Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Global Technology?(GT) hired you as an assistant to the Project Manager for their new project implementation of a?project portfolio management?(PPM) tool.?Microsoft Project Online? | Wridemy

Global Technology?(GT) hired you as an assistant to the Project Manager for their new project implementation of a?project portfolio management?(PPM) tool.?Microsoft Project Online?


Global Technology (GT) hired you as an assistant to the Project Manager for their new project implementation of a project portfolio management (PPM) tool. Microsoft Project Online was the selected solution that will provide GT with project management, work management, and portfolio management capabilities for the enterprise.

Using Microsoft Project Online, Global Technology will be able to effectively initiate, select, plan, and deliver projects while tracking time, budget and effectively managing resources. This Software as a Service (SaaS) will also provide extensive reporting capabilities using Excel for reporting on all aspects of the project lifecycle based on the current GT project management methodology, and provide the organization with a standard tool for PPM.

You are working with upper management to provide details for a proposed project and assisting them with creating a business case to help provide details so that the project may move into the next steps and be approved by the organization. This project will be delivered three months after approval within a budget of $500.000.00. Global Technology expects 20% return on investment within the next five years with 10% interest rate.

Once the project is approved, you will assist the project manager with additional documents to create the Project Plan.

Hardware Requirements:

  • Front-end web server – $4,699.00
  • Application server – $4,699.00
  • SQL Server – $4,699.00

Software Requirements:

  • Database server (SQL Server) & CAL – $15,000.00
  • SharePoint Server 2013 Enterprise & CAL – $50,000.00
  • Project Server 2016 Enterprise & CAL – $50,000.00
  • Windows Server 2012(64-bit) – CAL- $10,000.00

Labor: $250.000.00

Required Documents:

  • Business Case
  • Project Charter
  • Project Scope Statement
  • Project Schedule
  • Communication Plan
  • Risk Register


Using the scenario above, create a Project Plan to present to Global Technology’s Senior Management for implementation of the Project Management Information System (PMIS) software MS Project Online.

  1. A cover page with the company and preparer’s name.
  2. Table of Contents.
  3. An executive summary, 2-3 pages in length, written with professional language, and use proper spelling/grammar, that provides high-level details of the Project Plan for GT.
  4. feasibility study and a comprehensive Business Case that will include the budget and financial analysis.
  5. The Project Charter using information from the Business Case.
  6. The communication plan that will inform the team on project communications.
  7. The project schedule, created in Microsoft Project, by developing the WBS, Gantt chart, and Milestones. Resources and costs should be listed on the resources sheet and assigned to the tasks.
  8. Risk Register, prepared in an Excel spreadsheet, that will identify major risks, mitigation and contingency strategies for the project.
  9. The Project Scope document updated with any changes or additional details.

Global Technology

Hurmat Hameed

Table of Contents:

1. Executive Summary

2. Feasibility Study and Business Case

3. Project Charter

4. Communication Plan

5. Project Schedule

6. Risk Register

7. Project Scope Document

Executive Summary: In response to Global Technology's strategic vision for enhanced project management capabilities, this Project Plan presents a comprehensive framework for implementing Microsoft Project Online as a robust Project Management Information System (PMIS). The plan addresses vital aspects, including software and hardware prerequisites, financial evaluation, communication strategy, project timeline, risk mitigation, and project scope. By embarking on this implementation endeavor, Global Technology is poised to elevate project management efficiency, streamline resource allocation, and realize a 20% return on investment within the next five years.

With the adoption of Microsoft Project Online, Global Technology aims to fortify its project management practices, fostering a culture of operational excellence and informed decision-making. By optimizing the utilization of resources and facilitating transparent communication, this initiative is anticipated to yield remarkable improvements in project delivery timelines, budget adherence, and overall stakeholder satisfaction.

The plan articulates a clear roadmap for successful implementation, highlighting the integration of Microsoft Project Online into the organization's existing technological landscape. This endeavor is not only expected to expedite project initiation, selection, and execution but also empower the organization with sophisticated reporting capabilities, enabling data-driven insights into project lifecycles.

As a testament to our commitment to project success, the plan delves into meticulous risk management strategies, identifying, assessing, and mitigating potential obstacles. This proactive approach ensures that contingencies are in place to safeguard against disruptions and setbacks.

Furthermore, the financial analysis underscores the prudent investment Global Technology is making in this project, considering both initial costs and long-term gains. With a well-calculated return on investment target, the organization demonstrates its dedication to sustainable growth and prosperity.

This Project Plan guides Global Technology toward a future of efficient, agile, and successful project management. By leveraging the power of Microsoft Project Online, the organization is poised to achieve its strategic objectives, secure a competitive edge, and usher in a new era of project excellence.

Feasibility Study and Business Case:

Feasibility Study:

The feasibility study undertaken for the implementation of Microsoft Project Online affirms the practicality and potential benefits of integrating this Project Management Information System (PMIS) into Global Technology's operations. The study analyzed the organization's current processes, technological infrastructure, and strategic goals comprehensively. Key findings

indicate that adopting Microsoft Project Online aligns with the organization's objectives of enhancing project management efficiency and achieving sustainable growth.

Business Case:

The business case for implementing Microsoft Project Online encompasses thoroughly evaluating the project's financial viability and potential returns. The following components are integral to the comprehensive business case:

Budget and Financial Analysis:

The estimated project budget for implementing Microsoft Project Online is $500,000.00. This budget encompasses three primary categories:

Hardware Costs:

Front-end web server: $4,699.00

Application server: $4,699.00

SQL Server: $4,699.00

Software Costs:

Database server (SQL Server) & CAL: $15,000.00

SharePoint Server 2013 Enterprise & CAL: $50,000.00

Project Server 2016 Enterprise & CAL: $50,000.00

Windows Server 2012 (64-bit) – CAL: $10,000.00

Labor Costs: $250,000.00

Return on Investment (ROI):

Global Technology foresees a 20% return on investment (ROI) over the next five years. This projection is rooted in the anticipated improvements in project management efficiency, resource allocation optimization, and enhanced reporting capabilities facilitated by Microsoft Project Online.

Interest Rate:

The projected ROI aligns with a 10% interest rate, a conservative estimate reflective of the organization's prudent financial approach.

The financial analysis reflects a well-balanced investment strategy that not only addresses immediate implementation costs but also strategically positions Global Technology to reap substantial benefits in the long term. By harnessing the capabilities of Microsoft Project Online,

the organization stands to unlock new levels of project transparency, control, and informed decision-making.

This comprehensive business case underscores the calculated financial soundness of the project, affirming its alignment with Global Technology's growth-oriented vision. The anticipated 20% ROI is a testament to the strategic value that Microsoft Project Online brings to the organization's project management practices and overall operational excellence.

Project Charter: Implementing Microsoft Project Online as a PMIS for Global Technology

1. Project Purpose:

This project aims to strategically implement Microsoft Project Online as a robust Project Management Information System (PMIS) within Global Technology. The PMIS will enable efficient project initiation, selection, planning, execution, and monitoring, while enhancing resource allocation, communication, and reporting capabilities. By leveraging the power of Microsoft Project Online, Global Technology aims to achieve streamlined project management, improved project outcomes, and sustained growth.

2. Project Objectives:

Integrate Microsoft Project Online to optimize project management processes, ensuring better control, transparency, and collaboration.

Enhance project management efficiency by automating task allocation, tracking, and reporting.

Facilitate informed decision-making through accurate and real-time project data analysis.

Optimize resource allocation, reducing bottlenecks and maximizing productivity.

Establish a standardized platform for project management practices, fostering consistency and best practices.

Achieve a 20% return on investment within the next five years through improved project outcomes and efficient resource utilization.

3. Project Scope:

This project's scope encompasses the following:

Procurement, installation, and configuration of the required hardware and software components for Microsoft Project Online.

Integration of Microsoft Project Online with existing systems, including SharePoint Server and Project Server.

Development and implementation of a communication plan to ensure effective project team and stakeholder engagement.

Creating a project schedule, work breakdown structure (WBS), Gantt chart, and milestones using Microsoft Project.

Identifying, assessing, and mitigating project risks through a proactive risk management approach.

Ongoing monitoring, evaluation, and reporting of project progress, outcomes, and financial performance.

4. Stakeholders:

Global Technology Senior Management: Approve project resources, provide strategic guidance, and review project outcomes.

Project Manager: Oversee project execution, manage resources, and meet project objectives.

Project Team: Execute tasks, adhere to project schedule, and contribute to successful implementation.

IT Department: Provide technical expertise for hardware and software setup and integration.

End Users: Benefit from enhanced project management practices and utilize the PMIS for their projects.

5. High-Level Requirements:

Hardware and software procurement and installation, including front-end web server, application server, SQL Server, SharePoint Server, Project Server, and Windows Server licenses.

Development of a communication plan outlining stakeholder engagement strategies, channels, and frequency.

Creating a project schedule, WBS, Gantt chart, and milestones using Microsoft Project.

Identifying significant project risks, developing mitigation and contingency plans, and monitoring regular risk.

6. Conclusion:

The Project Charter outlines the purpose, objectives, scope, stakeholders, and high-level requirements for implementing Microsoft Project Online as a PMIS for Global Technology. This document provides a clear direction for the project's execution, serving as a foundational guide for decision-making, resource allocation, and risk management. With a well-defined project scope and strategic objectives, Global Technology is poised to realize enhanced project management practices, improved resource utilization, and a substantial return on investment.

Communication Plan: Implementing Microsoft Project Online as a PMIS for Global Technology

1. Purpose:

The communication plan serves as a strategic framework to ensure clear and effective communication throughout the implementation of Microsoft Project Online. It aims to facilitate transparent information exchange among project team members, stakeholders, and senior management to ensure alignment, promote engagement, and manage expectations.

2. Stakeholders:

Global Technology Senior Management

Project Manager

Project Team Members

IT Department

End Users

3. Communication Objectives:

Keep stakeholders informed about project progress, milestones, and outcomes.

Provide regular updates on project activities and developments.

Address concerns and inquiries promptly.

Foster a culture of collaboration and inclusiveness.

Ensure alignment with project goals and objectives.

4. Communication Methods and Channels:

Project Status Meetings: Regular meetings to review project progress, discuss challenges, and share updates. Frequency: Weekly.

Email Updates: Periodic emails to stakeholders highlighting key achievements, upcoming milestones, and any critical changes. Frequency: Bi-weekly.

Project Collaboration Platform: Utilize SharePoint for document sharing, discussion forums, and real-time updates on project activities.

Monthly Reports: Detailed monthly reports including project status, accomplishments, budget updates, and risks. Distributed to senior management and key stakeholders.

5. Key Messages:

Project Kickoff: Announcement of project initiation, objectives, and expected benefits.

Milestone Achievements: Celebrate project milestones and share progress with stakeholders.

Critical Updates: Communicate any deviations from the project plan and mitigation strategies.

Risk Alerts: Notify stakeholders about potential risks, their impact, and the planned mitigation actions.

Project Completion: Inform stakeholders about successful implementation and post-project activities.

6. Escalation Plan:

In the event of unresolved issues or critical changes, the Project Manager will escalate concerns to senior management through ad-hoc meetings or dedicated communication channels.

7. Feedback Mechanism:

Regular feedback sessions will be conducted to gather input from stakeholders, allowing for continuous improvement of the communication plan and project execution.

8. Conclusion:

The Communication Plan establishes a framework for efficient and transparent communication throughout the implementation of Microsoft Project Online. This plan ensures stakeholders remain well-informed, engaged, and aligned with project objectives by leveraging various communication methods and channels. Effective communication will be a cornerstone of our success in achieving project milestones and realizing the anticipated benefits.

Project Schedule: Implementing Microsoft Project Online as a PMIS for Global Technology

Risk Regulator

Risk ID

Risk Description


Mitigation Strategy

Contingency Plan

Risk Priority


Integration Challenges


Engage experienced integration specialists to manage technical complexities. Implement thorough testing and validation phases.

Establish a dedicated technical support team to address integration issues.



User Resistance to Change


Develop comprehensive user training programs. Communicate benefits and address concerns.

Provide on-demand training resources and user support for smoother transition.



Software Compatibility Issues


Conduct thorough compatibility testing with existing systems. Develop contingency plans for possible compatibility conflicts.

Establish a parallel testing environment for seamless fallback if compatibility issues arise.



Data Migration Errors


Implement rigorous data validation processes. Develop data roll-back strategies.

Maintain regular backups and perform data integrity checks during and after migration.



Technical Support Availability


Establish a dedicated support team with 24/7 availability. Provide user-friendly self-help resources.

Establish emergency escalation procedures and partnerships with external support services.



Budget Overrun


Monitor expenses closely using budget tracking tools. Implement cost control measures.

Secure additional funding sources or reallocate budget from non-critical areas.



Third-Party Vendor Delays


Establish clear communication channels with vendors. Have backup vendors identified.

Include penalty clauses in vendor contracts for delays beyond agreed-upon timelines.



Inadequate User Training


Develop comprehensive training materials and user guides. Conduct regular user feedback sessions.

Organize additional training sessions and workshops to address user needs.


Project Scope Document: Implementation of MS Project Online

The scope of the Implementation MS Project Online project has been further refined and detailed based on the planning activities conducted. This project aims to introduce Microsoft Project Online as Global Technology's Project Management Information System (PMIS) to enhance project management, work management, and portfolio management capabilities. The scope includes integrating project management tools, software, hardware components, and comprehensive training and communication initiatives. The following sections provide a detailed overview of the project's boundaries, deliverables, and exclusions.

Project Boundaries:

The project's boundaries are defined by the implementation of MS Project Online and its associated components, as detailed in the previous project documentation. It encompasses deploying hardware and software resources, configuration, data migration, and user training. The project's boundaries extend from the initiation phase to the successful go-live of the system, excluding ongoing post-implementation support and maintenance beyond the initial project timeline.

Project Deliverables:

Deployed and Configured MS Project Online Software: The project team will ensure the successful installation and configuration of MS Project Online, incorporating relevant updates and patches.

Integrated Hardware Components: The project will involve setting up and integrating the front-end web server, application server, and SQL server to support the MS Project Online deployment.

User Training and Adoption: A comprehensive training program will be developed and conducted to ensure end users can effectively utilize MS Project Online.

Data Migration: The project will entail the extraction, transformation, and loading of data from the legacy system into MS Project Online, maintaining data integrity.

Communication and Change Management: A communication plan will be executed to keep stakeholders informed, engaged, and aligned throughout the project.

Project Exclusions:

Ongoing Maintenance: Post-implementation support, system maintenance, and updates beyond the initial project timeline are excluded from the scope.

Customization: In-depth customization of MS Project Online beyond the standard configuration is not within this project's scope.

Third-party System Integration: Integration with third-party systems not mentioned in the project documentation is excluded.

Hardware and Software Support: Continuous support for hardware and software beyond the implementation phase needs to be covered.

This Project Scope Document clarifies the boundaries, deliverables, and exclusions of the Implementation of the MS Project Online project. It reflects the outcomes of the planning phase and provides a clear understanding of the project's scope for all stakeholders involved.

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