07 Dec Part 4 Case Summary? 1. Create a list of all of the potentia
Part 4
Case Summary
1. Create a list of all of the potential reasons why your business could be sued. You will want to read chapter 12 on Torts and Strict Liability in the Legal Environment of Business and Online Commerce textbook for ideas.
2. Choose one of the potential liabilities and locate a decided case that ruled on a similar issue.
3. You will need to provide a case summary similar to what you did for the Week 3 assignment.
4. For Part 4 of your paper, you will describe the risk, explain the case that relates to it and how you could avoid this lawsuit.
Cesar Ritz Colleges
BA in Hospitality Business Management
“What goes around, comes around”
Submitted on: 12/09/2019
Mariana Gómez 737025 Jocelyn Chang 737960
Leidy Hernández 738251 Lena Maria Merk 739002
Submitted to: Mr. Pascal Christian Mr. Scott Bergstedt
Table of Contents
1. Part 1: Choice of business
a. Business Concept
b. Target market
c. Location
2. Part 2: Business Name
a. Explanation of Name
b. Legalities
3. Part 3: Business Entity
a. Advantages and Disadvantages of
i. Sole Proprietorship
ii. General Partnership
iii. Limited Partnership
iv. LLC/ Corporation
b. Choice of Entity
4. Part 4: Liabilities and Case Summary
a. Possible Risks regarding the Business
b. First Case
c. Second Case
5. Appendixes
6. References
Part 1: Choosing a business
As has become more obvious in recent years, the interest people are showing in
sustainability and eco-friendly products has increased significantly. Online searches
for sustainable fashion and related subjects have increased by 66% when comparing
numbers from 2018 and this year, a UK based fashion platform has reported. (Lyst,
2019) For this reason our business will be a coffee shop selling organic, fair trade and
planet conscious coffee and snacks alongside a selection of sustainably produced
slow-fashion brands, vintage clothing and low-impact, zero waste cosmetics.
When considering a target market for any business, it is necessary to look at general
trends of purchasing as well as generation-based research. Topic searches for
information on sustainability and slow fashion have increased in recent years, showing
that there is an increase in interest in the population worldwide.
Google Trends for the term ‘Sustainability’ ("Search Sustainability", 2019)
Google Trends for the term ‘Slow Fashion’ ("Search Slow fashion", 2019)
Further, Millennials are more likely than the average American citizen to purchase
goods and services from companies that show social and environmental efforts.
Especially females are about 10 % more likely than Millennial males to choose the
more sustainable or ethical product when given the option. (Komornicki, 2015) This
shows, that companies with a clear
commitment towards corporate
social responsibility and the
environment especially, have an
advantage when trying to attract this
target market, birth years including
1861-1996 or end of the 20th century.
As can be seen in the population
pyramid of Seattle, Washington, this
generation makes up the biggest
part of the population in the
Metropolitan Area of about 3,5 Million inhabitants. ("Seattle Population", 2019)
Part 2: Business Name
Explanation of Name
The phrase “What goes around, comes around” is often used to describe similar
concepts to Karma or perhaps describes a similar statement as the golden rule. This
means that if you do good you will be treated well in return. Since the shop will be
selling all kinds of planet conscious and ethically sourced foods, drinks and products,
the name aims to make a statement and encourage costumers by implying they are
doing something good- not only for the planet and producers but also for themselves.
Furthermore, the store will be selling vintage clothing, second hand clothing and there
will be a sort of library with old books that people can enjoy while they are in the coffee
shop. This reusing of materials that have gone around and have been owned by people
also is in line with the name and slogan of the business.
Legalities, Trademarks
“What goes around, comes around” is a commonly used term in language and there
are some similar businesses using the same Name for vintage clothing stores. They
are, however in different states like California, New York and Miami. Although there
are similar aspects of our business to one other store, our concept of selling fair trade
and sustainable clothing and cosmetics as well as coffee and snacks on top of just
vintage clothing differentiates our business enough from the others. It is therefore likely
that our name will be approved and trademarked and we will be able to use it for the
business. Please refer to the appendixes on page 12 for the detailed online search.
Further, the business name is most likely an arbitrary trademark since it does not
describe the products and services of the shop in any way. It gives consumers an idea
but, really, it could be anything. ("What Are Generic, Descriptive, Suggestive, Arbitrary,
and Fanciful Trademarks? | Trademark Factory®", 2016)
Lastly, our logo was created entirely from scratch
and uses very basic yet effective symbols. As this
was made from a creative process there should not
be and trademark or copyright infringement.
Part 3: Business Entity
Advantages and disadvantages of Sole Proprietorship
Obvious advantages of a sole proprietorship are the ease of formation as well as the
reduced risks of tension between multiple owners. Administrative procedures such as
tax reports and registering the business are also easier than with corporations or other
business forms. Especially for small businesses this is also useful and more profitable
because the owner alone is the beneficiary of the business profits. Further, the
unlimited personal liability of the owner for debts, liabilities and taxes may also be an
issue since there may be substantial losses leading to personal bankruptcy if the
business does not generate profits from the beginning.
Advantages and disadvantages of General Partnership
Similarly to a sole proprietorship, the profits, taxes and liabilities are registered in each
of a minimum of two partners’ personal income statements, who are therefore
personally liable in case of bankruptcy. The main problem with this form of business is
that there may be disputes and even lawsuits against one or more partners for financial
reasons, contract disputes or due to business decisions which may lead to lawsuits,
breach of contracts or even the dissolution of the business.
Advantages and disadvantages of Limited Partnership
In many ways similar to a general partnership with the difference of there being a
partner that is not liable in case of debts or bankruptcy. There must be at least one
general partner. There are more legalities involved in the creation of this entity since
contracts have to be drawn up as well as certain documents, such as a certificate of
limited partnership, must be filed with the state government regulating the duties of
each partner as well as the procedures in case of termination of the business or the
partnership in general.
Advantages and disadvantages of a Limited Liability Company/ Corporation
The biggest advantages of a LLC would be that all ‘partners’ or members only have a
limited personal liability that is limited to only their capital contribution. All other
obligations are towards third parties and the company itself is liable. Of course, there
is more administrative effort involved since terms and conditions as well as ownership
interest and terms of duties and responsibilities of members must be clearly stated and
considered by the government before it is authorized, this may be a lengthy process.
Another advantage would be the distribution of profits/dividends is normally done in
direct relation to the individual members contribution and/or original investment in the
company. Being able to gather funds easily since many partners can contribute is
another advantage as well as the legal security since there are contracts and written
declarations involved, making it easier to navigate difficulties and dissolutions in case
they happen.
Choice of Entity
For the purpose of our business, we have decided that the formation of a general
partnership would most likely be the best path. This is especially due to the ease of
creation of this entity. Furthermore, all partners are equal and have equal say in the
business and are liable for it as well. This will most likely lead to a high level of
motivation and efforts of all of the partners since the success of the business will not
only by in their personal interest but also in their best financial interest. However, there
should be a contractual agreement amongst all of the partners to make sure the duties
and responsibilities are clear and procedures are in place to facilitate the resolution of
conflicts or negligence of one or more partners.
Part 4: Liabilities and Case Summaries
Possible Risks regarding the Business
1. For selling products that are not really organic/fair trade/ sustainable leading to
accusation of false advertising
2. The lack of knowledge of an employee at the time of selling/serving some of our
products that may contain some ingredients that could be harmful to the health
of the client due to allergies or contamination of inappropriate objects.
3. Misappropriation of the concept: as we may be using another person’s name or
characteristically using any of another business commercial purposes without
4. Another of the reasons could be due to product liability in which the plaintiff can
claim either a defect in manufacture from our products, a defect in warning,
packaging or other. (Chapter 12, Torts and Strict Liability).
First case:
Hult vs Daniele International 1:2018cv10453
The plaintiff and his wife bring this case as the plaintiff allegedly suffered as a result of
consuming deli meat from Daniele’s Italian Brand Gourmet Pack, which contains the
ingredients of milk, that the plaintiff is allergy to. The label on the gourmet pack
indicated that on the package’s ingredient list includes one of the elements in milk. The
plaintiff claims that the package should write “contains milk” instead of naming the
element since not everyone is a professional in chemistry.
The plaintiff claims that the organization caused the allergy as they violated of
FALCPA, which does not apply to meat products. The FDA, Food and Drug
Administration is charged with overseeing the FFDCA.
Since this case is not closed yet and the court have not made any decision, we suggest
that the court to consider both aspects of the plaintiff and defendant. First of all, the
plaintiff is suffering from the allergy and if the defendant is not taking the responsibility,
the plaintiff has to pay for a huge amount of medication fee, but what he only did is
eating a gourmet pack. Secondly, as this company is an international company, the
customers are not only from United States, but also from around the world. If the
company keep refusing to change their package and the proposal of the plaintiff did
not pass, people from abroad with same situation consumed the product will make the
whole process more complicated.
Second Case:
Department of Justice; U.S. Attorney’s Office; Northern District of Iowa
Case Numbers: 18-CR-2034, 18-CR-2058, 18-CR-2059, and 18-CR-2060.
Facts: Four farmers were accused of selling organic products that actually were not
among them is a Missouri farmer Randy Constant, and three Nebraska farmers. The
federal prosecutors say that farmers are responsible for selling such products for seven
years. Constant owned a grain farm based in Iowa, which sold its corn and soybeans
primarily as feed for chickens and cattle. Those animals were then marketed for its
meat as organic. Constant admitted to selling to his customers the grain grown in his
certified organic fields in Nebraska and Missouri when the grain was not organic, either
because the organic fields were sprayed with unauthorized substances, or the organic
grain was mixed with non-organic grain (Just the real news, 2019).
Issue of law: The district judge had to determine whether Constant's fraud caused
"extreme and incalculable damage" to consumers. The lawsuits seek class action
status on behalf of the people who bought the grain and request the return of their
money, as well as punitive damages and attorneys' fees. The judge also added that
Constant faces a possible maximum sentence of 20 years in prison, at least a fine of
$ 250,000 and up to three years of probation after any imprisonment (United States
Department of Justice, 2018).
Decision: The four farmers were convicted of fraud charges in a federal court in Cedar
Rapids. The fraudulent issued involved at least $ 142,433,475 in grain sales. At the
hearing, he admitted that he tricked customers into thinking they were buying certified
organic grain when the grain he was selling was not organic (Foley, 2019).
Opinion: The jury's decision was totally correct since Constant having sold the organic
grains and then admitting that they were not, it was clearly understood that it was a
fraud. In addition to that, because of people with this type of dirty business, the trust of
those buyers who take their work to market organic products seriously is lost, and
Constant and the other three men may have had worse problems if any of their clients
could have any disease because of that fraud.
Undoubtedly, this may be a reason why many businesses selling organic products
could be sued, by committing fraud, selling products certified as organic that really are
not, since this market is growing there are many people who take advantage of it.
Lyst. (2019). Sustainable and Ethical Fashion. Retrieved 7 September 2019, from https://www.lyst.com/news/sustainable-ethical-fashion/#green-searches Komornicki, S. New Cone Communications Research Confirms Millennials as America's Most Ardent CSR Supporters — Cone Communications | Cone | Cone PR | Cone Inc | PR Agency | Boston | NYC. Retrieved 7 September 2019, from http://www.conecomm.com/news-blog/new-cone-communications- research-confirms-millennials-as-americas-most-ardent-csr-supporters
Search Slow fashion. (2019). Retrieved 6 September 2019, from https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%205-y&q=slow%20fashion Search Sustainability. (2019). Retrieved 7 September 2019, from https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%205-y&q=%2Fm%2F0hkst
Seattle Population. (2019). Retrieved 6 September 2019, from http://worldpopulationreview.com/us- cities/seattle-population/
What Are Generic, Descriptive, Suggestive, Arbitrary, and Fanciful Trademarks? | Trademark Factory®. (2016). Retrieved 7 September 2019, from https://trademarkfactory.com/faq/what-are-generic- descriptive-suggestive-arbitrary-and-fanciful-trademarks
Just the real news. (2019). Field of Schemes Fraud Results in Over a Decade in Federal Prison
for Leader of Largest Organic Fraud Case in U.S. History. Retrieved 09 September 2019.
[Online]. Available: https://www.justtherealnews.com/2019/08/19/field-of-schemes-fraud-
United States Department of Justice. (2018). Owner of Northeast Iowa Organic Grain
Brokerage Pleads Guilty to Fraudulent Sales Totaling Nearly $140 Million. Retrieved 09
September 2019. [Online]. Available: https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndia/pr/owner-northeast-
Foley, R. (2019). Farmer behind the U.S.'s Largest Organic Food Fraud Scheme Dies by
Suicide. Retrieved 09 September 2019. [Online]. Available: https://time.com/5657001/organic-
Chapter 7: Business Organizations by Scott Bergstedt (WSU) Lesson given at Cesar Ritz
Colleges Switzerland; Slides available online
Like no other being, the butterfly embodies the change in life and the resurrection of the soul
from the body.
Brand âme rose = pink soul
With its two mythological meanings, the butterfly forms the perfect transition for a wonderful culinary story.
On one hand there is the symbolism for change and a new beginning. On the other hand is the meaning of the re- born soul.
And because there are already several restaurants and cafes called "Butterfly" or "Papillon", "âme rose" is a much more elegant metaphor and at the same time limitlessly romantic.
Brand Story
The aviary with a cherry tree and living, colorful butterflies forms the center of the "âme rose" restaurant.
According to the symbolism of the butterfly, Mediterranean dishes are completely reinterpreted. 150,000 different types of butterflies inspire the creativity of the chefs in their search for the soul of each menu.
At the bar, colorful butterflies are used as inspiration for new drink and cocktail interpretations.
âme rose stands for the reborn culinary soul inspired by butterflies.
The idea is to be inspired by the sight of butterflies, to let their wonderful colors lead the chefs to extraordinary dishes.
On the menu, the guest can see which type of butterfly the chef and his team used as an impulse to conjure up each new culinary creation.
In this completely new type of culinary interpretation, the âme rose kitchen takes place in a globally unique position.
This concept works just as well for a 5- course evening dinner as it does for a brunch at lunchtime.
Remember, the butterfly is also a symbol of change!
Inspired by a butterfly
Inspired by a butterfly
Inspired by a butterfly
Inspired by a butterfly
Inspired by a butterfly
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