Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Assuming that the project sponsor has formally authorized your project (from group assignment 4) and funding has been approved, now it is time to start your planning phase. Project manage | Wridemy

Assuming that the project sponsor has formally authorized your project (from group assignment 4) and funding has been approved, now it is time to start your planning phase. Project manage

 Assignment 1:

Assuming that the project sponsor has formally authorized your project (from group assignment 4) and funding has been approved, now it is time to start your planning phase. Project management is typically a team-based management methodology. For training purposes, however, the lab assignments will be completed individually. The objective of the lab assignments is to use MS Project to develop a performance measurement baseline (PMB). The PMB includes three baselines: the scope baseline, the schedule baseline, and the cost baseline.

Connections to the Course Learning Outcomes

  • Use Microsoft Project to develop a schedule, allocate resources to project activities, resolve resource allocation issues, set a baseline, and determine the cost baseline of a project.
  • Create project reports and evaluate project performance based on the baseline.


1. Create a new project file in Microsoft Project and use the “Save as” function to rename the file with your last name, your first initial, and your project title. Example: AlexisJ_EletricTruckProject. (1point).

2. Use the file Properties from the “Backstage” view in Microsoft Project to enter a brief description of the project objectives in the Comments field. Remember, project objectives must be SMART. Complete the other Properties as appropriate. (Hint: Go to File>Info>Project Information>Advanced Properties>Comments). (2points)

3. From the Gantt chart view, with the Entry Table applied, enter 20 deliverables for your project in the Task Name column, including some project management deliverables. Remember, typically, a deliverable is a component part of the project and is expressed as a noun/adjective – NOT a verb (Hint: see the lecture on project planning for examples). It is acceptable to breakdown your project into phases, and then deliverables and sub-deliverables. (7points). The 20 deliverables include sub-deliverables and work packages. A work package is a small deliverable.

4. If you have not done so, breakdown the deliverables of your project into work packages and enter them as subtasks under the deliverables. Remember, it is okay to combine a phase-based with a deliverable-based approach. In fact, you are encouraged to use the phases you created for your project earlier in the course. If you need a hint, refer to the lecture on scope management. (2 points)

5. Breakdown the work packages into project activities. Note that unlike deliverables, activities are the actual actions you need to perform to complete the deliverables/work packages or phases.  Activities are expressed as verb phrases. If you need a hint, review the lecture on schedule management. (6 points)

6. Use the “Indent/Outdent Task” command from the Task tab in Microsoft Project to create a hierarchy of deliverables/work packages/activities. This hierarchy will help you plan better your project. (1point)

7. Use the default WBS coding system in MS Project to code your WBS. (Hint: From the Format tab> Outline Number). (1point)

Note:  The total items in your project files should consist of at least 50 lines, including deliverables, work packages, and activities. Remember that planning is an iterative process.  You can always revise your plan as more information becomes available. Your project activities must be completely original – do not copy information from another source.  You will receive a zero score for any assignments that are not original.

Hint: Review the attached file to see how to structure your deliverables, work packages, and activities. Pay careful attention to the nomenclature.
PJM5900_WBS And Activity Example-1.pdf


Note: This assignment is to test your understanding of the difference between project deliverables and activities. Do not enter any information other than what is required to complete the assignment. For example, do NOT enter activity duration – do NOT enter resources. We will progressively complete the schedule and budget for your project. Microsoft Project Training Resources are available in Canvas>Modules>Microsoft Project Resources.

Save your work and submit your Microsoft Project file to your instructor via the submission link below. This assignment is due no later than Sunday of the EIGHTH week of the class. E-mail submission will be rejected.

Watch these videos before you submit lab assignment 1: to an external site. to an external site.

Assignment 2:


Interview your manager or any other leader in a current or previous organization.  The goal is to tap their insights, experiences, thoughts, and philosophy about leading and managing professional people.

Use some of these questions as guidelines for the interview:

  • What attracted you to this organization? (initial excitements, impressions)
  • What do you value most—about yourself, your job, the organization?
  • What are the core values of this organization, the key things without which this organization would not exist?
  • Recall a time when you felt most alive, involved, joyful, peak form, or excited: What made it an exciting experience?
  • What current project management practices serve you well?  Why?
  • What current practices, processes, or forms do not help?  Why?
  • What concerns do you have about project, program, or portfolio management in this organization? 
  • Describe successes and/or failures that contributed to your professional development..
  • What issues or topics are of most concern to you?
  • How may I help you or this organization perform better?
  • What leaders do you admire in the organization?  What do they do to attract admiration?
  • What is the most important piece of advice you would share to leaders or team members working on technical projects?

Summarize responses, your impressions, and impact on your own leadership style in a posting.  Comment on other posts.

Assignment 3:

 Search the Internet, your textbook, course material, or a textbook on organizational behavior for leadership and emotional quotient tests that allow you to determine your predominant style.Your character  strengths are the qualities that come most naturally to you and serve you best when leading and motivating others.  Complete the VIA survey at  https://www.viacharacter.Links to an external site. orgLinks to an external site. .  
How would you characterize your own leadership style, in terms of strengths, character, and areas for development?

Reflect on any insights gained about leadership, management, and yourself.

What is your Emotional Quotient? Does it help or hinder your performance?

Assignment 4:

Most of us have experienced organizational change, whether we were charged with leading it, part of the opposition, or were just along for the ride as employees. Think back to an experience you have had dealing with a changing organization.

Describe what happened, and then reflect:  How was the situation handled?  Could it have been handled better?  How well did it or could have followed the three stages of change (as described in the text book)?  What suggestions would you make to facilitate a smoother change?  Were any ethical issues involved?

Comment on the narrated Slide Set–Leading Organizational Change–in this section which describes a path for implementing change management.

Based also upon the leadership continuum concepts presented in the Slide Set, what leadership approaches are active in your organization? How might the approach be changed when applied to technical projects?

Note: Deliverables or work packages and activities are never at the same level of the hierarchy.

Deliverables Sub-



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