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Management ethics

12760The body of your paper: (5-6 Pages total in length)- Show me that you are attempting to support your thoughts with key material from our reading material AND outside sources:

Answer the following five questions:

1. What are some of the most common forms of unethical behavior in our workforce today? How could leadership in organizations help to minimize this ethical misconduct? Explain and support your positions with relevant course content and outside sources.

2. As our businesses have developed over the last 100 plus years, have our modern day businesses evolved to be more ethical today? What are some of the factors that helped you come to your conclusion? Take a position and support your thoughts.

3. Would you describe the financial meltdown in our 2007-2008 financial markets as a failure of “people” or of our “capital market processes”? Why? Support your thoughts with ethical theory and examples. Use our library for added research if needed.

4. Tell me about why diversity and discrimination are two important ethical factors that leaders should focus on while attempting to manage their workforce? Provide one example of how mismanaging these issues have had an impact on an organization. How would you explain the importance of these to your employees?

5. Are corporate outreach and company sponsored volunteer programs a good idea for organizations to implement? Why? From an ethical leadership perspective, why would you choose OR not choose to implement these programs? Use course theory and specific examples to support your conclusion.

I attached 2 pdfs from our course work to reference from

Save your review as Last Name-Week #8 Paper.doc

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If your turnitin score is above 24% please revise for a lower score and resubmit. Once resubmitted to the assignment area and the score is still higher please email (not message) this instructor.

I will check the AI score as well. This score should be 10% or below. Students can use AI to generate research ideas only. Please do not include ANY cut and past information within your assignment from an AI source as it will be flagged. If any student has an AI score of 1005 this means the entire assignment was AI generated and an automatic zero will be earned along with a report of plagiarism to the university. Please do not let this be you. Do not include ANY AI researched information in the project NO exceptions!!

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