31 Aug IHP 620 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
I've attached a final milestone template for everyone to use! The template follows the final rubric and is already formatted with the headings, font, and other formatting items.
The final paper help document pulls all the information from the rubric and directions together. You can use this information to tweak any information from your other submission and plug right into the template.
Please use your previous papers that were created in this class only, and revise as needed to plug into the template for your final paper. Milestone 1 was absorbed into Milestone 3. Please do not have a long introduction that is basically Milestone 1. The introduction is simply 3-5 sentence that introduces the topic. The conclusion is simply 3-5 sentences that summarizes the main points.
What to Submit
Your report should be in APA format and all resources and references should be cited appropriately. The number of pages is not as important as the content and quality of communication; however, a well-written, concise report will likely fall within the range of 8–15 pages, not including references and title page.
Attached is is:
rubric, final paper template, final paper help, miletones 1-3
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IHP 620 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
The healthcare industry is impacted by economic factors as heavily as any other industry; therefore, a microeconomic and macroeconomic perspective is important for healthcare management
professionals to have. The key is to determine what and how theories of economics and changes in legislation will impact healthcare organizations. Your assessment for this course, a policy
research and organizational analysis report, is divided into two parts. The �rst is an analysis of microeconomic and macroeconomic principles and their impact on healthcare markets,
healthcare service, and organizations. The �rst part will require you to apply the knowledge you have gained throughout this course, as well as to research current economic environments and
legislative changes to gauge the impact on the healthcare industry. The second part will require you to apply the results of your analysis from the �rst part to a U.S.-based healthcare
organization of your choice, as you discuss the impact of economic theories and legislative changes on the speci�c organization. You will make a few general recommendations for your selected
organization that will help them plan for and mitigate negative economic and �scal impact. These assessments will allow you to examine the relationships between economics, legislative
changes and policies, healthcare industries, and individual organizations, a skill that will bene�t you as you participate in the management of healthcare departments, organizations, and
You will select an organization for your second assessment and use the following resources to ensure that you will have access to the healthcare organization’s �nancial information:
DBHoovers, ProPublica, or American Hospital Directory. You will choose your organization in Milestone One for instructor approval.
This assessment addresses the following course outcomes:
Analyze how organizations utilize key microeconomic and macroeconomic principles to guide strategic planning and decision making in healthcare
Differentiate between nonpro�t and for-pro�t healthcare organizations in terms of monetary and �scal policy
Analyze healthcare �nancial statements through the application of demand theory and market behavior
Determine the impact of key economic legislative changes on healthcare policy
Analyze the relationship between economic policy and disparities in healthcare utilizing current research
Your policy research and organizational analysis should answer the following prompt: What is the relationship between economic policy changes, the market, and availability of healthcare?
How does this relationship impact speci�c organizations? Why do organizations in healthcare utilize economic and �nancial theories to guide strategic planning, and how do these actions
impact disparities of care?
Speci�cally, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Introduction: What is the purpose, scope, and subject of your report?
II. Economic Theories and Principles:
A E i Di iti A l th l ti hi b t th � i l ll b i f th i d t d il bilit f h lth i id ti f k t d d d th i
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A. Economic Disparities: Analyze the relationship between the �nancial well-being of the industry and availability of healthcare, in consideration of market and demand theories.
B. Economic Theories: What economic theories are most useful when applied to the healthcare industry and why?
C. Use of Economic Principles: Why do organizations utilize economic principles to guide strategic short-term and long-term decision making?
III. For-Pro�t and Nonpro�t:
A. Financial Differentiation: What differentiates for-pro�t and nonpro�t healthcare organizations �nancially? What characteristics of each type of healthcare organization make
the organizations different?
B. Economic Differentiation: What differentiates for-pro�t and nonpro�t healthcare in terms of economic policies and legislation? What key recent and current economic
policies impact each?
IV. Policy, Changes, and Disparities:
A. Economic Policy and Disparities in Care: Using current research and information (within the last �ve years), analyze the relationship between economic policy and disparities
in care. How are they connected? How do they differ?
B. Policy Changes: What impact do recent legislative changes have on healthcare economic policy in general?
C. Disparities Planning: Why are disparities of care factored into healthcare strategic planning? Explain your reasoning and provide examples for support where appropriate.
V. Organizational Impact and Recommendations:
A. Organization Introduction: What organization is the focus of your report, the sub-industry or type of organization it belongs to (home care, hospital, etc.), and what is the
�nancial background of the organization?
B. Nonpro�t or For-Pro�t: Is the organization you selected a nonpro�t or a for-pro�t? What differences will this make in terms of economic policy impact?
VI. Financials, Market, and Demand:
A. Demand Theory: Explain how demand theory is re�ected in the organizational �nancial statements.
B. Market Behavior Impact: Explain how and why market behavior affects the �nancial statements at various times throughout the calendar year for your organization.
VII. Economic Legislative Changes:
A. Legislative Changes: Considering the economic and legislative changes you researched, what changes are most likely to impact your organization, and why?
B. Policy Changes and Impact: Considering the legislative changes and type of organization you have selected, what possible organizational policies may result? Discuss the
possible resulting policy changes that may occur within the organization. What is, or will be, the impact of these policy and legislative changes on your organization?
C. Statement Impact: In what ways would you expect to see the �nancial statements to be impacted because of these changes, and why?
D. Potential Disparities: Would the legislative changes cause disparities in care that could further impact your organization, or that your organization could plan to combat? How
would you recommend planning for these?
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Milestone One: Propose Organization for Analysis
In Module Three, you will select the organization you would like to analyze in part two of the �nal project using the resources provided.. You will present your proposal to the instructor for
approval to ensure that you will have access to suf�cient �nancial information on the healthcare organization to complete the �nal project. This milestone is graded with the Milestone One
Milestone Two: Policy Research
In Module Five, you will submit a draft of your policy research report. You will apply the knowledge you have gained through the �rst half of the course, as well as research current economic
environments and legislative changes, to gauge the impact on the healthcare industry through this report. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.
Milestone Three: Organizational Analysis
In Module Seven, you will submit a draft of your organizational analysis report. You will apply the economic principles you have examined through this point in the course to your chosen
organization in this report. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Three Rubric.
Final Submission: Policy Research and Organizational Analysis Report
In Module Nine, you will submit your �nal project. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the �nal product. It should re�ect the incorporation of
feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be graded with the Final Project Rubric.
What to Submit
Your report should be in APA format and all resources and references should be cited appropriately. The number of pages is not as important as the content and quality of communication;
however, a well-written, concise report will likely fall within the range of 8–15 pages, not including references and title page.
Final Project Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Pro�cient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Introduction Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and
description is concise, without
super�uous detail, or the
quality of the introduction
establishes expertise in the
Describes clearly the purpose,
scope, and subject of the report
Describes the purpose, scope,
and subject of the report, but
with gaps in clarity or detail
Does not describe the purpose,
scope, and subject of the report
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Criteria Exemplary (100%) Pro�cient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Economic Disparities Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and
analysis demonstrates strong
analytical skills through
nuanced comparison of
Accurately analyzes the
relationship between the
�nancial well-being of the
industry and availability of
healthcare, using market and
demand theories as support
Analyzes the relationship
between the �nancial well-
being of the industry and
availability of healthcare, but
without market and demand
theory support or with gaps in
Does not analyze the
relationship between the
�nancial well-being of the
industry and availability of
Economic Theories Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and
the quality and detail of the
conclusions evidences keen
insight into the application of
economic theory within the
healthcare environment
Determines what economic
theories are most applicable to
the healthcare industry and
explains conclusions in detail
Determines economic theories
that are applicable and explains
why, but lacks detail or
Does not determine economic
theories that are applicable or
explain why
Use of Economic Principles Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and
explanation evidences keen
insight into the economic
impact of organizational
Logically explains why
individual organizations utilize
economic principles for short-
term and long-term strategic
Explains why individual
organizations utilize economic
principles for short-term and
long-term strategic planning,
but with gaps in logic or detail
Does not explain why individual
organizations utilize economic
principles for short-term and
long-term strategic planning
Financial Differentiation Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and
comparison evidences keen
insight into the �nancial needs,
requirements, and impacts on
and for the two types of
Accurately differentiates
between for-pro�t and not-for-
pro�t healthcare organizations
in terms of �nances and
organizational characteristics
Differentiates between for-
pro�t and not-for-pro�t
healthcare organizations, but
not in terms of �nances and
organizational characteristics,
or with gaps in accuracy
Does not differentiate between
for-pro�t and not-for-pro�t
healthcare organizations
Economic Differentiation Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and
comparison evidences keen
insight into the nuanced
relationships between the type
of organizations and economic
policies and legislation
Accurately differentiates
between for-pro�t and not-for-
pro�t healthcare organizations
in terms of economic policies,
legislation, and recent changes
Differentiates between for-
pro�t and not-for-pro�t
healthcare organizations, but
not in terms of economic
policies, legislation, and recent
changes, or with gaps in
Does not differentiate between
for-pro�t and not-for-pro�t
healthcare organizations
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Criteria Exemplary (100%) Pro�cient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Economic Policy and
Disparities in Care
Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and
analysis evidences keen insight
into the nuances of and varied
in�uences on the relationship
between economic policy and
Accurately analyzes the
relationship between economic
policy and disparities in care,
using current data
Analyzes the relationship
between economic policy and
disparities in care, but with
gaps in accuracy, or without
using current data
Does not analyze the
relationship between economic
policy and disparities in care
Policy Changes Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and
determinations provide a broad
view of healthcare economic
policy within the current
Accurately determines the
impact recent legislation
changes have had on economic
healthcare policies in general
Determines the impacts recent
legislation changes have had on
economic healthcare policies,
but with gaps in accuracy or
Does not determine the impact
recent legislation changes have
had on economic healthcare
Disparities Planning Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and
description effectively ties the
explanation to the real world
using examples and relevant
sources for support
Accurately describes why
disparities of care are factored
into healthcare strategic
planning with examples for
Describes why disparities of
care are factored into
healthcare strategic planning,
but with gaps in accuracy or
Does not describe why
disparities of care are factored
into healthcare strategic
Organization Introduction Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and
description is concise by
delivering key elements
without super�uous detail
Accurately and in detail
describes the selected
organization, sub-industry, and
�nancial background
Describes the selected
organization, sub-industry, and
�nancial background, but with
gaps in accuracy or detail
Does not describe the selected
organization, sub-industry, and
�nancial background
Nonpro�t or For-Pro�t Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and
summary evidences ability to
translate the larger view of
economic impact in healthcare
to the level of a speci�c
Determines whether the
organization is for-pro�t or
nonpro�t and accurately
summarizes the impact this fact
will have in terms of economic
Determines whether the
organization is for-pro�t or
nonpro�t and summarizes the
impact this fact will have in
terms of economic policy, but
with gaps in detail or accuracy
Does not determine whether
the organization is for-pro�t or
nonpro�t or summarize the
impact this fact will have in
terms of economic policy
Demand Theory Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and
evidences keen insight into
appropriate application and use
of demand theory for a
particular organization
Accurately describes how
demand theory is re�ected in
the organizational �nancial
Describes how demand theory
is related to the �nancial
statements, but with gaps in
accuracy or detail regarding
how the statements re�ect
demand theory
Does not describe how demand
theory is related to the �nancial
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Criteria Exemplary (100%) Pro�cient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Market Behavior Impact Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and
explanation evidences keen
insight into the nuanced
relationship between market
behavior and �nancial impacts
to an organization
Accurately explains how
market behavior impacts the
�nancial statements of the
organization at various times
throughout the year, and
explains why
Explains how and why market
behavior impacts the �nancial
statements of the organization
at various times throughout the
year, but with gaps in detail or
Does not explain how and why
market behavior impacts the
�nancial statements of the
organization at various times
throughout the year
Legislative Changes Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and
evidences keen insight into how
the current economic
legislation changes will impact
Accurately determines and
explains the recent economic
legislative changes that would
most likely impact the selected
Determines and explains the
recent economic legislative
changes that would most likely
impact the selected
organization, but with gaps in
accuracy or detail
Does not determine and explain
the recent economic legislative
changes that would most likely
impact the selected
Policy Changes and Impact Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and
evidences keen insight into the
nuanced impact of legislative
changes on healthcare
Logically determines the impact
the recent legislative changes
will have on the selected
organization and its policies,
with supportive detail
Determines the impact the
recent legislative changes will
have on the organization and its
policies, but with gaps in logic
or supporting detail
Does not determine the impact
the recent legislative changes
will have on the organization
and its policies
Statement Impact Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and
evidences keen insight into the
facets and factors that
in�uence �nancial statements
Accurately describes how the
�nancial statements are
impacted based on the
legislative and policy changes
Describes how the �nancial
statements are impacted but
lacks accuracy or necessary
detail regarding legislative and
policy changes
Does not describe how the
�nancial statements are
Potential Disparities Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and
evidences keen insight into the
continuously evolving
healthcare environment or the
unpredictable impacts of
legislation on speci�c
organizations and availability of
Recommends logical methods
to plan for legislative and
policy-driven disparities in care
to prevent further
organizational impact
Recommends methods to plan
for legislative and policy-driven
disparities in care, but they
would not logically prevent
further organizational impact
Does not recommend methods
to plan for legislative and
policy-driven disparities in care
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Criteria Exemplary (100%) Pro�cient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Articulation of Response Submission is free of errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and
organization and is presented
in a professional and easy-to-
read format
Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact
readability and articulation of
main ideas
Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of
Total: 100%
IHP-620 Course Paper 2
Title of the Paper
Economic Theories and Principles
Economic Disparities
Economic Theories
Use of Economic Principles
For-Profit and Nonprofit
Financial Differentiation
Economic Differentiation
Policy, Changes, and Disparities
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