01 May In which learning-strategy area did you score
Looking for someone to do all 3 assignments by May 4, 2022.. and write *ENOUGH* please. Please note that prior to me submitting my Case 2 worksheet, I will have to virtually meet with my student advisor prior to submitting so make me look good to the point where I can explain your work ok.
Self-Assessment of Learning Habits
Look back at the ratings you gave yourself for strategic note-taking (Reflection 5.5, p. 97), reading (Reflection 5.8, p. 103), and studying (Reflection 5.13, pp. 116-117).
Enter your score for these three sets of learning strategies:
Note Taking = _________
Reading = _________
Studying = _________
Self-Assessment Questions (4-5 sentences should be provided to answer each question)
1. In which learning-strategy area did you score lowest? Did this surprise you? Explain why or why not.
2. Do you think the area in which you scored lowest may be contributing to your lowest course grade at this point in the term or a low grade you earned in the past? Explain.
3. A) Of the eight strategies within the self-assessment listed in the area that you scored lowest, which one could you put into practice immediately to improve your performance in a course? Explain how it could improve your course outcome.
B) What is the likelihood that you will put the preceding strategy into practice? Explain why or why not.
Chan, J. (2021). Personal board of directors [Video].
Have you had a chance to reflect on the importance of certain people in our lives as we continue our personal and professional pursuits of our goals? Some of these people play important roles in your Academic Support Network. Some would call this group a Personal Board of Directors. Basically, a Personal Board of Directors make up your support group to help you achieve your personal, academic, financial, physical, and spiritual goals, among others.
· Who in your life make up your Personal Board of Directors?
· Why did you choose these people to help support and guide you?
· What role does each person fill as a board member? Let me know if you have questions or need more information on this topic. Here is a good place to start to learn more about the topic: https://www.forbes.com/sites/theyec/2014/07/16/five-rules-for-selecting-your-personal-board-of-directors/#3ca07d00685f
Discussion Expectations:
First, review the GE Discussion Rubric before posting to maximize credit. You will need to post THREE TIMES (one for the prompted questions and two reactions to your classmates) to the Discussion board. Participation in these discussions is worth 20% of your grade, so please be sure to make three posts using high-quality responses to receive full credit. More detailed instructions follow.
· Make your initial post by starting a NEW thread within 6 days of the beginning of each module.
· Respond to at least two classmates on different days by hitting reply in their original thread.
· A substantial initial post is at least 150 words.
· A response to a classmate is 100 or more words (no simple agreements or disagreements).
Module 2 – SLP
Learning Strategies
Learning is the fundamental mission of all colleges and universities, and it is something that does not stop after graduation. It is a lifelong process that is important for personal and professional success, but has become even more important in the 21st century. Currently, the ongoing growth of information technology, coupled with a knowledge-based economy and increasing global interdependence, is creating a high demand for college graduates who have “learned how to learn” and who can apply their learning skills throughout life in different occupational roles and cultural contexts.
Chapter 5 of Thriving at Trident provides you with numerous success strategies that will aid in deeper learning. This assignment will require you to self-assess your learning habits to aid developing good learning strategies. In order to complete the assignment, you will complete three self-assessments.
1. Note-taking (Reflection 5.5, p. 97)
2. Reading (Reflection 5.8, p. 103)
3. Studying (Reflection 5.13, pp. 116-117).
Achieving your educational goals requires making strategic choices about your college courses and your college major. Having an educational plan in mind (and in hand) early in your college experience will enable you to explore your academic options and make a well-informed decision about your college major. Your major field of study should reflect who you are—your personal strengths, talents, interests, and values. Chapter 3: Goal Setting and Motivation and Chapter 14: Educational Planning and Decision-Making in Thriving at Trident will supply you with strategies for deepening awareness of your personal attributes, educational options, and career goals, and help you design a strategic plan to reach those goals.
Advising Pre-Planning Worksheet
1. Schedule an appointment with your Student Success Advisor using the appointment scheduler in the MyTLC portal.
2. Prior to your appointment, prepare a draft of this assignment to discuss with your advisor during your appointment.
3. After the appointment you can finalize the assignment for submission. Remember, taking the time for thoughtful responses on these questions and planning means that you are making an investment in your future success!
My Information
Name |
Appointment Date & Time |
Current Academic Program |
Advising Code (provided after appointment) |
Why did you choose this program of study?
What are your plans once your Trident degree is complete?
Degree planning
Have you submitted all official college/university transcripts from prior institutions to Trident?
If yes, move on to Course Planning section.
If no, what are the steps needed to obtain your official transcripts?
Pending Transcript |
Action to be Taken |
Date I Will Complete |
Ex: Central Texas College |
Ex: Submit hand-signed Transcript Release Authorization (TRAF) form to Trident University so that they can submit a request for me. |
March 15, 2017 |
Course planning
When would you like to graduate by (i.e., month and year)?
How many courses do you plan to take each session to reach your desired graduation date?
List your current courses and anticipated grades:
Course |
Anticipated Grade |
*This section to be completed during your advising appointment:
Courses for next session:
Session Name:
Course(s) |
Potential courses for the following session:
Session Name:
Course(s) |
Potential challenge exam:
Academic StrenGths & Challenges: Planning for success
Think about how your classes are going this session. What is working well for you and what are you most proud of?
Are you presently employed? If yes, how many hours a week?
What other family/social responsibilities do you have? How many hours a week?
How are you able to meet the financial obligation of continuing your education? Is this sustainable?
After reflecting on your answers to the last 3 questions, list your biggest challenges and the actions that you will take to overcome the challenges to be successful in your education.
Challenge |
What I Will Do |
Ex. Time Management |
Ex. I will spend 1 hour every M-Th. and 2 hours every Sat. and Sun. studying and doing homework. |
Who is in your support network to help you do this and how/when will you reach out to them?
Chapter Preview
Learning Goal
Ignite Your Thinking
Chapter Preview
Learning Goal
Ignite Your Thinking
Cover image © Shutterstock, Inc.
www.kendallhunt.com Send all inquiries to: 4050 Westmark Drive Dubuque, IA 52004-1840
Copyright ©2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2020 by Kendall Hunt Publishing Company
ISBN 978-1-7924-4900-0
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means,electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise,without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.
Printed in the United States of America
Brief Contents
Introduction the PoWer of coLLege And the first-yeAr exPerience xx
Chapter 1 touching ALL the BAses 1
Chapter 2 LiBerAL Arts And generAL educAtion 27
Chapter 3 goAL setting And MotivAtion 55
Chapter 4 tiMe MAnAgeMent 69
Chapter 5 deeP LeArning 87
Chapter 6 test-tAking skiLLs And strAtegies 121
Chapter 7 three key AcAdeMic success And LifeLong LeArning skiLLs 141
Chapter 8 higher-LeveL thinking 165
Chapter 9 sociAL And eMotionAL inteLLigence 187
Chapter 10 diversity 209
Chapter 11 finAnciAL LiterAcy 241
Chapter 12 PhysicALWeLLness 263
Chapter 13 PsychoLogicAL WeLLness 287
Chapter 14 educAtionAL PLAnning And decision-MAking 307
Chapter 15 cAreer exPLorAtion, PrePArAtion, And deveLoPMent 337
Preface ix Acknowledgments xvii About the Authors xviii Introduction xx
Chapter 1: Touching All the Bases using PoWerfuL PrinciPLes of student success And key cAMPus resources 1 Powerful Principles of College Success 1 Principle 1. Active Involvement (Engagement) 2
Time Spent in Class 2 Time Spent on Coursework Outside of Class 3 Active Involvement in the Learning Process 4 Active Classroom Listening and Note-Taking 4 Active Class Participation 6 Active Reading 6
Principle 2. Capitalizing on Campus Resources (Resourcefulness) 8 Writing Support 9 Campus Library 9 Disability Services Support 9 Financial Aid Office 9 Academic Advising 10 Career Development Support 10
Principle 3. Interpersonal Interaction and Collaboration (Social Integration) 12 Student–Faculty Interaction 13 Interacting with Academic Advisors 16 Interacting with a Mentor 17 Interaction with Peers (Student–Student Interaction) 17
Principle 4. Reflection and Self-Awareness (Mindfulness) 19 Self-Awareness 20
Summary and Conclusion 21 Internet-Based Resources 22 Chapter 1 Exercises 23
Chapter 2: Liberal Arts and General Education WhAt it MeAns to Be A WeLL-educAted Person in the 21st century 27 The Meaning and Purpose of the Liberal Arts 27 The Liberal Arts Curriculum 29 Major Bodies of Knowledge in the General Education
Curriculum 29 Humanities 30 Fine Arts 30 Mathematics 30 Natural Sciences 31 Social and Behavioral Sciences 31 Physical Health and Wellness 32
The Liberal Arts Liberate You from Narrowness and Broaden Your Perspectives 33
The Social–Spatial Perspective: Moving Beyond the Self to the Wider World 34 The Perspective of Family 34 The Perspective of Community 34 The Perspective of Society 34 The National Perspective 35 The International Perspective 36 The Global Perspective 36 The Perspective of the Universe (Cosmos) 37
The Chronological Perspective: Embracing the Past, Present, and Future 37 Historical Perspective 38 Contemporary Perspective 38 Futuristic Perspective 38
The Synoptic Perspective: Integrating Multiple Perspectives into a Coherent Whole 39
The Liberal Arts Develop Transferable Skills that Can be Applied across Different Contexts and Situations 40
The Liberal Arts Develop the Whole Person 41 The Co-Curriculum: Using Your Whole Campus
to Develop Yourself as a Whole Person 43 The Liberal Arts Develop Skills for Success in
Your College Major 45 The Liberal Arts Enhance Career Preparation and Career
Success 46 The Liberal Arts Prepare You for Lifelong Learning 47
vi Contents
Internet-Based Resources 48 Chapter 2 Exercises 49
Chapter 3: Goal Setting and Motivation Moving froM intention to Action 55 The Relationship between Goal Setting and Success 55 Characteristics of a Well-Designed Goal 56 Strategies for Maintaining Motivation and
Making Progress Toward Goals 58 Characteristics of Successful People 61 Self-Efficacy 61 Growth Mindset 62 Grit 64 Internet-Based Resources 66 Chapter 3 Exercises 67
Chapter 4: Time Management Prioritizing tAsks, Preventing ProcrAstinAtion, And ProMoting Productivity 69 The Relationship between Goal Setting, Managing
Time, and Managing Tasks 69 The Importance of Time Management for College
Students 70 Strategies for Managing Time and Tasks 71 Developing a Time-Management Plan 73 Key Elements of an Effective Time-Management Plan 74 Making Productive Use of “Free Time” Outside
the Classroom 75 Combating Procrastination 77 Myths That Promote Procrastination 77 Strategies for Preventing and Overcoming
Procrastination 78 Psychological Causes of Procrastination 81 Internet-Based Resources 82 Chapter 4 Exercises 83
Chapter 5: Deep Learning strAtegic note-tAking, reAding, And studying 87 What is Deep Learning and Why is it Important? 87 Stages in the Learning and Memory Process 88 Effective Lecture-Listening and Note-Taking Strategies 89
Pre-Lecture Strategies: What to Do Before Class 90 Listening and Note-Taking Strategies: What to
Do During Class 92 Post-Lecture Strategies: What to Do After Class 95
Strategic Reading 97 Pre-Reading Strategies: What to Do Before Reading 98 Strategies to Use During the Reading Process 98 Post-Reading Strategies: What to Do After Reading 101
Strategic Studying: Learning Deeply and Remembering Longer 103 Give Studying Undivided Attention 103 Make Meaningful Associations 104 Integrate Information from Lectures and Readings 106 Distribute Study Time across Separate Study Sessions 107 Use the “Part-to-Whole” Study Method 107 Capitalize on the Power of Visual Learning 108 Build Variety into the Study Process 110 Learn with Emotion 112 Learn Collaboratively 112
Self-Monitoring: Self-Assessment for Deep Learning 115 Internet-Based Resources 117 Chapter 5 Exercises 118
Chapter 6: Test-Taking Skills and Strategies WhAt to do Before, during, And After exAMs 121 Pre-Test Strategies: What to Do in Advance of Exams 121
Recitation 122 Creating Retrieval Cues 123
Strategies to Use Immediately Before a Test 124 Strategies to Use During Exams 126 Strategies for Answering Multiple-Choice Test
Questions 127 Strategies for Answering Essay Questions 129 Post-Test Strategies: What to Do After Receiving
Test Results 132 Test Anxiety: Recognizing and Reducing It 134 Internet-Based Resources 136 Chapter 6 Exercises 137
Chapter 7: Three Key Academic Success and Lifelong Learning Skills
inforMAtion LiterAcy, Writing, And sPeAking 141 The Importance of Research and Communication Skills 141 Information Literacy: Research Strategies for
Locating and Evaluating Information 142 Organizing a Research Report 142
Writing Skills and Strategies 148 Writing to Learn 148 Writing to Listen 149 Writing to Read 149 Writing to Remember 149 Writing to Organize 149 Writing to Study 149 Writing to Understand 149 Writing to Create 150 Writing to Discuss 150 Writing for Problem Solving 150
Writing Papers and Reports 150 Public Speaking: Making Oral Presentations
and Delivering Speeches 157
Contents vii
The Importance of Oral Communication 157 Strategies for Making Effective Oral Presentations 157 Managing Speech Anxiety 160
Internet-Based Resources 162 Chapter 7 Exercises 163
Chapter 8: Higher-Level Thinking Moving Beyond BAsic knoWLedge to criticAL And creAtive thinking 165 What Is Higher-Level Thinking? 165 Benefits of Higher-Level Thinking 166
Defining and Describing the Major Forms of Higher-Level Thinking 168
Analysis (Analytical Thinking) 168 Synthesis (Integrative Thinking) 169 Application (Applied Thinking) 169 Multidimensional Thinking 169 Balanced Thinking 171 Critical Thinking (Evaluation) 172 Creative Thinking 176
Using Higher-Level Thinking Skills to Improve Academic Performance in College 180
Internet-Based Resources 182 Chapter 8 Exercises 183
Chapter 9: Social and Emotional Intelligence reLAting to others And reguLAting eMotions 187 The Importance of Social and Emotional Intelligence 187 Listening: A Key Element of Social Intelligence 188 Active Listening Strategies 188 Speaking and Conversational Skills 190 Interpersonal Relationship Skills (a.k.a. Human
Relations Skills) 191 Dating and Romantic Relationships 193 Forms and Stages of Love 194
Managing Interpersonal Conflict 196 Strategies for Resolving Conflicts Assertively 197 Civility 200
Emotional Intelligence 201 Becoming a Leader 202
Internet-Based Resources 206 Chapter 9 Exercises 207
Chapter 10: Diversity LeArning ABout And froM huMAn differences 209 What is Diversity? 209 Diversity and Humanity 211 Diversity and Individuality 213 Forms and Varieties of Diversity 214
Cultural Diversity 214 Ethnic Diversity 216
Racial Diversity 216 The Growing Ethnic and Racial Diversity in America 219 Socioeconomic Diversity 219
International Diversity 220 Gender Diversity 221 Sexual-Orientation and Gender-Identity Diversity 221 Generational Diversity 223 The Benefits of Experiencing Diversity 224
Diversity Increases Self-Awareness and Self-Knowledge 224 Diversity Deepens Learning 225 Diversity Promotes Higher-Level Thinking 225 Diversity Stimulates Creative Thinking 225 Diversity Enhances Career Preparation and
Career Success 226 Stereotyping: A Barrier to Diversity 227 Prejudice 229 Discrimination 229
Strategies for Overcoming Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Discrimination 232
Strategies for Increasing Personal Contact and Interpersonal Interaction with Members of Diverse Groups 233
Internet-Based Resources 236 Chapter 10 Exercises 237
Chapter 11: Financial Literacy MAnAging Money And MiniMizing deBt 241 Sources of Income for Financing a College Education 242
Student Loans 242 Scholarships 243 Grants 244 Veterans Benefits 244 Salary Earnings 244 Developing Financial Self-Awareness 245 Tracking Cash Flow 245
Developing a Plan for Managing Money and Minimizing Debt 250 Long-Range Fiscal Planning: Financing Your
College Education 254 Internet-Based Resources 258 Chapter 11 Exercises 259
Chapter 12: Physical Wellness MAintAining BodiLy heALth And AttAining PeAk PerforMAnce 263 What is Wellness? 263 Physical Wellness 264 Nutrition Management Strategies 265 Exercise and Fitness 271
Physical Benefits of Exercise 271 Strategies for Maximizing the Physical Benefits of
Exercise 273 Rest and Sleep 274
The Value and Purposes of Sleep 275
viii Contents
Strategies for Improving Sleep Quality 276 Adjusting Academic Work Tasks to Your
Biological Rhythms 278 Alcohol Use among College Students 279
Alcohol Abuse 280 Use and Abuse of Illegal Drugs 281
Motives (Reasons) for Drug Use 282 Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) 283
Campus Safety 284 Internet-Based Resources 284 Chapter 12 Exercises 285
Chapter 13: Psychological Wellness Preserving And ProMoting MentAL heALth 287 Mental Health and Self-Esteem 287 Strategies for Improving and Preserving Self-Esteem 287 Emotional Disorders 289 Stress and Anxiety 289
Symptoms (Signs) of Anxiety 291 Stress-Management Strategies 292
Depression 293 Symptoms (Signs) of Major Depression 294 Bipolar Disorder (a.k.a. Manic Depression) 295 Strategies for Coping with Milder Forms of Depression 296
Unhealthy Relationships 298 Abusive Relationships 298 Signs of an Abusive Relationship 298 Strategies for Avoiding or Escaping Abusive Relationships 299 Sexual Assault a.k.a. Sexual Violence 299 Suggested Strategies for Preventing Rape 299 Assumptions that Should not be Made 299 Sexual Harassment 300 Recommendations for Dealing with Sexual Harassment 300
Eating Disorders 301 Substance Abuse and Chemical Dependency 302
Internet-Based Resources 303 Chapter 13 Exercises 304
Chapter 14: Educational Planning and Decision-Making MAking Wise choices ABout your coLLege courses, coLLege MAjor, And AcAdeMic PAthWAy 307 To Be or Not to Be Decided: What Research Shows
about Students’ Choice of a College Major 307 The Importance of Long-Range Educational
Planning: Paving Your Academic Pathway 310 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Major 311
Learning Talents: Multiple Intelligences 311 Learning Values 313 Learning Interests 313 Strategies for Learning about Different Majors 318
Myths about the Relationship between Majors and Careers 323 Myth 1. When you choose your major, you’re
choosing your career 323 Myth 2. If you decide to continue your education
beyond college graduation, you have to continue in the same field as your college major 324
Myth 3. Because most college graduates are employed in business organizations or corporations, it’s best to major in business 325
Myth 4. If you major in a liberal arts field, the only career available to you is teaching 326
Internet-Based Resources 327 Chapter 14 Exercises 328
Chapter 15: Career Exploration, Preparation, and Development finding A PAth to your future Profession 337 The Importance of Career Planning 337 Strategies for Career Exploration and Preparation 338
Step 1. Awareness of Self 339 Step 2. Awareness of Career Options 342 Strategies for Gaining Awareness of Your Career
Options 343 Step 3. Awareness of Career Options that Provide
the Best “Fit” for You 350 Step 4. Awareness of the Major Steps Needed to
Reach Your Career Goal 351 Career Readiness 353 Networking 360 Personal Interview 360
Internet-Based Resources 361 Chapter 15 Exercises 362
Glossary and Dictionary of College Vocabulary 367
Index 375
Chapter Preview
Plan and Purpose of This Book This book is designed to help you make a smooth transition to college and equip you with strategies for success that can be used throughout your college experience and in life beyond college. Its goal is to promote the academic excellence and per- sonal development of all students—whether they be students (a) transitioning to college directly from high school or from full-time employment, (b) living on or off campus, or (c) attending college on a full- or part-time basis. Whatever your previ- ous level of academic performance may have been, or how many AP and dual-credit courses you have already taken, college is a new ball game played on a different field with new rules and expectations. If you have been an academically strong student prior to college, this book will make you an even stronger student in college. If you have not been a particularly successful student in the past, this book will help you become a successful student in the future.
One of the book’s major goals is to equip you with one of the most powerful principles of human learning and personal success: self-awareness. Self-awareness is the critical first step toward personal growth and development in any endeavor. College students who are self-aware learners, aware of how they are learning and if they are learning strategically and deeply, rather than mindlessly and superficially. If you maintain self-awareness about whether you’re “doing college” effectively (e.g., by using the research-based strategies identified in this book), you will have taken a huge step toward college success. ”
“Important achievements require a clear focus, all-out- effort, and a bottomless trunk full of strategies. —Carol Dweck, Stanford professor, and author of Mindset: The New Psychology of SuccessPractical, action-oriented strategies make up the heart of this book. Rather than
trying to figure out how to do college on your own through random trial-and-error, this book provides you with a game plan for doing it right from the start, equipping you with a comprehensive set of strategies for doing college well. These strategies are not presented as a laundry list of things you should do (and should not do) dis- pensed arbitrarily and pontifically by authority figures who think they know what’s best for you. Instead, the book’s recommendations are accompanied by research- based reasons why they are effective and worthy of your consideration. If you have a deep understanding of the underlying principle that makes a strategy effective, you’re more likely to put that strategy into practice. Furthermore, when you under- stand the principle behind the practice, it empowers you to create specific strategies of your own that are built on the same principle.
”“The man who also knows why will be his own boss. As to methods there may be a million and then some, but principles are few. The man who grasps principles can successfully select his own methods. —Ralph Waldo Emerson, 19th-century author, poet, and philosopher
x Preface
Specific and complete references for the research findings and action strategies cited in this book are included in the full-length version of the text, titled Thriving in College & Beyond: Research-Based Strategies for Academic Success and Personal Development (2020).
Preview of Content Introduction The Power of College and the First-Year Experience In the introduction to this book, you will learn why college has the power to change your life and benefit you throughout life. The first year of college, in particular, is a crucial transitional stage characterized by significant change, challenge, and growth. It is the year of college during which students typically experience the most academic difficulties and highest risk of dropping out; however, it is also the year when college students report experiencing the most learning and greatest personal growth. Students who take a first-year experience or college success course (like the one you’re likely enrolled in now) are more likely to make a smooth transition to college, experience a successful first year, and make the most of their college experience.
“Being in this class has helped me a lot. What I learned I will apply to all my other classes.”“I could really relate to everything we talked about. It is a great class because you can use it in your other classes.”
“Everything we learned we will apply in our lives.” —Comments made by students enrolled in a college success course
Chapter 1 Touching All the Bases Using Powerful Principles of Student Success and Key Campus Resources Like any journey, the journey through college begins with knowing what to bring with you and what resources to rely on along the way. This chapter supplies you with (a) an overview and preview of four powerful student-success principles that you can use throughout your college experience, (b) key campus resources to capi- talize on, and (c) snapshot summaries of important things to do during the first weeks of college to get off to a smooth and successful start.
Chapter 2 Liberal Arts and General Education What it Means to be a Well-Educated Person in the 21st Century The liberal arts and general education are often misunderstood and underestimated components of a college education and career preparation. In this chapter, you will gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the meaning, purpose, and benefits of the liberal arts and general education. You will learn how the liberal arts curricu- lum and general education courses equip you with a broad base of knowledge and a set of versatile skills that can be used to promote success in all college majors, careers, and life roles.
Chapter 3 Goal Setting and Motivation Moving from Intention to Action Achieving your goals is one definition of success. Studies show that people are more likely to be successful when they set specific goals for themselves and identify the means (succession of steps) needed to reach those goals. This chapter supplies
Preface xi
you with practical strategies for setting specific, realistic goals and for maintaining motivation until you reach your goals.
Chapter 4 Time Management Prioritizing Tasks, Preventing Procrastination, and Promoting Productivity Setting goals is an important first step toward achieving success, but managing time and completing the tasks needed to reach those goals
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