme of the research. The section will contain analysis of
different bibliographic sources on the thesis: scientific articles, monographs,
manuals, guides, clinical protocols, etc. published in the country and abroad. The
main theories, explanatory templates, showing the development and progress of
recent research, and possible gaps or limitations, will be presented. The chapter
will be structured on subchapters, which will correspond to the research
objectives. The chapter will present the theoretical framework of the studied
problem and will not exceed 30-35% of the number of pages of the theses. The
priority will be given to the literature of the last five years (at least 50 %).
✓ Chapter II "Material and methods of research" (if necessary, will be structured
in subchapters) will include the general characteristic of the study – the type of
study, the design of the research, the material studied; research methods, etc. and
the methodology of mathematical and statistical analysis of the obtained results.
The volume of this compartment will not exceed 3-4 pages and should answer the
following questions:
• what was the study material (if applicable, name, group, series, producer,
• sampling mode (if applicable);
• type of study chosen, according to research
• reagents and standards used (if applicable) – chemical name, quality,
concentration, manufacturer, country of origin;
• the equipment used (type, model, producer, country of origin);
• which parameter / parameters are / is to be assessed and assessment methods;
• what was the way to obtain the reagent solutions, stock, working;
• what were the working conditions, including the way of preparing the sample
for analysis (if applicable);
• the statistical methods used and the substantiation of their use.
The information must be sufficiently precise for a reader to reproduce and verify
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the reported work.
✓ In Chapter III "Own results and Discussions" the results, which will be in
accordance with the design and the research methods used, will be presented. In
this part of the paper the tables and figures, which will present the results of the
research and the discussion of these, the statistical processing of the data and the
own opinion of the research, will be included. Interpretation of own data will be
done by reference to data from the literature, indicating similarities and
16.7. For specialized literature synthesis work:
✓ The main part can consist of 1-2 chapters, which will contain:
• description of the relevance of the research topic, the situation in the field and
the controversies registered;
• presentation of the types of studies carried out in the field (for example:
descriptive or analytical, observational or experimental, etc.) and the
techniques used without a detailed description of the experimental procedure
and how they are applied;
• description of the most important results, published in recent scientific articles;
• dynamic development and scientific progress in approaching the proposed
topic for research;
• finding certain thematic aspects, being highlighted various opinions and
conclusions of the authors;
• use of figures and / or tables (with source indication), to support the synthesis
of results, made by the author of the publication or to present the most relevant
results taken directly from the scientific article.
✓ The Discussion section is described in a separate chapter, the purpose of which
is to interpret the exposed narrative material, which will include:
• interpretation, critical analysis and explanation of the literature review exposed
in the main part;
• mentioning and explaining the limits of the research (synthesis) performed on
the topic of the thesis based on the objectives set;
• mentioning the aspects of the license thesis insufficiently addressed in the
literature in the field in order to suggest future research directions;
• the interpretations offered must logically lead to conclusions.
16.8. Conclusions will be briefly written out on points that will contain a summary of the results obtained and will reflect their opinions and personal contribution in
studying and elucidating the problem addressed.
16.9. The Bibliography will contain bibliographic sources used in the paper. It will be made up according to international requirements (Annex 3). The references will be
presented in a numerical sequence according to the alphabetical order of the names
of the first authors with the preservation of the unique numbering. References to
bibliographic sources are indicated in square brackets, inserted into the text, for
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example – [8]. In the case of licentiate theses in the form of narrative synthesis of
the literature, the minimum number of bibliographic sources will be 40.
16.10. In the Annexes various materials (survey questionnaire, investigations, schemes, photographs, case study, etc.) relevant to the study undertaken will be included. If
some aspects of the research have been published or communicated in the scientific
manifestations, copies of the summaries or scientific articles in the original
documents and the active participation certificates, will be obligatory presented in
the annexes. Own publications must be cited in the "Bibliography" section.
17. The theses should be written on white paper, A4 sized, 210 x 297 mm, on one side of the
18. The pages of the thesis will have the following fields: left – 30 mm, up and down – 20
mm, on the right – 15 mm. All pages of the thesis, except for the title sheet, will be
numbered, the number placed in the center of the page, down. Repeating and absence of
pageing is not allowed.
19. The thesis will be computerized, using the Times New Roman font – 12 pt, at 1.5 intervals
and using the appropriate diacritical marks (ă, î, â, ș, ț). When capitalizing titles,
capitalization and font 14 are allowed, as well as highlighting certain words with Bold or
20. Each section of the thesis will start from the new page. The chapters will be capitalized,
bold, centered, numbered with Arabic numerals (1; 2); the word "chapter" is not written.
The subchapter titles are written in lower case and are numbered in Arabic numerals (1.1,
1.2, 2.1, etc.) The first line of each paragraph starts with a 1 cm paragraph. (Annex 4).
(as amended by Senate Decision No. 16/7 of 28.11.2018).
21. Formulas, tables and figures are numbered consecutively without taking into account the
chapter number, for example:
✓ figure 5 – in the explanatory text or Figure 5. – in the title of the figure, which is placed
below the figure using the font Times New Roman Regular, Centered (Annex 4);
✓ table 7 – in the explanatory text and Table 7. – in the name of the table, placed above it,
using Times New Roman, Regular, Centered (Annex 4);
✓ the formula is placed at the beginning of the line, and its number – at the end of the
line (Annex 4);
✓ if necessary, mention the data source in the table / figure under the title of the table /
figure aligned between the left and right margins, indicating the name of the author /
s, title of the work, publisher, year, page, or address of the online source (in the same
way as the Bibliography is done);
✓ If there are tables that contain notes, they will be written immediately after the table,
not in the bottom of the page or in the body of the table.
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22. In the thesis it is allowed to abbreviate combinations of words, compound words, words
commonly used in accordance with international abbreviations, unanimously accepted in
the scientific community and provided that they do not create difficulties in reading the
text and do not cause ambiguities.
23. Notes, corrections, letter outlines, erasures, spots, page additions, etc. are not allowed in
the thesis.
24. The thesis will have an average volume of 30-45 pages.
25. Completion of the thesis is subject to obtaining the agreement of the scientific advisor by
admitting the student to the prior defense at the department / chair / discipline.
26. The licentiate thesis in its final form will be submitted to the department / chair for prior
defense at least one month before the deadline indicated for defense.
27. Prior defense will be made at the department / chair / discipline meeting, during which
students will present the obtained results (Power Point).
28. The student is admitted to the public defense of the license thesis within the Assessment
Board, if the license thesis presented at the prior defense has been approved by the
department / chair / discipline, fact confirmed by the extract from the minutes stating the
student's name, the qualification "admitted".
29. The thesis will be covered after its approval at the meeting of the respective department
/ chair / discipline and will be presented 10 days before the final defense to the
Assessment Board, the composition of which will be approved by order of the rector. In
case of defending the thesis online, it will be presented in PDF format.
30. The department / chair / discipline will present in the Dean’s office all the theses
developed within the chair in electronic format the PDF version, which is kept in the
Dean's archive.
31. The thesis defense will be public and will be held in the open session of the Assessment
Board at the chair / department in which the student dveloped the license thesis, in the
presence of at least 2/3 of the number of members, in the form of a summary presentation
of the thesis by the author, supported by Power Point presentation, for which he is granted
up to 15 minutes.
32. If the theme of the licentiate thesis is interdisciplinary, the interdisciplinary Assessment
Board will be created by the rector's order.
33. The chairman of the Assessment Board coordinates the defense of the license theses, asks
questions, gives notes, ensures the preparation of the minutes and is responsible for
complying with the provisions of the Regulation.
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34. The members of the Assessment Board ask questions, give grades and perform any other
tasks established by the chairman, for the smooth running of the license theses defense.
35. The Secretary of the Board asks questions, gives grades and ensures his administrative
activity: checking and preparing the classrooms for public defense, taking the license
theses, taking the assessment sheets of the commission to the Dean’s ( one per student),
taking and verifying the materials of presentation by the students of the license theses, as
well as other attributions given to him by the Chairman of the Commission for the smooth
running of the theses defense.
36. The licentiate thesis will be assessed according to the following criteria:
– the quality of writing the license thesis and observing the structuring rules; ✓ carrying out of the study / research itself;
✓ bibliography quality;
✓ quality of oral presentation and aswering of Board’s questions;
✓ confirmation of research results publication (article, thesis, report, poster).
37. The decision on the mark for license thesis defense will be taken at the closed assessment
board meeting, according to the evaluation algorithm and using of assessment sheet
(annex 5), based on the criterie for final assessment of the licentiate theses (annex 6).
38. When the scientific advisor is a member of the assessment board, he will not take part in
the thesis assessment.
39. The final mark of the presented thesis will be calculated by the arithmetic average of the
Assessment Sheets drawn up in accordance with the model in Annex 7 by the members
of the Board.
40. The results of the paper’s defense will be communicated to the students on the same day
after the assessment board meeting.
41. The marks obtained by the candidate will be reflected in the minutes of the Assessment
Board meeting, the student’s record-book and the Supplement to the Diploma.
42. The absence without good reason on a licentiate thesis defense or the obtaining of a mark
less than "5" is qualified as a failure of the graduation / licentiate examination.
43. Final mark is written in arabic numerals (it will be rounded to 0,5 decimals in favour of
the student) and in letters.
44. Students have the right to appeal the Board’s decision one day after the announcement
of the Graduation examination results and are recorded by the board’s secretary in the
register of appeals.
45. Appeals will be examined by the Appeal’s Board, approved by the rector’s order during
one day after it’s submission. Appeals examination is registered in the separate minutes
signed by the members of the Examination and Appeals Boards.
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46. Appeals Board checks and assesses the presentation again (based on the on-line
registration) and the licentiate thesis. The changing of the appealed mark is done by
raising or decreasing of it and remains conclusive.
47. If the licentiate thesis has been assessed with a mark less than "5", the thesis can be
defended next year at the next session of the graduation examination. the Board decides
whether, is necessary to change the theme of the thesis.
48. The insufficient mark (1-4) got for the thesis does not deprive the student of the right to
take the computer assisted examination stage.
49. This Regulation enters into force on the date of its approval by the SUMPh Senate.
50. All subsequent amendments and additions to this Regulation enter into force upon their
approval by the SUMPh Senate.
51. The Deans of Faculties have the obligation to make public the Regulation on the defense
of the licentiate thesis on the faculty webpage.
Signed by:
First Vice rector,
vice-rector for academic issues _____________ Olga Cernetchii
Vice-rector for Research _____________ Stanislav Groppa
Head of Department of
Didactics and Academic Management _____________ Silvia Stratulat
Head of Unit of Academic
Management Quality _____________ Virginia Salaru
Dean of Faculty of Medicine no 1 _____________ Gheorghe Placinta
Dean of Faculty of Medicine no 2 _____________ Mircea Betiu
Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy _____________ Nicolae Ciobanu
Dean of Faculty of Dentistry _____________ Oleg Solomon
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Annex 1. Title page
Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Moldova (font 14, Bold, Centered)
Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy (font 14, Bold, Centered)
FACULTY NAME (font 14, Bold, Centered, Uppercase)
Department/Chair of name (font 16, Bold, Centered)
Licentiate thesis (font 15)
SURNAME, first name of the student (font 14, Bold, Centered)
Year __, group __
Scientific advisor:
Surname and name of the scientific advisor(s) (font 14, Bold)
Scientific degree, didactic degree (font 14, Bold, Italic)
Chisinau, year
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Annex 2
I, Name, Surname, hereby declare on my own responsibility that the licentiate thesis
entitled "The Complete Title of the License Thesis" is prepared by myself, the materials
presented are the results of my own research, are not plagiarized from other scientific papers
and have not been presented at another faculty or higher education institution in the country
or abroad.
I also declare that all sources used, including the Internet, are indicated in the
licentiate thesis, in compliance with the plagiarism avoidance rules:
✓ all fragments of text reproduced exactly, even in my own translation from another
language, are written with reference to the original source;
✓ rewriting of the texts of other authors in my own words has the reference to the
original source;
✓ summary of other authors' ideas has the exact reference to the original text;
✓ work methods and techniques taken from other sources have exact references to
original sources.
Date _______________________
Graduate _______________________ ___________________ (Surname Name) (Signature)
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Annex 3. Examples of bibliography presentation
The editing of the bibliography will be done in strict compliance with (letters type, order of
quotes, punctuation marks) the following model:
✓ for articles the following things are mentioned: author’s name, title of the article, magazine name, year of appearance, volume, first and last page.
1. Baranețchi I., Prisacari V. Factori de risc în infecțiile septico-purulente nosocomiale de profil traumatologie și ortopedie. Studiu descriptiv transversal. În: Moldovan Journal of
Health Sciences. Revista de Științe ale Sănătății din Moldova. 2016, 2 (8), p.15-27. ISSN
2. Casian D. A. Regarding an alternative treatment for varicose veins: ligation plus foam sclerotherapy. In: Dermatologic Surgery. 2012, 38(1), 146-147. ISSN 1524-4725. doi:
10.1111/j.1524-4725.2011.02212.x (IF: 1,798).
3. Chung DR, Zang WS, Kim SB et al. Treatment of herpetitis B virus associated glomerulonephritis with recombinant human alpha-interferon. In: Am J Nephrol, 1997,
4. Hotineanu V., Moraru V., Bujor P., Bujor S. Cholelithiasis – epidemiology, risk factors and etiopathogenic aspects: Up-to-Date. In: Jurnal de chirurgie, 2014, X, 2, p. 101-104. NSN
✓ for books the following things are mentioned: authors’ names, title of the book, publishing house, place of appearance, year of appearance, first and last page.
5. Ciobanu Gh. Resuscitarea cardiorespiratorie și cerebrală. Volumul 1. Serghienco- Ciobanu, L. (red. șt.). Chișinău. Nova-Imprim; 2014.
6. Popovici I, Lupuleasa D. Tehnologie farmaceutică, Ed. Polirom, Iasi, 2001.
✓ all the bibliographic sources included in the licentiate thesis must be in the final bibliographic list. For the sources downloaded from the internet, web page addresses will be noted. In the
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