Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Enhance?Your Emotional Intelligence (EI) In the article by Goleman in this week's materials, Leadership That Gets Results, the six styles of leadership are explained. Think about your E | Wridemy

Enhance?Your Emotional Intelligence (EI) In the article by Goleman in this week’s materials, Leadership That Gets Results, the six styles of leadership are explained. Think about your E

Enhance Your Emotional Intelligence (EI)

In the article by Goleman in this week's materials, Leadership That Gets Results, the six styles of leadership are explained. Think about your EI and how it guides your leadership style. Then discuss this topic by responding to the prompts below:

  • Identify the leadership style you think is most appropriate for your business.
  • What secondary style might be complementary?  
  • Which competencies do you want to improve to enhance your own EI?

Support your answer with information from your DiSC assessment results. 


Workplace Profile Iviance Liggans Wednesday, July 5, 2023

This report is provided by:

The Jack Welch Management Institute

For additional information contact: Center for Internal Change (847) 259-0005 [email protected]


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CORNERSTONE PRINCIPLES Iviance, have you ever wondered why connecting with some people is easier for you than with others?

Maybe you’ve noticed that you relate better to colleagues who focus more on results and the bottom line. Or, maybe you’re more comfortable working with those who take an aggressive, bold approach than those who work at a steadier pace. Or, perhaps you relate best to people who are more direct than diplomatic.

Welcome to Everything DiSC Workplace®. The DiSC® model is a simple tool that’s been helping people to connect better for over thirty years. This report uses your individual assessment data to provide a wealth of information about your workplace priorities and preferences. In addition, you’ll learn how to connect better with colleagues whose priorities and preferences differ from yours.

• All DiSC styles and priorities are equally valuable and everyone is a blend of all four styles.

• Your work style is also influenced by other factors such as life experiences, education, and maturity.

• Understanding yourself better is the first step to becoming more effective when working with others.

• Learning about other people’s DiSC styles can help you understand their priorities and how they may differ from your own.

• You can improve the quality of your workplace by using DiSC to build more effective relationships.



• Direct • Firm • Strong-willed • Forceful • Results-oriented


• Outgoing • Enthusiastic • Optimistic • High-spirited • Lively


• Analytical • Reserved • Precise • Private • Systematic


• Even-tempered • Accommodating • Patient • Humble • Tactful


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Your DiSC® Overview YOUR DOT This report is personalized to you, Iviance. In order to get the most out of your Everything DiSC Workplace® Profile, you’ll need to understand how to read your personal map.

As you saw on the previous page, the Everything DiSC® model is made up of four basic styles: D, i, S, and C. Each style is divided into three regions. The picture to the right illustrates the 12 different regions where a person’s dot might be located.

Your DiSC® Style: D

Your dot location shows your DiSC® style. Because your dot is located in the middle of the D region, you have a D style.

Keep in mind that everyone is a blend of all four styles, but most people tend strongly toward one or two styles. Whether your dot is in the center of one style or in a region that borders two, no dot location is better than another. All DiSC styles are equal and valuable in their own ways.

CLOSE TO THE EDGE OR CLOSE TO THE CENTER? A dot’s distance from the edge of the circle shows how naturally inclined a person is to encompass the characteristics of his or her DiSC style. A dot positioned toward the edge of the circle indicates a strong inclination toward the characteristics of the style. A dot located between the edge and the center of the circle indicates a moderate inclination. And a dot positioned close to the center of the circle indicates a slight inclination. A dot in the center of the circle is no better than one on the edge, and vice versa. Your dot location is about halfway between the edge of the circle and the center, so you are moderately inclined and probably relate fairly well to the characteristics associated with the D style.


Now that you know more about the personalization of your Everything DiSC Workplace Map, you’ll read more about what your dot location says about you. Then you’ll learn about your personal map shading and priorities, and discover how this affects your preferences. After that, you’ll learn some basics about the other DiSC styles and how to use that information to connect better with everyone in your workplace.


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Your D Style YOUR DOT TELLS A STORY Iviance, one of the words that best describes people with your D style is driven. You probably prefer to have variety and forward momentum. Because of this, you may become bored or restless if forced to slow down for too long. Sitting still may be difficult for you. When you reach your goals, you may not always take time to celebrate. Instead, your attention tends to quickly shift to the next goal.

You probably like to get things out the door quickly, and you may emphasize results over how you get there. Consequently, you’re probably willing to question the rules if you think they don’t make sense. And when you sense something is wrong, you may do whatever it takes to save the situation. At times, you may fail to realize that this forceful approach can be stressful for the people around you.

People with the D style have little patience for small talk, and you may grow restless listening for long periods without the opportunity to speak. You probably dislike working with people whom you see as incompetent, and it may be hard for you to hide your annoyance at times. When you get really upset, you may let your irritation show in your body language and facial expressions.

You have a fairly strong competitive side, and at times, you may be fueled by disagreements or conflict. In fact, the idea of losing is probably more upsetting to you than it is to most people. You may suspect that people are driven by self-interest and will take advantage of you if you let them. Consequently, you’re unlikely to take kind words at face value, tending to look for the intentions behind them.

You tend to speak up when you see a problem, even when no one else will. And although you may realize that others can be taken aback by your directness, you’re probably unwilling to compromise what you see as honesty. Because you can be fairly intense, others may sometimes feel that you’re irritated with them.

Although everyone questions their decisions from time to time, you probably do it less often than most people. Those with the D style usually exude self-confidence. This can be infectious, allowing other people to feel good about your bold plans. However, your belief in your opinions may make it difficult for you to admit that you sometimes need to depend on others.

Like others with the D style, you probably like to be in charge. At times, you may even take control over projects where authority was meant to be divided, alienating some people. This is particularly true when you feel that others are not competent to carry out your vision or don’t see it as clearly as you do. When there is no question that you are in command, you may encourage input, but you may disregard those opinions that conflict with your ideas. Once you’ve had your say in the important decisions, however, you may be more than willing to delegate.

Iviance, like others with the D style, your most valuable contributions to the workplace may include your drive to get results, your tendency toward bold action, and your willingness to challenge assumptions. In fact, these are probably some of the qualities that others admire most about you.


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Iviance, while your dot location and your DiSC® style can say a great deal about you, your map shading is also important.

The eight words around the Everything DiSC map are what we call priorities, or the primary areas where people focus their energy. The closer your shading comes to a priority, the more likely you are to focus your energy on that area. Everyone has at least three priorities, and sometimes people have four or five. Having five priorities is no better than having three, and vice versa.

Typically, people with the D style have shading that touches Results, Action, and Challenge. Your shading stretches to include Enthusiasm, which isn’t characteristic of the D style.

WHAT PRIORITIES SHAPE YOUR WORKPLACE EXPERIENCE? Getting Results Iviance, you’re willing to do what it takes to reach your goals. Once you’ve established what needs to be done, you go after it, and you’re not going to let a few obstacles stand in your way. Furthermore, you aren’t likely to make excuses for failure, nor to accept any. You focus on getting results and showing the ambition it takes to succeed.

Taking Action People with the D style are eager for success and like to hit the ground running. You’re likely to make rapid decisions so you can advance at a fast pace. As a result, you have little patience for people’s hesitancy or other obstacles that stand in the way of immediate progress. Once you choose a course, you want to take quick action and keep things moving.

Offering Challenge Like others with the D style, you’re likely to speak up when you see flaws and inefficiencies. You don’t beat around the bush, and others might find your bluntness intimidating. However, you probably don’t see the benefit of sugar- coating things. To you, being straightforward is realistic and saves time. You value efficiency and candor, and you aren’t afraid to challenge others with tough questions to get things done.

Generating Enthusiasm In addition, unlike others with the D style, you tend to prioritize maintaining a positive, upbeat attitude. You probably focus on the advantages of a situation, even when things look difficult, and others may find your cheerfulness and positive energy uplifting. Most likely, you come across as somewhat lighthearted even when you’re feeling stressed.


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Motivators & Stressors WHAT MOTIVATES YOU? Different people find different aspects of their work motivating. Like other people with the D style, you probably enjoy situations that allow you to take charge and have authority. Most likely, you prefer working in a high-energy environment, and you’re often willing to do whatever it takes to get the impressive results you’re after. However, you may also prefer working in an environment where people show high energy and optimism, and this is less typical of the D style.

You probably enjoy many of the following aspects of your work:

• Implementing ideas • Having authority • Achieving results • Overcoming obstacles • Working in an innovative setting • Making key decisions • Getting things moving • Creating enthusiasm • Inspiring others to do their best


Then there are those aspects of your work that are stressful for you. Because you tend to focus on the end result and achieving your goals, you may find it particularly frustrating when your authority is challenged or you feel you don’t have control over your own success. In addition, you probably get irritated when you feel bogged down with tasks or procedures that waste your time. At the same time, unlike others with the D style, you may also dislike environments that you feel are dull or pessimistic.

Many of the following aspects of your work may be stressful for you:

• Following strict rules or protocols • Getting bogged down in inefficient procedures or meetings • Having your ideas or authority challenged • Having little independence or autonomy • Lacking control over situations • Slowing down your pace • Dealing with people who don’t meet your standards • Being unable to express yourself • Being in a dull environment


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Overview of DiSC®

The graphic below provides a snapshot of the four basic DiSC® styles.

Dominance Influence Priorities: getting immediate results, taking action, challenging self and others

Motivated by: power and authority, competition, winning, success

Fears: loss of control, being taken advantage of, vulnerability

You will notice: self-confidence, directness, forcefulness, risk-taking

Limitations: lack of concern for others, impatience, insensitivity

Priorities: expressing enthusiasm, taking action, encouraging collaboration

Motivated by: social recognition, group activities, friendly relationships

Fears: social rejection, disapproval, loss of influence, being ignored

You will notice: charm, enthusiasm, sociability, optimism, talkativeness

Limitations: impulsiveness, lack of follow-through, disorganization

Conscientiousness Steadiness Priorities: ensuring accuracy, maintaining stability, challenging assumptions

Motivated by: opportunities to use expertise or gain knowledge, attention to quality

Fears: criticism, slipshod methods, being wrong

You will notice: precision, analysis, skepticism, reserve, quiet

Limitations: overly critical, tendency to overanalyze, isolates self

Priorities: giving support, maintaining stability, enjoying collaboration

Motivated by: stable environments, sincere appreciation, cooperation,

opportunities to help

Fears: loss of stability, change, loss of harmony, offending others

You will notice: patience, team player, calm approach, good listener, humility

Limitations: overly accommodating, tendency to avoid change, indecisiveness

Active Fast-paced Assertive Dynamic


Questioning Logic-focused

Objective Skeptical


Accepting People-focused

Empathizing Receptive Agreeable

Thoughtful Calm

Methodical Moderate-paced



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The D Style & You HOW MIGHT YOU REACT TO THE D STYLE? Imagine that you regularly interact with someone who also has a D style. Like you, she’s focused on results and wants to see big things accomplished, and you probably share her initiative and strong determination. She’s well-respected by the organization as a go- getter who delivers on her promises, and you probably have no trouble relating to her direct, forceful approach.

Like you, this colleague seems confident, assertive, and ready to tackle anything head-on. Because you both prefer an action- oriented and demanding work environment, you’re probably comfortable with her fast pace and intensity.

Furthermore, the two of you share a questioning nature and a desire to challenge the status quo, so you’re likely to appreciate the healthy sense of skepticism she brings to a situation. However, because you both like to control how things are done, you may butt heads at times, and you may prefer to fly solo on important projects.

To you, people with the D style may seem: • Driven • Competitive • Forceful • Strong-willed


Results People with the D style tend to be strong-willed individuals who prioritize Results. Because they are so driven, they constantly look for new challenges and opportunities. They strive for success and won’t give up just because they run into a few obstacles. Most likely, you can relate well to their goal-oriented nature and may even compete with them at times.

Action In addition, they prioritize Action, so they focus on achieving their goals quickly and forcefully. Cautious and predictable environments are particularly tedious for them, and they may get impatient if others spend a lot of time analyzing ideas rather than acting on them. Since you share their bold style, you can probably relate well to their desire to keep moving.

Challenge Furthermore, those with the D style also prioritize Challenge. Because they want to control outcomes, they’re often questioning and independent-minded. They are unlikely to accept things they’re unsure about, and they won’t hesitate to challenge ideas that they don’t agree with. Since you probably share these qualities, you may find that the two of you get locked into stubborn arguments at times.


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The i Style & You HOW MIGHT YOU REACT TO THE i STYLE? Now, imagine that you also work with someone who has an i style and shares your priority of enthusiasm, which is less typical of someone with a D style. He seems to know everyone on a first- name basis and always has the latest scoop, and you may identify with his upbeat approach. However, at times, his sense of optimism may seem somewhat unrealistic to you.

Because you share his priority of action and interest in rapid change, you probably admire his spontaneity and flexible approach. However, you’re likely more concerned with getting tangible results than he is. And while you both enjoy coming up with bold ideas, you’re probably more driven to implement them.

To you, he may seem overly concerned with being in the spotlight, and you may wonder how he gets any work done with all that socializing and joke telling. Since you tend to be fairly independent and want to control how things get done, you may not appreciate his desire to work collaboratively.

To you, people with the i style may seem: • Talkative • Optimistic • Naïve • Passionate


Enthusiasm People with the i style put a high priority on Enthusiasm and tend to maintain an upbeat attitude. Because they get excited about new possibilities, they may be very expressive when communicating their ideas. Although you tend to share their upbeat approach, you may believe that they occasionally substitute high energy for results.

Action In addition, they prioritize Action, so they focus on making quick progress toward exciting solutions. Because they tend to be fast-paced, they may be eager to get going without spending a lot of time considering the consequences. Since you also tend to move swiftly and decisively, you may relate well to their spontaneous approach.

Collaboration Furthermore, those with the i style also prioritize Collaboration. They enjoy meeting new people, and they probably have a talent for getting everyone involved and building team spirit. They appreciate teamwork and often gather the group to work on projects collaboratively. Since you tend to be more interested in individual accomplishments, you may not relate to their need to promote teamwork.


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The S Style & You HOW MIGHT YOU REACT TO THE S STYLE? Now, let’s imagine that you regularly interact with someone with an S style. To you, he seems calm and compliant, and whenever you ask him a question, he’s always patient and eager to help. However, since you’re most interested in bottom-line results, you may become frustrated by his tendency to worry about keeping everyone happy.

He is well-liked by everyone and can always be counted on to perform his job consistently. But while he’s certainly a “rock” around the office, he’s not likely to shake things up with daring ideas or push others to achieve, like you tend to do. And because you tend to make bold decisions confidently, you may find him to be overly cautious or wishy-washy.

You may find that he’s much more concerned with including everyone than you are. While you tend to be outspoken and assertive, he seems more easygoing and concerned with group harmony. He doesn’t share your interest in victory, but instead he keeps a low profile and seems embarrassed when someone showers him with praise. In response to this kind of recognition, he tends to say, “It’s really not a big deal.”

To you, people with the S style may seem: • Soft-spoken • Indecisive • Unassertive • Trusting


Support People with the S style place a high priority on providing Support. They tend to be good listeners, and as a result, they’re often seen as patient and accommodating. They don’t hesitate to help out when they can, and they value a warm and easygoing environment. Because you tend to strive for quick results, you may find it difficult to relate to their laidback approach, which may get in the way of immediate progress at times.

Stability In addition, they prioritize Stability, so they often focus on maintaining a predictable, orderly environment. Since they tend to be cautious, they’re probably methodical and avoid rapid change whenever possible. Because you’re probably willing to shake things up to get results, you may find them to be too cautious and hesitant to accept change.

Collaboration Furthermore, people with the S style also prioritize Collaboration. They enjoy working with others in a trusting, warm environment, and they may go out of their way to make sure people feel included and accepted. Because you tend to focus more on individual accomplishments, you may find their desire for friendly teamwork to be unnecessary or counterproductive.


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The C Style & You HOW MIGHT YOU REACT TO THE C STYLE? Imagine that you regularly interact with someone with a C style. She’s not highly sociable, and she insists on working tirelessly on tasks until they’re done according to her high standards. Because she wants quality and accuracy, she tends to hole up in her office for long stretches of time. You may be frustrated by her tendency to check her work two or three times before being satisfied, since it seems to cause unnecessary delays.

To you, this colleague often seems overly careful and methodical. She wants a stable environment where she can ensure reliable outcomes. While you tend to be forceful and decisive, she seems to overanalyze big decisions. And since you want to see plans become reality as quickly as possible, you may think that her nitpicking stands in the way of progress.

Furthermore, you both may have strong feelings about how things should be done, and the two of you may be equally challenging and determined that your way is the right way. However, you can trust that when she does commit to something, she will follow through.

To you, people with the C style may seem: • Analytical • Private • Precise • Methodical


Accuracy People with the C style place a high priority on Accuracy. Because they want to ensure superior results, they tend to analyze options rationally and separate emotions from facts. They value being precise, and as result, they will often ask in-depth or skeptical questions. While you can probably relate to their detached approach, you may find their systematic nature to be too tedious to get the quick results you seek.

Stability In addition, they prioritize Stability. Because they tend to value follow-through and restraint, they’re uncomfortable with quick or risky decisions and prefer to take time to make an informed choice. They tend to analyze all the options, and they often make decisions that promise predictable outcomes. Because you’re usually more interested than they are in achieving quick results, you may grow frustrated with their cautious approach.

Challenge Furthermore, people with the C style also prioritize Challenge. In their quest to find the most streamlined or productive method of completing their tasks, they may openly question ideas and point out flaws that others may have missed. While you usually share their tendency to ask questions, you may find their skepticism frustrating when it stands in the way of quick forward progress.


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Connecting with D WHEN YOU NEED TO BE MORE EFFECTIVE Iviance, people who share your D style usually like to get right to the point, and this might affect the way you relate to one another. Because you both tend to be straightforward, the two of you may try to clear the air and get things moving. However, since you also share a strong-willed and competitive nature, you may end up overwhelming each other’s ideas with your own opinions. As a result, neither of you may listen to what the other has to say.

Therefore, when you need to be more effective with people who have the D style, consider the following strategies:

• Focus on dialogue rather than talking over each other. • Acknowledge your shared desire to move things forward. • Give them time to present their case without interruption before

offering your own ideas.

WHEN PROBLEMS NEED TO BE SOLVED People who share your D style make quick, firm decisions, and they want to make progress and keep moving. Because you’re both eager to confront issues head-on and overcome obstacles rapidly, you may agree on the need for immediate action and bold ideas when solving problems. However, if the two of you disagree on the proper course of action, your mutual drive to be in charge may cause a power struggle.

Therefore, when solving problems with people who have the D style, consider the following strategies:

• Don’t be so insistent on your own solutions that you dismiss the merit of their ideas. • Remember that the goal is to solve problems together, not for either of you to win as an individual. • Be willing to compromise at times to ensure a swift solution.


Because neither of you is inclined to gloss over differences or avoid confrontation, both you and your “D” coworkers may challenge ideas and even become argumentative in conflict. The two of you can become competitive, creating win-lose scenarios in which compromise is seen as a sign of weakness. As a result, disagreements between you may become heated, and you may fail to find the common ground needed to come to a resolution.

Therefore, when things get tense with people who have the D style, consider the following strategies:

• Address the situation directly but avoid becoming overly insistent. • Focus on resolving the issue rather than on winning. • Resist the urge to escalate the conflict.


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Connecting with i WHEN YOU NEED TO BE MORE EFFECTIVE Because people with the i style want to collaborate on fun or exciting projects, Iviance, they probably don’t share your focus on bottom-line results. Therefore, they may want to spend time being sociable while you just want to get down to business. While you may have little patience for their efforts to build team spirit, they might find your frank and forceful approach to be pushy or insensitive.


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